All Chapters of The alpha rejected me: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
42 Chapters
Chapter 21
AliceHow did this mess happen?That's what I asked myself after all the toner ink from the printer fell on me."Oh, my Goddess! I can't believe there are people so dumb until I saw what you did. I told you toner shouldn't be shaken," Rina said, and I held back a rude response.Minutes earlier, I had returned to the office and tried to print. I wanted to understand the printing system because I had never used it before in my life, and it felt like something surprisingly new. The problem was that nothing could print, so I struggled a bit with the printer until I had to call Rina.I told her I didn't understand why the sheet wouldn't print, then she asked me if I had checked the toner. Having no idea what it was, she proceeded to explain to me in a very condescending manner. She was specific in saying that it wiggled before setting and taught me how to set it so it wouldn't bother anyone else and now that this had happened, she was coming out with this nonsense."But you had told me—""
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Chapter 22
AliceHaving those interactions with the Alpha felt right, but at the same time, they were wrong.The worst part was that I didn't know how he had realized that I hadn't had any of the concoction that day until he brought it to me and, with a spoon, tried to give it to me himself. That embarrassed me too much, more so when Beta came into the office."I'm not going to leave you alone until you drink the concoction, and, just as you said you were going to see to it that I rest, I promise I'll see to it that you take all the medicine you need to get your she-wolf back," he said in a solemn tone that gave no room for refusal.I looked at the Beta in an attempt to get him to help me, and the man just smiled."I'm sorry, but he can't save you from this one. Jackson is right. It's best if you take the brew at the right times to make you better, and your she-wolf always helps with everything. Don't you miss running through the woods and going hunting?"The question struck a chord with me, and
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Chapter 23
JacksonBella's plan had been a resounding failure.Just seeing the way Alice was ignoring the signs that I was trying to be romantic was laughable. I couldn't believe I was in this situation, but maybe that was what I was gaining by playing along with my sister."She's going to love it, and she'll understand as soon as she sees it."That was what Bella had said, but there Alice and I stood in the greenhouse, feeling like the plan had blown up in my face in a way I didn't see coming. If my best friend were here, she'd be laughing her head off at my failed efforts.I had to be patient and pray that the Goddess would bless me with the presence of Alice's she-wolf so she could recognize me. I just had to prove to her that I was not like the person who rejected her, the one who dared to shatter her heart in the worst way.Still listening to the details of the medical examination made me want to burn it all down, but that was not the time to spill out my rage. On the contrary, it was an oc
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Chapter 24
AliceI had spent one of the best nights of my life, so how I went from being near the fairy hallway to my bed was the great unknown of that morning.Most curious of all, I was shoeless and warm."What happened last night?" I asked aloud and was denied because there was no one to answer me.I got up to go to the bathroom and then remembered that I had fallen asleep on the wolf of the Alpha's wolf. I smiled then because I would never have thought that creature, which could be so scary, would turn out to be genuinely sweet and funny.The only logical explanation for her getting home safe and sound was the Alpha.So I saw the time, and when I realized I was running late, I cursed to myself and hurried immediately. Half an hour later, when I arrived at the big house, Enya was waiting for me with tea and breakfast served."Has the Alpha eaten yet?" I asked her right away, and she smiled."You say good morning before you ask anything, but yes. The Alpha left early because he needed to organ
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Chapter 25
JacksonSomething in Alice changed as she listened to the conversation.It was clear to everyone in the room when we felt her heart racing, but I couldn't help her until the council was over or she felt extremely ill. So I did the only thing I could do while paying attention to the counselor's response.I grabbed her hand away, and she squeezed it tightly."You can't go by hearsay," said Councilor Clark, who was sympathetic to some old and archaic customs and from whom I was not surprised by that answer. "You have to have evidence for that.""He has a sorceress controlling the herd with him," my Beta said right away, and that surprised the man. "According to reports, the sorceress not only does what she wants, but she has acted harshly with pack members, and they have given public demonstrations of chastisement. And while we know that these practices should be reviewed internally, the Southern Pack signed an agreement not to perpetuate this kind of torture, because that's what they ar
