All Chapters of Forbidden Embrace : Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
86 Chapters
chapter 72 Game of Quarters
Chapter 72 Game of QuartersThe summer seemed to fly by, and none of them wanted to leave Raven behind, Niklaus called a meeting about what was on everyone's mind, "I know you all want to stay, and I'd like that too, I can rebuild what you all had back home, here. Sam, the islanders have never ridden in a limo before, we all use beach buggies here, your business will thrive here and Aurora would be thrilled to have you both stay. As he turns to Lucas and Brent, I am well aware of your abilities and would be honored to have you both in charge of my security! Sophia is clapping her hands hugging Aurora, as he turns to the kids, We do have a campus here our College is top-notch, and you all can transfer in no time at all." the noise of them discussing it is with great joy and plans.. and they all Nod yes to Niklaus. "Then That settles it! You all are home! they are all smiles, as they head back to their rooms and unpack...Niklaus, Raven, Lucas, Brent, and Sam took a trip back to New Or
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chapter 73 Leilani
Chapter 73 Leilani After a month at sea, they arrive in Maui, ready to explore its stunning beauty, relax in overwater bungalows, and create unforgettable memories. The journey may have been long, but the adventure was worth it!As the Yacht docks off the pier, they all walk down the ramp, where some islanders have gathered to welcome them with Lays. Kie was the last one down the ramp, and the most beautiful girl he had ever laid eyes on, walked up to him with a Lay Kie stepped off the ramp, and his eyes met those of a vision in beauty. Leilani approached him with a graceful smile, a fragrant lay in her hands. "Mr. De'Lacroix?" she asked her voice like music.Kie nodded, his heart skipping a beat as she drew near. Her fingers brushed against his shoulder, and a jolt of electricity ran through him."Hi, I'm Leilani," she said, her eyes locking onto his. "We spoke on the phone."Their gazes held, and time stood still. Then, in perfect unison, they both whispered: "Mate."The world a
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chapter 74 Island Interviews
Chapter 74 Island InterviewsNiklaus asked Sam why he didn't bring back his limos when they went to New Orleans, "Well, to be honest, I sold them." I have a better plan. Sam confided in Niklaus about his dreams of flying again, and how a helicopter would revolutionize his business, transporting people and supplies between the islands and the mainland. Niklaus, intrigued by the idea, When he purchased the island a long time ago, it came with a heliport. He used it a few times when he flew in his supplies. The helicopter, however, needed repairs, and Niklaus offered to help Sam fix it or get a new one. "That I can do," Sam replied, "..and if it's okay with you, I'll ask Jameson to lend a hand. He and his wife will love it here and I'll need a co-pilot." Niklaus agreed and Sam placed a call To Jameson, who was overjoyed to hear from him, he could hear his wife in the background all excited, "Yes! Let's do it!!" she encouraged him. So they made plans, Sam would give them a few weeks to
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chapter 75 Sam's Dream
Chapter 75 Sam's DreamA week passed, and the day of Sam's new helicopter's arrival finally came. Sam's excitement was overwhelming... as the sleek, jet-black aircraft landed on the remodeled helipad. "She's a beauty!" he exclaimed, his eyes shining like a kid on Christmas morning. The helicopter's blades whirred to a stop, revealing a spacious cargo hold. "This baby's got it all!" Sam couldn't contain his enthusiasm, and His Mom couldn't help but be infected by his joy as she hugged her son with pride in her eyes. "I can't wait to show Sophia when she gets home from school!" he is overjoyed. Standing next to his mom, they stare at his dream. She hugs her son she is so proud of what he has become, as she watches him climb into the pilot seat his eyes shinning brighter than any star, "Come on Mom, let's take her a test flight around the islands," he helps her climb aboard to sit next to him as he buckles her in.As Sam lifted off, he and his mom felt their hearts soar. "Whooo-hooo!"
