All Chapters of Revenge Of The Gifted Luna : Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
50 Chapters
LucyI woke up to a bout of headache threatening to pound my brain into oblivion. My eyes adjusted to the lights. My gaze fell on a blurry figure. I shook my head to clear my vision but instantly regretted it. The armies in my head were determined to fight to the end.It was Armando. He sat quietly staring at me. To be honest, it was more of a glare.“What happened?” I asked, massaging both my temples gently.“You didn’t listen, that’s what happened.” His response was calm but the anger beneath was barely concealed.“But I…”“But nothing Lucy? But nothing?” He cut me off sharply.I was left speechless. I winced in pain as the war in my head continued to progress quite ruthlessly.“Do you have aspirin?” I inquired when I could no longer endure the pain anymore.He opened his drawer, my eyes caught sight of the music box which immediately transported my memory back to that ambush.He threw a tablet at me, I caught it mid-air and peeled three from their capsules and threw them in my mout
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Double Cross
Alpha Jax“My love, p-please.” Tasha begged, tears flowing freely down her beautiful face.“My sweet little Luna, you hurt me so badly.” I watched her wiggle her naked body on the bed of our matrimonial room.I had her hands cuffed on either side of the bed, after having her locked in my dungeon for a week and only just released her.I still wanted her, no doubt but she was going be punished. I was going to make sure she never tried cheating on me again.I flexed the long, thorny whip in my hand. With each whip in the air, Tasha recoiled in abject fear and trembled.“I told you, we didn’t do anything. N-nothing happened. H-he only…”“Seduced you, I know. So you’ve said. But you’re lying, Tasha. One week in the cell and you’re still lying to my face? Haven't you learnt anything yet”.All the more reason that bastard should die and thankfully, Lucy had finally had the sense to put an end to his life.“Y-yes, t-then you s-should let m-me g-go.” She pleaded, tears still running out of her
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Shocking truths
Lucy“Maybe you should stay back and rest, Lucy, leave the doctor to me, I'll handle this personally.” Armando said like a suggestion but I somehow noted that he was giving me no room to make a choice.Well, he was in for a surprise because I was coming along no matter what. Ignoring him, I slid off the bed. I was still quite down but I would not let him know.“You look like you could throw up any moment from now or even worse trip and fall hard on your face.” He said staring at my face in observation.“Whatever you say, Armando, it won’t stop me from coming with you.” I walked to the mirror latched on one of the doors of wardrobe in the room.I steeled my spine and walked barefooted to the check myself out. I almost did fall flat on my face, I could not tell if he caught that almost humiliating moment.“I’ll get you something decent to wear.” He shook his head and walked out of the door.I studied my appearance and winced in self-pity. My poor body had been battered more than it had
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The interrogation
Lucy“No, you must be mistaken.” I stood against the protest of my body. I was really weak. And the trembling state of my body could not be helped. I was at loss for words.“I’m not lying. It’s him.” The doctor insisted. He turned as much as his tied body would allow him to see if Armando still wanted to chop off his ears.“I knew that bastard was never up to any good.” Armando spoke with venom, as he slowly stepped away from the doctor a bit.“B-but w-why? Why would he do that?” My gaze met Armando’s. Then to the doctor. “Tell me why.”“He didn’t tell me.” He was still in fear and apprehension but he was still trying to keep it under control.“You expect me to believe you have no idea why the Alpha would ask you to slowly wipe my memory?” My hands were fisted by my side.“I didn’t want to do it at first because it was dangerous. Inducing amnesia with the use of drugs lead to mental issues. I told him about it but he insisted. Threatened me even. I had to do it to save my family and m
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ARMANDO“How’s she Dani?” I inquired standing at my garage, situated beside the luxuriously huge building, trying to decide which of my motorbikes to use.Danielle had come to meet me there. “She’s getting better. Just needs more sleep and rest.” She patted my shoulder. “You never really told me how you met her.”I shrugged, momentarily forgetting about bikes and going out to pay focus to her. “Just in the most unusual way possible.”“So, she’s like Tasha?” She asked.“No, she’s…wait, how do you know there’s a Tasha?” I quirked a puzzled brow.She merely laughed. “Hey, who’s your buddy again?”A puzzled smile spread my lips. “But I can't remember telling you about her.”“Not directly,but most times I'm always there when she calls. Well not always, mostly there. And she’s one clingy woman.” I walked out the garage into the garden taking small strolls with Danielle around my compound.“Forget about Tasha. It’s over, that's all in the past now.” A small frown etched my forehead.I ha
