All Chapters of Billionaire's Famous Doctor Fiancée: Chapter 131 - Chapter 140
153 Chapters
Chapter 131 Meeting Zayn again
The maid,Nica sighed softly, distressed by the woman in front of her.All those years of keeping things inside and grieving alone!Her pale hand gently patted the back of Zara’s hand and comforted, "Miss, it's a good thing that the young masters have all grown into adults very well! It's also a happy thing to accidentally meet up with young master today, let bygones be bygones, you have to heal.”Zara smiled helplessly, "I know, Mrs. Nica, after so many years, l've also long since let go of what happened.”She was fine the way she was now! She was content to see her son again today!Zara looked out of the window at the high bright moon, suddenly remembered something and turned to ask Nica.“Have you heard of anything happening within the Island.Why did the son and daughter-in-law come to the Ancient Clan?And how did they get in?”Zara thought of a certain possibility and secretly shook her head gently again.She felt that it couldn't have been Fernando who had told her son about his e
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Chapter 132 Reconsider
So she continued to ask, "Will you still go back home?Grandpa Vega and the others are worried about you.”Zayn turned his head,he looked grave, and slowly spoke, "My father,he…”Sebastian stood aside and glanced at Zayn.He knew that this guy, in his heart, was actually worried about the condition of the toxin in Grandpa Vega’s body, and was guilty about what he had done.The man raised his eyebrows and spoke rather proudly. You don't have to worry or blame yourself,the old man doesn’t blame you for anything, and the toxins in his body have all been removed by my wife."His wife's medical skills were pretty impressive.When Zayn heard this, he unconsclously stretched his eyebrows, and the stone in his heart finally fell.Luckily,Grandpa Vega was fine, otherwise he would never have been able to forgive himself for the rest of his life!“Andrea, thank youl" Thank you for saving Grandpa Vega’s life.You also saved mine by saving him.•After Zayn finished thanking Andrea, he rested his gaz
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Chapter 133 Zara and Julius
Although this old man in front of him, gave him a very special feeling.But if the other party was that kind of unreasonable person, he himself would not have to be polite with him anymore, and he was not afraid to make a feud with this Island.Giorgio’s gaze landed on Sebastian, seeing that the man was covered in a powerful aura and had a handsome appearance, he looked very familiar.He sighed silently, how good it would be if this kid was from his family!There was a moment of silence.Giorgio was the first to withdraw his gaze and lowered his voice, "My Clan has a personal grudge against Fernando Munoz, however, don't worry, I won't let him die.”As the head of a clan, since he had promised this girl, he couldn't go back on his promise, not to mention that he hadn't gotten to the bottom of those things that Fernando had done backthen.Andrea’s eyes narrowed slightly, feeling that there was something odd about this!Grandma once mentioned to her, this old man was not a brutal and u
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Chapter 134 Seeing Fernando
"What?"Zara listened to Julius’ words and was somewhat in disbelief.Suddenly, she thought of something, her cool eyes staring at Julius as she continued to ask."You told my father about what happened between Fernando and I?"Otherwise, why didn't her father let Julius hand over the antidote to save Fernando.There was only one possibility, and that was that this person in front of her, had talked to her father about what had happened between Fernando and her, and that was why her father had refused to save him.Julius turned his eyes, his expression slightly helpless as he explained.“Zara, since Fernando has found his way to the Ancient Clan, do you think you can still hide him from your father?""Besides, I don't think there's anything wrong with your father knowing about him.”That Fernando should also pay the appropriate price for hurting her.Zara’s fists clenched tightly, the corner of her lips hooked up in a piercingly cold smile as her gaze swept icily towards Julius."Very
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Chapter 135 Unbearable to watch
"Don't lie to me anymore, I know that you and Nadine are married, not to mention that your daughter is all grown up now.”"I am also no longer the Reina that I once was,I’m not even called Reina anymore,it’s Zara now,you should recuperate from your injuries in the next few days, and when I get the antidote to remove the poison from your body, you should leave this place."Fernando still had his arms around Zara, and his hands couldn't help but tighten even more, afraid that this woman would run away.He continued to carefully explain, "Reina, l've already divorced Nadine,Nadine and I, since the beginning, never had anything together.""I fell for her trap in the past, and also,Camila, she's not my daughter, she's the child of Nadine and the manager of that hotel at the time.""In this life, my wife is only you, and I only have two children with you."He had never loved anyone except her.At those words, Zara was a bit shocked, and even more so, she felt that it was unbelievable."What