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chapter 76 The Dive
Chapter 76 The Dive*Kie*Over the past month, Kie and Leilani had been inseparable, their love growing with each passing day. They spent hours strolling along the shore, hand in hand, watching the sunset paint the sky with vibrant hues. Leilani shared stories of her childhood on the mainland, her laughter and tears captivating Kie's heart. In turn, Kie opened up about his family, telling her about his daughters Bella and Karma, and his father, King Niklaus and Raven, his voice filled with love and pride.As they walked, the ocean breeze carried the sweet scent of Maui, with the sound of waves gently lapping against the shore creating a soothing melody. Kie couldn't get enough of Leilani's radiant smile, her bright eyes sparkling like diamonds in the fading light. He felt like he'd found his soulmate in her, and every moment they shared only reinforced that feeling.That morning, Leilani asked him to go with her on a scuba dive to check out the reef as they suit up and board her boat
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chapter 77 A Walk on The Beach
Chapter 77 A Walk on The BeachSam calls Jameson, "Good morning, you ready for work? I have a load to pick up on the Mainland."Sam and Jameson's arrival back from the mainland is perfectly timed, as Sophia's belly is growing bigger by the day. The excitement is high as the crew helps him unload the packages they had ordered, Niklaus and the guys get to work assembling the beautiful crib.Raven's eyes light up as she helps hang up the adorable baby clothes Sophia had ordered, and her observation about the color scheme is spot on! "So, you're having a boy. Have you picked out a name yet?" she asks, her smile directed at Sam.Sam's face lights up with a warm smile, "Actually, we haven't Sophia wants to wait to see his face first, she says then she'll know what his name is.." He glances at Sophia, who's sitting comfortably on the sofa, her hand cradling her belly. "We can't wait to meet our little one." she is radiant. Sam can't help but feel pride in his growing family.The room is fill
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chapter 78 Naki's Secret's
Chapter 78 Naki's SecretsNaki's eyes locked onto Brent's, her voice barely above a whisper. "My mom never revealed my dad's identity, not even to her own pack. But Niklaus, my adoptive father, flew in a specialist, Dr. Brooks, who only treats non-humans. , Because I got sick and no one could figure out what was wrong with me, She did a lot of tests and figured it out." but before she could say anymore..Brent's smile was knowing, his eyes crinkling at the corners. "I know Dr. Brooks. She saved my life," he remembers back when Shade almost killed him.Naki's jaw dropped, her eyes wide with disbelief. "What? How?"As Brent shared his story of the club explosion and Shade's attack, Naki's eyes never left his face. She sipped her wine, her thirst for his story far greater than her thirst for the wine."Holy shit! and I thought my life was messed up, damn!" she sipped her wine craving more of his story. As she snuggled into him, his heartbeat was comforting.As they cuddled together, Naki
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chapter 79 Lucas' News
Chapter 79"Good morning, Lucas," Raven says softly, her voice husky with sleep, as he walks into the kitchen, his eyes scanning the room for her. "I thought I heard someone lurking in the kitchen," he teases, his smile warm and playful.As he wraps his arms around her in a gentle bear hug, Raven feels a sense of comfort and security in her big brother's embrace. "You look like you're ready to take on the day, Rae," he says, using his childhood nickname for her. "Like the sun just burst through the clouds."Raven's giggle is a melodic symphony that fills Lucas's heart with joy, her eyes sparkling like diamonds in the morning light. "I feel like I'm floating on a cloud, and I never want to come down," she whispers, her voice barely audible over the gentle hum of the coffee maker.The aroma of freshly brewed coffee envelops them, rich and inviting, a blend of Jamaican coffee beans and foamed sweet milk with a touch of Marshmallows blended with the ocean breeze from outside. The warm sun
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Chapter 80 Leilani's Help
Chapter 80 Leilani's helpFive months later...Leilani shakes Kie awake, her eyes wide with urgency. "Kie, wake up! There's a hurricane headed straight for your father's island!"Kie's eyes snapped open, and he was already reaching for his phone, his movements swift and precise. "Dad, it's a category five! The strongest one in history!" he exclaims, his voice laced with worry as he paced the floor talking with his Dad.Leilani's eyes are fixed on Kie's face, her expression mirroring his concern. "Do they have anything in place to shield them from the storm?" she asks, her voice tight with anxiety as she waits for him to respond.Kie's conversation with his father was intense, their voices rising and falling in a rapid exchange. Finally, he turns to Leilani, his face grim. "Raven, Lucas, and two other shamans have put up a shield, but it may not be enough. The hurricane is predicted to hit at a category five, with winds of over 180 miles per hour!" his voice cracks with emotions his m
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Chapter 81 Safe Harbor
Chapter 81 Safe HarborAs the helicopter comes into view, the Islanders erupt in cheers, alerting Niklaus and Raven that Sam has arrived. They rush to the helipad, eager to reunite and get to work. Hugs are exchanged all around, with Kie and Raven sharing a warm embrace before he introduces her to Leilani. The two women smile at each other, their eyes shining with mutual respect, and share a tight hug.The winds are picking up, they need to hurry.. everyone is rushing around carrying creates. Niklaus after hugging Kie and Leilani shows them the base he had cemented and coated with liquid steel to house the Glass enclosure in the exact dimensions that she requested. "This is perfect!" she yells and points to her teams... "Let's get this done now before the rain bands come!" she orders.Suddenly, they see Aurora running towards Sam, her hair flying wildly in the storm's winds.. "Hurry Sam, Sophia's in Labor!" she cries, her voice urgent. Sam's face sets in determination as he and Rav
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