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Lover problems
Lucy"Where have you been?" My gaze immediately went to the bags Armando walked in with. "You went shopping?"He shrugged, walking further into the room. "Yeah. Decided to get you some stuff. You need clothes."I lacked words so instead I offered a smile. "You shouldn't have.""But I wanted to. If you're going to be staying here, you...""Going to be staying here? What do you mean staying here, I can not...""Can not what, Lucy?" His expression told me he was ready to argue this to the end of the world with me. I heaved a sigh when I realized that beneath the annoyance clouding his features, there was concern and the need to protect me. "I know you're worried about me and...""Yes?" He probed."I'll stay."A big grin spread his face. "Now that's what I want to hear.""But only for a few days." I added."I only heard you saying you're staying. Whatever you said next was discarded before it could reach my ears." He beamed.I chuckled. "Crazy you.""That's right. Crazy about you." He le
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LucyFor two days Armando was absent. Not coming to see me. I knew he was very angry and these past two days had given me the opportunity to think and decide.I was wrong and I would apologize. I had realized that without him these past few days, I wouldn't have been able to survive without his help.My home was no longer safe, and he was right about that, he had done the right thing by helping me take the bags of money out of there.I waited for him. I was better now. I would wait, I had no idea when he would return but I would sit out here and wait.As soon as I saw the gate open, I stood and watched him drive in. "What are you doing out here?" He asked, surprised to find me outside after parking the car at the garage ."Waiting for you." I told him. "It's cold and your health...""I'm sorry." I cut him short. "I'm sorry for my attitude earlier. You've been nothing but helpful and kind. While all I've done is be a bitch.""Hey, it's okay. I'm not angry." He cupped both sides of m
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Something fishy
LucyShe lifted herself up from the floor. Her eyes flashed her wolf, she wanted to shift and that infuriated him all the more.Armando's eyes were no longer his. They belonged to his wolf's and to be honest, it was worth the scare. Blazing red with fury, even I knew I must tread with caution. "Calm down, Armando.""You were filming me?!" His voice reverberated through the whole house. I could say I felt the house shake beneath my feet."Who sent you?" He asked the girl."I can't..."Before the girl could complete her defiant statement which was already obvious what she wanted to say. Armando angrily lunged himself at her and before my very eyes, his wolf claws were slashing the girl's neck."Armando!" I cried out.But he was far too possessed by his wolf to listen. As though slashing her neck was not enough, he drove claws into her heart and tore apart."Laia possess me." I sent a message to my wolf.It was the only way he would listen. Wolf to wolf.I felt her take charge. I went t
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Lies and distrust
Lucy“But why kill her when she could have easily applied and worked as an undercover?” This night could not get anymore strange and exhausting.My nice dinner plans with Armando had been ruined because of yet again another mystery that must be solved.“Because she knows there’s no vacancy. Our boss hires a specific number of workers and once he reaches the limit, he closes the room for vacancy.” Vikan patiently explained, still holding the dirty necklace.“Put that in a Ziplock and bring to me.” Armando ordered the guy. “And this phone too. I’ll take it to him myself.”“Yes boss.” The Vikan guy went to do as his boss had instructed.I watched Armando go pick up a key from a small shelf where he had keys to his vehicles hung.“Going somewhere?” I eyed him.“I’ll send in some men to come stay with you.” He closed the shelf.“First off, will you be going like that? You’re covered in the girl’s blood. Secondly, I’m going with you.” I ensured my tone was firm on the second statement.He m
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No smoke without fire
Lucy"There's no need to apportion blames at the moment. The good thing is we now know. So we have the upper hand, my men will accost him on his way." Armando said."What about his family?" I asked with a sense of curiosity."They should be with him, I guess." He said.A troubled hiss left my lips. My phone rang then. I brought it out of my pocket. "Talk of the devil.""Jax?" He quickly glanced at my phone."Yes.""Pick it." He suggested."I don't know what to tell him. Maybe he already figured it out. I'll just return his money and since he has signed the freedom document, I'll still be free, I guess." I reasoned.Armando merely chuckled. "And you think that will work with Jax? He really wants me dead which was why he was ready to sign your freedom so long as you do the deed. He won't let you go if I'm not dead. Pick that call, Lucy, don't make it more suspicious than the situation already is.""Alright." I sucked in a breath, bracing myself for the worst and picked the call. "Hello,
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