All Chapters of Billionaire's Famous Doctor Fiancée: Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
153 Chapters
Chapter 71 The love of his life
Sebastian sat in the middle of the room, as domineering as an emperor.He raised his eyes and saw Nadine’s fearful and uneasy expression,she looked paralyzed like a dead dog, and opened his mouth in contempt: ''What?You’re not denying it anymore?”After saying that, he made a wink towards Bruno.Bruno nodded and immediately released another recording from his cell phone.Soon,Mateo’s voice came from the cell phone, and in the recording,Mateo clearly confessed that Camila was not a Munoz, but his and Nadine’s child.After listening to that recording, the gagged up Camila on the side directly froze! Her whole being sat on the ground dumbfounded.She could never have imagined that she was not a child of the Munoz family! Rather, she was an outsider.Camila shook her head, her face full of tears, she didn't want to believe it was true, and she couldn't accept this fact!Nadine could no longer feel the pain from those wounds on her body at this point, she knew that her life was over!She h
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Chapter 72 Showing off
Time rolled around and a week passed.That afternoon,Sebastian rushed home from work early, then picked up Andrea and went to the Cinema to watch a movie together.The wind at night is slightly dry.Under the neon lights, the two of them walked along the street curb with their fingers clasped together, just like a normal man and woman coming and going,it was cozy and sweet.“Sebastian,why did you think of watching a movie tonight?" Andrea stopped and turned to stare at Sebastian .There was something different about this man today.“Baby, don't you like it?"Sebastian rubbed her white cheeks, seemingly aggrieved, and continued, "We haven't even had a movie date together before, I want to experience it.”In the morning at the office,he saw the dating guide for both Raphael and Isobel in the groupchat and he was a bit surprised to realize that there was such a thing as going on different places for different memorable dates.He hadn't been on a date since he and Andrea had been together
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Chapter 73 So warm
After Xavier heard this, he sat up straight and said with dissatisfaction, "Really?!why didn’t you ask me to join you in watching the movie! Recently the cinema has several new movies that have just been released,the trailers of all of them are mind blowing!”Grandma Violeta stared at Xavier, gritted her teeth, and directly smashed a pillow in her hand towards him."You brat,Shut your mouth.”Born of the same mother and father, how come this kid's IQ was so low?!Sebastian’s face which had a smile instantly darkened a bit as he stared at Xavier with a smirk."You want to follow my wife and I on dates?”Xavier saw that his oldest brother's expression was a bit cold, and he quickly shook his head.How did he accidentally piss this guy off again?”“No…no…I just said that off the top of my head!" He immediately said with a cheeky grin.When he finished, he looked at his cell phone again and feigned a yawn.“It’s getting late.I should go get some sleep.”Seeing Xavier running out of the li
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Chapter 74 In a coma
Andrea leaned on Sebastian’s arm,pursed her lips, and slowly opened her mouth, "Seb,I want to tell you something?""Baby, what is it?tell me.”Sebastian was happily playing with her hair.Andrea turned her head, pecked the man on the chin and smiled, "Grandpa Vega is my grandmother's elder brother, he's very sick right now, he's in a coma in the hospital, I want to go to the countryside with Sofia tomorrow."After Sebastian heard this, he didn't say anything.The countryside was not far away, it wasn’t close either, and the old man's disease was likely to be cured in a day or two.Sebastian thought of being separated from his precious wife, and immediately his heart ached.After a moment, he sighed softly, "Fine, then I'll go with you.”When his grandfather was alive, he had a deep friendship with Grandpa Vega, and since that old man was now seriously ill, he should go over to visit him.After Andrea heard this, her good-looking eyebrows filled with smiles as she stared at him, "What a
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Chapter 75 The condo
It seems that this girl was even more powerful than he imagined, the team of experts in this hospital were not able to do anything,he did not think that she only took the pulse to find the original cause, but also was able to make him wake up.Sure enough, she inherited all of her grandmother's good medical skills!The doctor,who didn't have much presence on the side, looked at Andrea somewhat awkwardly.Seeing that this little girl in front of him had found the root cause in a couple of minutes, his heart was also filled with admiration.She was a real genus!“Andrea, then Grandpa Vega is counting on you! Just tell me what you need, I'll make the arrangements."Jacob was very excited.Andrea looked indifferent: "There is no need to prepare anything, I will prepare the medicine myself, you only need to arrange for a reliable person to take care of Grandpa Vega.”They also needed to find the person who had poisoned him.Since he was able to Grandpa Vega,he must be very familiar with the
