All Chapters of The alpha rejected me: Chapter 41 - Chapter 44
44 Chapters
Chapter 41
AliceI woke up with a terrible headache.I felt like thousands of needles were going through my brain, and the worst thing is that the urge to vomit came back to me immediately. Blessed be the Goddess that someone understood my discomfort, so they brought me a bucket, and I couldn't help emptying my intestines into it.After doing so, I opened my eyes fully and was aware that the one helping me hold the bucket was Enya, while the doctor and the healers were on one side, Rita on the other, and Bella was trying to smile unsuccessfully.Something was wrong.I then looked around for Jackson, and when I didn't see him, my anxiety increased a thousandfold."What's wrong?" I asked before throwing up again.They patiently waited for me, and when I felt I had emptied my stomach completely, Enya pushed the bucket away and handed me some water that tasted like complete glory to me."Come on, say what's wrong," I said now wearily before lying down on the bed at once.Everyone looked at each othe
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Chapter 42
AliceThe road to Cuburua, the corner of the sorceresses, seemed to be endless.It was a long way from the Northern Pack, so the journey took many more days than I could have imagined. And that was all chaos, in which I would get weak, vomit, and get sick, and we had to make strategic stops in order to rest.Every day, my physical energy seemed to drain, and Jackson would go into crisis.One night, when they thought I had fallen asleep, Enya spoke the words I most dreaded hearing, ones that could become a terrible reality."She's not well at all; holding on to a salvation is good, but you have to know that there's a chance Alice might not survive.""If that happens, I don't know what I'm going to do, so I don't want to think about that possibility," Jackson said, and I held back the urge to cry.The poor guy had been such a gentleman, but the reality was that he was taking on responsibilities he didn't have, and I didn't know how to push him away when I was scared shitless myself that
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Chapter 43
AliceI was to take two full days of bed rest while the matriarch prepared the spell I needed to do to break the seal of my powers. According to her words, it was not something simple; it required good preparation to get everything right, plus I had to take another potion to help alleviate the discomfort in my body.The problem was that the potion tasted disgusting and made me want to vomit."I can't drink this," I said, then sniffed it again."You have to do it for you and the baby; come on," Jackson said with urgency.The man had become my primary caretaker, to the extent of arguing with the sorceresses about my treatment. He had alluded to the fact that no one would have the patience to take care of me like he did, and he was right; the truth was that he was too careful and took my requests into account.Enya was amazing, but Jackson was a thousand times better.They couldn't blame me for having him to myself; the reality was that I couldn't deny him anything, so I accepted the spo
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Chapter 44
AliceThe surprise filled me completely. I couldn't believe how good I felt and how blissful it was to have Selene back with me. However, some fear crept into my system when I didn't understand what was going on."What do you mean by coven?" I asked the matriarch."In order for your power as a primary sorceress to be stable, we had to consecrate you to this land, which makes you a sorceress belonging to our coven," she explained, and my eyebrows rose."What does that mean? I have no notion whatsoever of what it is to be a sorceress; if I harass, I know the term exists; it's from history books, much less imagine the responsibility that could come with becoming a primary sorceress.""I'll put it bluntly, but not so rudely: enshrining yourself in a specific land means that land will receive your magic at the moment of your death."That sounded creepy.It's not bad; it's part of the cycle of magic, and it's a practice of the Goddess herself, Selene said, and that calmed me down."What oth
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