All Chapters of Billionaire's Famous Doctor Fiancée: Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
153 Chapters
Chapter 61 Kill me
Before Carolina could react, she received a heavy slap from Andrea.“I remember telling you that if I hear Sebastian name out of your mouth again,I would make you never speak again, remember?"Carolina was a little dizzy from being slapped, she reached out and wiped the blood from the corner of her lips, and she wasn't the least bit timid about facing the woman's cold expression.She was broken, and she considered herself unlucky to fall into the hands of this bitch!When she thought about how the people she sent last time failed to get rid of this woman, she was very upset!She couldn’t believe this woman's life was so hard to ruin.Not only did this woman take away the man she loved, she ruined her,completely.She now hated to Andrea to the core!"What? You're pissed off? But it can't be helped! Sebastian and I knew each other first!" Carolina continued to provoke with her words.Andrea sat down with her legs crossed on the chair, her expression could not be seen as joyful or angry,
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Chapter 62 Discharged
Paula threw the bag on her towards the sofa, leaned on the sofa, and spoke meaningfully, "That old man went to rest so early.It's so rare!"When she lived here before, she realized that Rico liked to worry too much.Sofia laughed out softly at her words, then got up and pulled the two to the dining room."Andrea, you must be hungry! Dinner's been made already, come and eat!"Andrea looked at the hot meals on the table, all of which she liked to eat, and her heart warmed.Yesterday afternoon,she had told Sofia she was coming back tonight, she did not expect her to prepare a meal for them so late, and had been waiting for her in the living room."Thanks!"Paula looked at the table of food and instantly felt hungry, she immediately scooped up a bowl of soup and took a sip, contentedly raising an eyebrow towards Sofia: Sofia, you are so sweet! Love you!"Sofia scratched her head,awkwardly as she listened to her words.Andrea and Paula were a little tired after the day's flight, so after d
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Chapter 63 A deal with Luca
Andrea went to Grandma Violeta’s room to give her acupuncture.Grandma Violeta had a great time with a group of young kids at dinner tonight.Twenty minutes later, she looked at Andrea, who was collecting needles for her in front of her, and really liked her more and more! The smile on her face could not be contained.She was really surprised that this girl was not only a professor in a famous school, but also had a good medical skill!The old man had a good eye! He knew he had chosen such a good daughter-in-law for that bastard!When she died,she would brag about it to the old man."Andrea, why are you so capable?To be able to marry you, that punk is really lucky!" Seeing that she was busy with the things in her hands, Grandma Violeta pulled the person to sit beside her.Andrea smiled shallowly, feeling that the old woman in front of her was really cute, and also made her feel warm in her heart."Grandma, he's fine too!"He was very good, at least to her!Grandma Violeta looked at he
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Chapter 64 Too many questions
Luca stifled his laughter, and his demeanor still looked a bit embarrassed.“Actually,it’s not something difficult,It's just that I want you to pretend to be my girlfriend and just accompany me back to deal with the old man at home."Paula’s head spun as she listened to him, she secretly excited.She didn't expect it to be so simple, just now, looking at Luca’s expression,she thought it was such a difficult task!"OK, no problem!"Paula pretended to think for a moment, rested her cheek on her palm, and continued, "Price-wise, you'll pay me one hundred thousand dollars! You’re an old customer, so I won't charge you much!"After all, she had screwed him over last time, so they could be even now!Luca shook his head and let out a light laugh as he looked at the little money-grubber look, and he raised an eyebrow, "Okay, deal!"Not long after, Paula smiled and looked at the collection information in her cell phoneShe just earned another 100,000 bucks from this guy.She cleared her throat
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Chapter 65 Karaoke
“And mom, what time is it?Why don’t you go to the kitchen to see how dinner is being prepared! Don't starve my girlfriend!"After Luca finished speaking, he looked at Vanessa who was eating an apple at the side, with a serious look, "Nessa, don't chew the cud in front of my girlfriend! You are a student and even if it’s the holiday,you can consider going to the company to follow Dad as a small secretary, get busy and stop bothering my girlfriend!"Paula was instantly shocked and coughed a few times when she heard him call her his girlfriend in one breath, so intimately and smoothly.Oh, my God! In terms of acting skills, she couldn’t even compare to this dude!Luca watched her cough and reached out to help her pat her back, then again, he poured her a cup of water and fed it to Paula’s mouth."Come on, come on, hurry up and drink some water, don't choke!”The others looked at him and laughed again.Mr Diaz held the cane in his hand and blinked his eyes, that old face was very pleased!
