All Chapters of Forbidden Embrace : Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
86 Chapters
chapter 62 Pillow Fight
Chapter 62 Pillow FightRaven wakes up the whole house seems different, as Scuttlebutt purs next to her wanting loves....*So you have finally found out about your mate?* scuttle asked her.*What do you mean?* Raven asked. *Don't be silly, hooman, I know things!* Scuttle says as he sharpens his claws on the bedpost.*Do you really think he's my mate?* Raven asked he just rolled over for belly rubs. *hoomans are weird, we just mate with any female* he smiles at her which looks deadly.*Lucas? you up?* Raven asks through their mind-link.*Yeah, what's up?* he says, lying, because she just woke him up, he searches for his grey sweatpants. *Scuttle just told me that Niklaus is my mate! I'm kinda freaking out that my cat knew this and I kinda knew it was true but what am I supposed to do now?* she asked.He walks into her room and gets in bed with her and Scuttle. "Ok sis, don't freak out! but we all had a long talk about this last night after you fell asleep" he reveals."What? you al
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chapter 63 Making Plans
Chapter 63 Making PlansRaven's eyes sparkled with curiosity as she asked Niklaus, "So, I didn't even know vampires had mates." They sat together on the porch swing, watching the sun set into the horizon.Niklaus's gaze softened, his voice filled with nostalgia. "We are Mayan hybrids and we have a unique gift. Our Native shapeshifter side grants us the privilege of the mate bond, a deep connection that transcends mortal love." He paused, his eyes locking onto hers. "Sarah, my first mate, was the love of my life. I risked everything to save her from Shade's clutches, but fate had other plans."Raven's heart went out to him, sensing the depth of his pain. "I'm so sorry, Niklaus," she whispered. As she held her locket she felt a warm pulse coming from it, she knew that Sarah approved of their bond. And that Lyra was with her telling her all about us and our struggles and triumphs.His eyes never left hers, filled with a love that seemed to span centuries. "But then I found you, my seco
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chapter 64 Sophia's Joy
Chapter 64 Sophia's Joy"Can you shift too?" Sophia asked Sam, her voice barely above a whisper, as they sat together on the creaky garden swing, surrounded by blooming flowers and the sweet scent of blooming magnolias.Sam's eyes sparkled in the fading light of day. "Yes, we've always been able to shift, but in the old days, our kind preferred the form of bats. As hybrids of two different shifter bloodlines, we've evolved to take on many forms now, unlike the wolves, who are bound to their single shape." He smiled, his gaze drifting into the past. "We've come a long way, Sophia. evolution at its finest."Sophia's smile mirrored his, her eyes shining with excitement. "I know how Karma felt before she transformed. I feel it too, the restlessness, wanting to be what you admire in others." Sam's expression turned sympathetic, and he drew her into a gentle hug. "I know you do, Sophia. It saddens me that you won't feel the mate bond like I do. but I'd like for you to hold off on doing wh
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chapter 65 Betrayal
Chapter 65 BetrayalKie and his secretary Nadia, have been living on his yacht for the last three months and he needs a change of scenery..He's been thinking about what his Father said and he's right, he made the call to file the papers to set her free. He's happy for her and his Father and knows his father will adore her for eternity. Now he has to find his own path in this life, he will always love her.. but it's time to move forward... The demands of being King are getting to be too much. As he tells Nadia that he's decided to give up the throne, he notices a frown on her face. Then she becomes distant. Two days later he wakes up to find her packed up and gone. She didn't even leave a note. Kie being annoyed decides to head out to sea.He calls the captain to plot a course to somewhere he has never been..As they exit the harbor, "Captain, I'm open to wherever the winds take us," Kie says, sipping his wine on the upper deck. "I can't stay here any longer, and the thought o
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chapter 66 Call to Raven
Chapter 66 Call to RavenStaring out of his bedroom window, Kie's eyes gaze, fixed on the horizon, his mind racing with the possibilities. He knows Raven is the only one who can calm the storm that is raging within him, she's the only one who can help him navigate through his anger.*Raven*Raven looks at her phone. "It's Kie" she says to Niklaus."I'll give you some privacy, love. He needs you, he's desperate, or he wouldn't have made the call" he kisses her forehead as he leaves the room."Hello," she says."Raven, please don't hang up!" Kie's voice is barely above a whisper, his vulnerability exposed. "I need your help, your guidance. I can't do this alone." He pleads.Raven's sultry voice answers, "Kie, what's wrong?" The concern in her tone is palpable, and Kie's eyes close, his grip on the phone tightening as he trys to continue..The line goes silent for a moment, and Kie's heart skips a beat, soaking in her calming voice.... wondering if Raven will be willing to talk. Then