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Chapter 136 The search
When Andrea saw Elias closing his eyes,she couldn't help but laugh out softly, so she didn't continue to joke about it.She suddenly looked serious.Immediately, her eyes looked at Elias and said, "Brother,my husband and I will go show our faces at the party and leave, then we would go to Giorgio’s house to look for the antidote, and by the time the celebration is over, you'll come back, no need to wait for us."Elias was a little upset when he heard this."I'll join you guys."He has no interest in the party.Sebastian glanced at him and spoke nonchalantly, "Brother-in-law, you'd better be present and enjoy the Clan's customs.If all of us disappears,the chief might suspect something.Maybe, in a group of beautiful women, you can even find a wife, and by the way, when Giorgio asks, you can also make a sloppy mistake for us."“As for finding the antidote, it's better if Andrea and I goes."Andrea held back her laughter and glanced at the man beside her, realizing that hewas absolutely r
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Chapter 137 Getting caught
On the other hand, the scene of the celebration.Not long after Sebastian and Andrea left, Julius came to Giorgio’s side.The man's tone was doubly concerned as he asked, "Chief, why didn’t Zara come over tonight? Is she not feeling well?"Ever since Zara left his house yesterday, Julius has had a bad feeling in his heart, feeling as if something was about to happen.Giorgio sniffed and leaned back slightly in his chair.He looked around and indeed found no sign of his daughter, and the old man's steady eyes narrowed.She had said she would come over later, why hadn’t anyone seen her for so long?“Maybe she has been delayed by something and will arrive later." Giorgio looked as normal and casually answered him.Julius smiled, "Alright.”Meanwhile, Julius glanced the servants in Giorgio’s courtyard in the crowd.He stared at the servants in the crowd, and then a thousand flashed through his mind.At once, the man's heart soured a little more.“Fernando,what is it about you that makes h
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Chapter 138 That incident
"We were just getting the antidote."They shouldn’t be blamed for this!He was the one who changed his mind.But the antidote had been hidden very well by him and they couldn’t get it.At the same time,Julius, who was not far away, was staring at Sebastian from a close distance.His deep eyes narrowed slightly as he looked at the two people in front of him,Sebastian and Zara, feeling that some truth was about to come out.For a moment, Julius couldn't help but scream inwardly, suddenly feeling tensed.Why was this man in front of him so similar to Zara, could it be that he was she and Fernando son?Julius didn't want to believe it, he reassured himself in his heart that it was just a resemblance, not necessarily her son.Giorgio listened to the man'd reply, those icy cold sights stayed on Sebastian, and in his heart, he strongly suppressed the anger that was about to erupt.The old man's fists clenched as he let out a cold laugh, his tone thick and tinged with shock.“You brat, you're
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Chapter 139 When all is over
In fact, she and Nadine had known each other since their university days and she had vaguelyseen that Nadine adored Fernando.Only, she never took that incident to heart and trusted Fernando, she just didn't expect Nadine to be so crazy afterwards.Hearing this, Sebastian was afraid that his mother was still misunderstanding Fernando and quickly opened his mouth to explain."Although.Dad was at fault for that incident in the first place, he was also a victim, in fact, nothing happened between him and Nadine, it was all planned by that woman."Andrea was also a little anxious, these two people must not misunderstand each other anymore.She added, "Yes,my husband investigated the incident and everything’s certain,nothing ever happened with Dad and that woman."When Zara saw her son and daughter-in-law looking so nervous, she couldn't help but slightly lose her smile, and her heart was moved again."I know,I had already been to see your dad and he told me all about what happened back th
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Chapter 140 Elias meets Zara
"I see that you are quite intelligent and have good abilities! I hope that you will often take the time to come to the Ancient Clan in the future to take care of things for me, I'm getting old and it's time for me to enjoy the pleasures of my old age."Since he had such a wonderful grandson, he had to build memories with him.Sebastian helplessly held his forehead.Upon hearing this,Andrea blinked her eyes and looked at her husband, her small mouth raised upwards, and she immediately responded."No problem,no problem at all."She thought he was going to have to tie down her husband here, but it was only that much.Andrea thought about the future seclusion in this paradise-like place, she was instantly quite happy.It was just so much better than her little village,Well, it was quite the bargain!Sebastian looked at the joyful little woman beside him and spoke softly,"Wife, have you forgotten that your husband is still in charge of the Munoz Group?" Plus the Night Wolf Organization.
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