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Chapter 26
AliceI realized something was wrong the moment they stopped clapping for me.It felt abrupt, and I just shook it off, then adjusted my dress, which was a bit disheveled, and that's when I realized the rejection mark was showing.I swallowed saliva and ignored the stares.And I guess the Goddess was benevolent because the man who was with the Alpha sent them back to their posts. Then he walked over to me along with Jackson."May I know your name?" he asked respectfully."Alice," I replied measuredly."Your full name," he asked, and that made me look at the Alpha."Alice Bruin, that's what she's called here in the Northern Pack, and there's no argument about it," the Alpha said, and the man frowned."I didn't mean to be intrusive; I just wanted to know if you happened to be related to the man who helped us create these training circuits. He was one of the straightest, smartest, most loyal men I've ever met, and the way you made the run smoothly made me think of him."I shook my head an
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Chapter 27
JacksonThe question was sincere.I didn't want to beat around the bush with her too much, and I wanted to know what I really had to go by regarding how she saw the future. I hadn't stopped to think about it until that moment, when she was objective in thinking about her needs.Whether I liked to admit it or not, I was thinking about what she needed based on her trauma and not what she genuinely wanted.I had to be honest and set the record straight."I don't know," she said, her voice serious. "The truth is, I don't know. Part of me wants to be alone because the trust you have to put into believing in someone is great. I took it for granted and ended up broken both physically and mentally. And when there are parts of you that are broken, you're never the same again, so that's why I don't know; if that happens, which I doubt, I'll see what I could do in that case, but the first thing I have to make sure of is that this man is a good person."Her words were harsh, but those last ones s
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Chapter 28
StefanThe trail of what happened to Alice vanished completely.I killed a few men who stood guard the day she disappeared, but no one knew anything, and it ate at me for days. So I drained all my rage at the training center for the rookies. I beat them to a pulp to let them know what level I was looking for."Alpha, if I may say so, you're overdoing it with the newbies," Ariel said, and I raised my eyebrows."How is it possible that I'm overdoing it with the newbies?" I asked in my lethal voice."Because you're terrorizing them," Dalia mused. "You already sowed dread in the populace; you shouldn't sow it within your new soldiers. They already know what awaits them if they don't do the right thing and align themselves with your ideals and rules; you don't need to let them know you're going to be so cruel when you should be training them to be the best. You should gain their trust and incentivize something different than what you've been doing."Hearing her made me frown, and Ariel sig
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Chapter 29
AliceThe loneliness in the office was hitting me in a way I didn't know how to explain.Two days ago, the Alpha and Beta went with part of the Pack Council to an emergency meeting at the Species Council to be held in the Central Pack. I knew very well the reason: Stefan.I had been nervous at the thought of being asked to go as part of my personal assistant duties. I was so nervous that Bella noticed it and questioned me about it, but I just said I was remembering things from the past and that I needed space to get over it. Something she respected, but it made her look at me with some suspicion.And I realized that she was too perceptive for her own good.I didn't want to lie to anyone, much less the Alpha, but I was preparing for it in case she told me I should go; only that indication never came, if even as an invitation.The night before he left for Central Pack, Jackson continued our routine of preparing dinner together and gave me precise directions on all the chores I was to do
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Chapter 30
JacksonStefan was a world-sized jerk.He was showing off like a peacock in front of the Species Council members, talking about all the virtues he had, how powerful he had become, and the improvements he wanted to make to the system. I could tell right away that he had approached the six most easily captivated members, those who didn't hesitate to smile if I paid enough attention to them, so I didn't doubt that the captivating young man had been looking for dirt on those councilors so he would know how to approach them.One glance, and I could read his performance with ease.I had wanted to be as unbiased as possible, not wanting the past to be any impediment, but the man wasn't letting me off easy. He was too obvious and open with his lust for power, and the fact that his wife, Circe, was the one cajoling the rest was even an amusing fact if it weren't for the fact that he knew well her father's wiles and the way he had pitifully raised her.She, with a sly smile, came over to say he
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