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chapter 67 Going Home
Chapter 67 Going HomeKie feels better after talking with Raven and calls his feeder to join him in his bed, while he feeds, what's left of Kie's tension and anxiety begin to dissipate, replaced by a sense of relaxation and calm. The soothing sounds of the waves and the gentle rocking of the yacht lull him into a state of tranquility, his thoughts growing hazy and distant.With his feeder snuggled close, Kie's eyelids grow heavy, and he surrenders to the allure of sleep. His arms wrap around her, holding her close as he drifts off into a dreamless slumber, the rhythmic motion of the waves and the warmth of her body lulling him into a deep and restful sleep.The feeder, sensing his relaxation, snuggles closer, her own eyes closing as she feels his body relax. Together, they ride the gentle waves, lost in a sea of tranquility, their bodies swaying in harmony with the motion of the yacht.As the night wears on, the stars twinkling above, Kie and his feeder sleep peacefully, wrapped in
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chapter 68 The Islands
Chapter 68 The Islands As Sam Walks in with several boxes of Pizza, the atmosphere is filled with laughter and chatter. Raven beams with joy, surrounded by her loved ones. Sophia hangs up her call with her mom and joins them, handing out slices of pizza. The aroma of melted cheese and fresh toppings fills the air, making everyone's mouth water. Lil Sarah toddles around, excitement radiating from her tiny frame, as she clings to her favorite toy, a small stuffed rabbit. The guys plop down on the sofas, luggage momentarily forgotten, and dig into their pizza slices. Niklaus sits beside Raven, their eyes locked in a warm gaze, both savoring the moment. "It's great to have everyone together again," Niklaus says, his voice filled with contentment. Raven smiles, her eyes shining with happiness. "It's where we all belong – together, safe, happy, and loved." The group raises their slices in a silent toast, the warmth of their bond palpable in the cozy space. (She recognized Kie's att
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chapter 69 Home
Chapter 69 HomeAs the "Midnight Eclipse" docks, the pier erupts in a frenzy of cheers and applause. The crowd surges forward, eager to catch a glimpse of their beloved King and his family. Aurora, with her wild curls bouncing, runs along the pier, her eyes fixed on Sam and Sophia. She flings her arms around them, tears of joy streaming down her face.Next, Brent and Lil Sarah are swept up in a warm embrace, followed by Bella, Karma, and Matt, who are all beaming with happiness. The crowd roars with delight, chanting their names as the Island girls place lays around their necks with kisses and hugs. Karma looks Back at Raven and Niklaus with happy tears in her eyes.Finally, King Niklaus and Raven step off the yacht, hand in hand, their faces radiant with joy. The crowd goes wild, cheering and whistling as they make their way along the pier. Niklaus raises his arm, acknowledging the adoration of his people, while Raven smiles graciously, her eyes shining with tears.As they reach th
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chapter 70 The Pull of the Mate Bond
Chapter 70 The Pull of the Mate BondAs they enter his chambers, Raven sees a beautiful, intimate space that reflects Niklaus' warm and inviting personality. The room is dimly lit, the Moon casting a glow on the rich, dark stone walls. The canopy bed, adorned with plush velvet pillows and delicate lace, beckons invitingly. and the sweet scent of blooming magnolias wafts through the air. "Are magnolias native to the islands?" as she looks around and checks out the balcony.He walks up behind her. Niklaus chuckled, his eyes crinkling at the corners. "No, my love. I had them brought in, because, their scent reminds me of you, and I dreamed of this moment every night since the day I first met you, and here you are in my arms and if you're willing.... in my bed with me tonight?" he doesn't even give her time to think as he turns her to face him, his lips taste hers." their hearts race in unison. Niklaus' tender touch ignites a fire within her, melting her fears and doubts away. His loving
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chapter 71 My Mate, My Queen
Chapter 71 My Mate, My QueenAs they woke to a gentle knock on the door, Niklaus' smile grew wide. "Enter!" he called out, his eyes sparkling with his love for her."Your coffee and breakfast, my King," their servant announced, she she rolled in the breakfast cart. "Would you like it in bed or at the table?" she asked."Here," he said because they were both still nude.She Places his folding breakfast tray over his lap and then goes to the other side with Raven's tray. She stands and waits....Raven's eyes fluttered open, and she inhaled the aroma of freshly brewed coffee. "Did you sleep well, my Queen?" the servant asked, fixing her tray over her lap and handing her a steaming cup of coffee with a sweet smile.Raven's gaze widened in surprise. "Did she just...?" She turned to Niklaus, who nodded, his eyes shining with amusement.As the servant bowed and departed, Raven stammered, "B-But I'm not a queen."Niklaus' lips brushed against hers. "You are now." He took a sip of his coffee,
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