All Chapters of Revenge Of The Gifted Luna : Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
50 Chapters
Lucy“I’m here, Teck.” He said into the phone.We were outside the fence. After his efforts to calm me down, I was better. He really did have a way of soothing my anger.“Yes. She’s with me.” He replied to something this Teck guy said over the phone.Probably he was asking who I was.“We can go in now.” He informed, taking my hand. He led the way and soon we were coming out of a lift and stepping into a room packed with gadgets I was sure only this Teck could understand.This place looked like the lab of a secret, brilliant yet crazy scientist who was trying any and every experiment he could find.I saw him. I knew he was young, specifically his age but nothing prepared me for the extremely young, innocent looking face staring back at me.The kid could easily pass for nineteen or even eighteen.“Boss.” He greeted Armando. Then to me, he waved shyly. “Hi.”“Hi.” I waved right back, easing his obvious discomfort with a smile.“He’s not used to being around people. Especially women.” Arm
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Lucy"How can I have a twin sister, Armando? I'm an only child." I did not want to believe it.No, there was no way. I had no sister at all."She looks like you, Lucy.""People look like people all the time Armando, big deal.""Why are you denying this?" He was staring at me, observing me."Because you're not even sure. How do you know I have a twin? It's not even the picture of an adult but a little fourteen year old." I retorted.All my life I had thought I was alone, I had even come to get used to it. So how come I was suddenly alleged to have a twin?Not just a sister but a twin?! Ha! Unbelievable!"Who looks every teeny bit like you!" He argued."And how would you even know that?! You have not seen a picture of me when I was young.""Still, Lucy. Even you can not deny the resemblance. She's just like the mini you. And remember, we're trying to pursue a mystery here and the broader our minds are, the more information we will have.""Useful information, not crazy ones." I knew he ha
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Lucy“This is fucked up. So many mysteries. I don’t even know where to start from.” I paced the length of Teck’s place.Answers were important but , these was surely not what I expected.“I know but it’s better than no answers at all. At least we’re making headway. We just have to prepare ourselves for a long journey of discovering and fighting our way out of this one.” Armando sounded very confident.“Boss, someone is trying to jump through the fence.” Teck notified Armando who quickly turned to watch the screen.“Who do you think they are?” I asked.“I don’t know, they are masked.” Was Armando’s reply. “But we have two options right now. Jax or Seth. They are the enemies who have shown themselves to be one.”“Is this person stupid? The fence is quite high and would be impossible to jump through without touching the barbed wire.”But to my surprise, this person jumped through but before they could go any further, the laser from the fisheye had been projected on them and they were spl
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Lucy“I’m sorry, kid.” Armando began to apologize as soon as we stepped feet into the house.It had been a long night and while I hadn't been prepared for an ambush, the drive had been smooth and silent. Mostly silent.“It’s nothing.” His tone was too low to be perfectly heard but also too sad to be ignored.Armando went to him and I stood a few feet to watch. There were few men standing guard around the mansion.“I know how much that place meant to you and I know the time you have put into making it yours. I promise to get you another place to make yours, though I have a place for you here and you’re always welcome to stay for as long as you want to.” Armando was good with this kid.“My months of hard work. All gone.” He was on the verge of tears but I liked the anger to the sadness, if only he would completely get rid of it.Better to be angry than sad. I could deal with anger but sadness was a feeling I was really accustomed to.“Hey, it’s okay.” Armando soothed and hugged him.He w
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Double Couple
Lucy"I'm yet to call my men." He picked up his phone.I was getting ready for bed. Yes, I was passing the night in his room and I should get used to it because I knew he would prefer I spent it with him than in my room."For what?" I walked buck naked into his closet to choose a shirt.He was clad in a towel. I spotted the row where he had his pajamas arranged. I picked a black one and passed him the bottom while I wore the top."Matchy matchy ehn." He wriggled his brows.Feigning annoyance at his teases, I went to grab the pajama pants from him, he merely kept it out of my reach and kissed my nose, chuckling.I narrowed my eyes. The phone in his hand was ringing. "Wait, babe."He had it on loudspeaker.I buttoned the pajama top I was wearing. It was very comfortable as every quality, expensive material was. I folded my arms to watch him."Good evening, boss. I was just about to call you." Someone said from the other line."What's the update?" Armando's eyes were on me. I could not e