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Chapter 76 The opposite
Sebastian unbuttoned the top few buttons of his shirt and walked over to hug Andrea from behind, his chin resting on her shoulder."Yesterday, I was going to buy a villa here,but Franco didn't pick the one that I was satisfied with for a while, so I finally chose this apartment, do you like it?"He used to come over here basically to have a meeting and leave, and occasionally he chose to stay in a hotel for special circumstances, so he didn't think of buying a house over here.Yesterday, when he heard his baby said that she was coming to the countryside,he wanted her to be as comfortable as possible and the first thing he did was to give Franco the task of buying a house, and it was good to see that the guy accomplished it pretty well!Her husband was so considerate! So nice!She couldn’t help but fall even more in love with him.Andrea turned around, wrapped her arms around the man's neck, padded her toes and kissed him on his sexy thin lips, the tips of her eyebrows slightly raised,
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Chapter 77 Leaving her alone
Upon hearing this, Jacob was startled and asked with some concern, "Then can the poison within his body still be removed?"Andrea looked indifferent: "Currently, I can only try my best to remove some of the toxins in his body and inhibit their continued spread, but you can rest assured that Grandpa Vega will not be in any serious trouble for the time being, and I will also develop other medicines for him in the follow-up."After the woman finished speaking, she shot a glance at Jacob and continued, "The toxin in Grandpa Vega’s body has existed for at least two years, so I think it's better for you to look into this matter first, in addition, I suspect that the reason why Sofia was poisoned may be because she mistakenly ate the food that was originally given to Grandpa Vega in the first place or something like that."Sofia had been studying abroad, but she was poisoned the last time she came home, and the dose of toxin must have weakened her when she encountered those human traffickers
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Chapter 78 Carla and Zayn
Zayn looked at the cool girl in front of him, his lips hooked into a smile, and the bottom of his eyes flashed with a hint of brightness.He picked up the teapot on the tea table and made a cup of tea and handed it to Andrea."Andrea,why haven't I seen Sebastian today?"Hadn't that guy been following her around like a shadow for the past few days,so it was a rare day when he didn't see Sebastian.Andrea took the tea in her hands and sipped it,then smiled, "He had something important to do at his company in Buenos Aires.”Grandpa Vega laughed softly, "Since that kid has gone back, let's have dinner at home tonight!"In the past, Andrea would come to his place and would stay for a few days,but this time, she was directly cut off by the Sebastian."Okay.”Andrea responded, then took out a pill for Grandpa Vega to take, and then began to check his pulse and apply needles.******In the evening, with a fresh breeze, the scenery in the Vega family's manor was beautiful.After Andrea came out
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Chapter 79 Getting engaged
"We're getting engaged next week, I'll be sad when you think about her!"Carla placed the bag in her hand on the coffee table and naturally leaned against the sofa, her eyes full of disdain.Zayn picked up a bottle of water in the refrigerator and took a few sips.His eyes coldly swept a glance at Carla, his tone did not contain a trace of emotion,"You and I do not have a loving relationship,you know where you stand in my life so don't you dare bring her into this!"He had no feelings at all for this woman, and the two were engaged solely by contract.Carla clasped her hands in front of her and laughed coldly, saying in an unimpressed manner, "Why?You're afraid that I'll lay my hands on her?However,are you aware that she would hate you to death if she knew about that incident?"Zayn's face sank as he heaved the water in his hand towards the table.Quickly walking over to Carla,he reached out and grabbed her neck, his tone cold, "Try it! If you dare to touch her, I will definitely make
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Chapter 80 To himself
Outside, the sun was blazing.After Andrea came out of the apartment, she drove herself directly to the pharmacy."Boss, please grab me the medicines as written on the list."Andrea handed the written list of herbs to the boss of the pharmacy.The boss took the list and glanced at it, knowing that the girl in front of him was a person who knew about medicine, so he smiled in a kind manner, "Okay, you sit here for a little while, I'll go and get the medicine for you right away!"It didn't take long before Andrea put the purchased herbs inside the Rolls Royce and prepared to make a trip to the Vega family.Only, just after putting the things in hee hands in the car,she ran into the incoming Carla."Andrea,what a coincidence! Did you come over here to buy something?" Carla greeted warmly, but in her heart, she felt disdained.Andrea glanced at her with a pale expression, then took the car keys and headed for the driver's side."Yes"Seeing that she was about to leave,Carla directly reache
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