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Chapter 66 Bright light
Seeing her expectant face,Andrea’s could not bear to refuse, so she agreed."Okay.I'll ask Paula to join us.”That girl might be interested.Half an hour later,the three of them sat down in a Karaoke , and Paula was full of excitement as she went to play a song."Oops! It's been too long since I sang, so I'm going to have a great time tonight!"Isobel opened the beer on the table, took a sip, and hurriedly said, "There's still me! The three of us will have a good time tonight!"Seeing how happy the two of them were, Andrea leaned towards the sofa, "Good, then I'll be your audience!"Isobel and Paula each held a microphone, utilizing their mike potential to the fullest.After the two of them sang ten songs in a row, they felt like they needed a drink of water to moisturize their throats, so Paula handed the microphone to Andrea."Andrea, let's have a song!"Andrea took the microphone and raised her eyebrows lightly, “Okay!"A few moments later, as soon as she started singing, she direc
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Chapter 67 Mateo
"This is a picture of me and my husband when we were young, and it was the first time we were photographed together! At that time, I refused to go to the photo studio, but the old man said that he wanted to leave behind good memories between us, so he coaxed me there."Andrea looked at the photo of Grandma Violeta when she was young,she was both beautiful and dignified, while Grandpa’s eyes were basically on Grandma Violeta.She laughed softly, "Grandma, I'm sure Grandpa loved you very much!""That's true, the old man did pamper me back then, letting me do nothing!" Grandma Violeta had a smile on her lips, and didn't hide it at all.She then pulled another photo album out."This is all the pictures of Sebastian when he was little, from birth to when he was in elementary school, but sadly he hasn't been photographed since his mother died."Andrea opened that photo album and flipped through it one by one, and when she saw her own husband sitting in the stroller wearing crotchless pants
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Chapter 68 The call
Sebastian’s expression couldn't be seen as joy or anger, he stared at Mateo expressionlessly and opened his mouth indifferently, "Whose child is Camila?"Mateo instantly froze,his heart thumped, and he continue to play dumb: "Of course,it Fernando’s.Everyone knows that.”Back then, the photos of Fernando and the Nadine naked in a hotel room were posted on the Internet, and when Grandpa Munoz found out about it, he became furious and suppressed the matter at the first time with a thunderous tactic.The old couple of the Munoz family love their daughter-in-law,and because they were worried about their daughter-in-law, who was already pregnant,they were scared that she might have an emotional breakdown when she finds out what happened, so they made sure she didn’t see the news that day.When Mateo finished speaking, he felt the air freeze as a cold sweat broke out on his back.Sebastian’s deep eyes swept towards him like sharp blades, exuding an air of indifference.He slowly got up and
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Chapter 69 Anything for you
Andrea raised her eyebrows lightly and smiled, "I’ll do anything for you.”Sebastian gently caressed her hair and spoke meaningfully beside her ear, "I’ll thank you properly later.”Andrea shuddered for no reason as she listened to the man's low, deep voice coming from her ears, then she glared at him."Okay, let's listen to that call now."Sebastian lowered his head and pecked the woman on the cheek, "Okay.”When he finished speaking, his finger clicked on the contents of the call that had been recovered on the laptop."Hello?" A gentle female voice came out, with some noises around it.Sebastian’s deep eyes sank slightly when he heard that voice in his memory."Reina,it's me!""Nadine?"Nadine’s soft-sounding voice came from the other side of the phone, "That's right, it's me! I didn't expect you to still be this familiar with me, I'm very happy!""I have nothing to say to you, I'm hanging up." The woman's obviously displeased voice came over the phone.Nadine continued, "Reina, I k
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Chapter 70 Finished
"What is it?" Fernando’s voice on the other side of the phone was not cold.Camila covered her cell phone and spoke in a low voice, "Dad, you should hurry back, there's something going on in the house, Sebastian brought people to the house to hurt mom."On the other side of the phone, Fernando was puzzled and was about to ask about the situation when the phone was hung up by Camila.******Downstairs.Nadine obviously didn't expect Sebastian to make a move like this without a care in the world, and she held back her anger.“Sebastian, how dare you hurt me, I'm your stepmother, what kind of disrespect is this?"Sebastian looked at the ring in his hand, turned the ring ring, and spoke expressionlessly, "Continue!"The men rained more slaps on NadineNadine saw that neither soft nor hard would work, and directly cried out, "HELP!SOMEBODY HELP!SEBASTIAN IS HURTING ME!”Sebastian’s eyes narrowed dangerously, the corners of his lips hooked up wickedly as he abruptly pulled out a silenced gu
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