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LucyArmando and I made our way to the torture room. As soon as we stepped in, my anger surged through. I saw him. He was already tied to a chair.The torture room was so big it could contain even the maids I saw there. The girls were tied and were made to sit on the floor.Some were already crying. The others already had dry eyes but distraught looks in them. One could tell the crying ones had been at it for long now.But they were not why I was here. It was the man who had betrayed my trust when I had gone to him for help.“We meet again, Dr. MacKennan.” There was always an empty chair in scenarios like this so I dragged a nearby one towards me and took a seat opposite the quiet man.“What do you want?” He asked, his stare held defiance.“Well, someone has developed quite the spine.” I said in my coldest tone.“I don’t care what you do to me. I’m relieved that my family is safe.” He retorted.“You bastard!” Armando growled and before I could see it coming, he breezed past me and lan
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Second Chances
ARMANDO“Please I’ll talk, I'll tell you everything you wanna hear, don’t hit my wife, please. She doesn’t know a thing. Please, let her go.” He cried as soon as he saw us walk in.I rubbed the back of Lucy affectionately. She raised her face and passed me a smile though I could tell she was still very angry, as she deserved to be.“Go and get your answers.” I encouraged her.She did not bother with the seat anymore. She bypassed the man’s wife who was still tied to the chair and whimpering as soon as she spotted Lucy coming her way.But Lucy paid her no mind and went straight for the husband, taking the whip with her. “Talk.”“The Alpha came to me and I lied when I said he forced me. I was working for him for the money.” He began, his ‘bad boy’ demeanor was gone.I could almost laugh at how pathetic he was at the moment.“What was the aim?” Her expression was stoic and mean.Even in my shirt that looked big on her and her denim, she still managed to maintain that ruthless appearance
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Lies and deception
Lucy“I’m ready.” Teck was coming down the stairs.Armando and me turned in unison to observe him. He was carrying a small bag that I guessed was housing his laptop.“Ready for what?” Armando inquired, watching curiously as he reached the base of the stairs.“To go with you.” He replied casually.Armando and me exchanged looks. It was the following morning, Armando and I had set out to find the truth concerning this whole crazy saga and put an end to it once and for all.It was going to be a long journey ahead so we didn’t actually know when we might be back. Armando had made plans for shelter and our small travelling bags had been taken to the car by one of his men.“Do you know where we’re going, Teck? You can not go with us.” I was the one who spoke this time.“I don’t care. But I know it has some connections with whoever that’s responsible for my home destruction. I want revenge too.” The glint in his eyes were those of determination.“This is not a child’s play, Teck. What we’re
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The Boarding School
LucyHe continued driving. “I must see to this. This has become personal.” He muttered angrily.“But how? Was she really your mate? How did you know her? Did she tell you she was married?” I was so confused at this point. It would seem there were a lot we didn’t know. Teck leaned forward to get back his computer and silently went back into his own world of research and whatever smart nerdy hackers did.“Yes. My wolf can not be deceived. Zara was my mate. It perceived her even before hers perceived mine, just like it happened with you.” He cast me a glance. “We met at a party and there she was. The second she entered, my wolf scented her. It took her minutes to know it. She never told me she was married. She told me she was raised in an orphanage and finally got adopted by a wealthy family, that was all. I…” He trailed off, the look of confusion on his face drew sympathy from me. “I understand what it’s like.” I said, infusing the sympathy I really felt for him.“Do you? Really, Luc
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The True Story
Lucy"I can not believe this is you. How have you been? Your adoptive parents?" She had ushered us into her office which was neat and tidy. When Teck had done background check on her, there had been no pictures, just her name and the address of her orphanage."Uh..." I didn't know what to answer. My heart was racing in apprehension? Nerves? Fear? What was it? Was Armando right? Did I have a sibling out there? "We're here for answers, Miss Fegrin." Armando spoke up.She furrowed her brows in puzzlement, her gaze glancing back and forth at Armando and me. Then her green eyes settled on me. "What is wrong, Luciana?"I was suddenly felt tongue-tied. This was the moment of truth, why was I not speaking? Was I suddenly scared of finding the truth? "She's not Luciana. Her name is Lucy." Armando replied."You do know short for Luciana is Lucy right?." Miss Fegrin said, she leaned forward, propping her arms on the desk before her. "Although she did not like being called Lucy. It was always
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