All Chapters of The Wrong Night with Mr. Right: Chapter 111 - Chapter 120
304 Chapters
Chapter 111 Ninja Butler
The middle-aged butler wore an all-black suit and a stern expression.Georg Schuster had a tall, lean build and a military bearing, with a straight back and a firm jawline.His hair was short and neatly trimmed, and he had a well-groomed moustache.The most amazing thing was, he managed to clear the table, serve the coffee, and then vanish into the darkness without having uttered a single word.Even his footsteps were soundless, like a cat.‘Or a ninja,’ Alessia thought, drowsy in a food coma.She and Logan settled into the living room sofa with cups of coffee.Alessia took a sip, then said with a yawn, ‘I really need to get going. It’s been a long day.’‘Alessia.’The seriousness of Logan’s tone made her look up. ‘What?’‘I want you to be my girlfriend,’ he said, looking directly into her eyes.Alessia’s heart skipped a beat, but she still wanted to say no.She had four more days to wait for the DNA results to come out, and she couldn’t commit to a relationship until she knew the tru
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Chapter 112 Midnight Swim
Alessia smirked, accepting the challenge.‘You’re on,’ she replied, pushing off the wall to get a head start.The race was intense, and the competitive spirit between them was evident.Logan managed to reach the other end just ahead of Alessia.With a victorious grin, he pulled her close, wrapping his arms around her waist.‘I win,’ he declared triumphantly.Alessia rolled her eyes, playfully pushing against his chest. ‘Fine, you win. Too bad we didn’t agree on a prize.’‘Oh, I know what the prize is.’Before she could say anything else, Logan leaned in and captured her lips in a passionate kiss.The sudden intensity of his actions took Alessia by surprise, but she couldn’t deny the spark that ignited within her.She kissed him back with equal fervour, the pool water creating a sensual backdrop to their amorous embrace.The poolside lights cast a soft glow over their entwined bodies, illuminating the desire and longing in their eyes.Logan’s hands traced the curves of Alessia’s body,
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Chapter 113 Screw This
‘Logan, please,’ Alessia implored, tears forming in her eyes. ‘I know it sounds unreasonable, but I need time to sort things out.’‘You know I could’ve hired a PI to look into your life,’ he said coldly.‘I know. And I’m grateful that you didn’t.’‘Because I enjoy solving the puzzle myself, and because Heath told me you are a decent, honest woman. He tested you out, and you passed with flying colours. So I thought you wouldn’t hide anything from me. But maybe both he and I were wrong.’‘Logan, I—’‘Never mind,’ he said, his voice cold and distant. ‘Take all the time you need. But don’t expect me to wait forever.’He grabbed a towel. ‘I don’t have women’s clothes in the house. You’ll have to wear mine. I’ll ask Georg to bring them to you. And there’ll be a car to take you home.’With those words, Logan turned and walked away, leaving Alessia standing by the poolside, her heart heavy with regret and unspoken fears.***Logan paced back and forth in his study, his mind a chaotic mess.Hi
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Chapter 114 Futile Seduction
The hostesses’ efforts were admirable, their allure evident, and yet, they were missing the mark.As they continued to weave their web of seduction, Logan’s mind remained steadfastly anchored to the memory of Alessia.Her presence lingered like an intoxicating perfume, her touch a wildfire that had ignited a storm of emotions within him.The images of their stolen moments, the electricity of their chemistry, and the heat of their encounters played out in his mind like a forbidden reel.A hostess leaned in close, her lips brushing against his ear as she whispered promises of ecstasy.Her fingers traced a teasing path along his thigh, her touch calculated to elicit a reaction.And yet, despite her efforts, Logan’s pulse remained steady, his demeanour unchanged.His thoughts were a tempest, a whirlwind of desire and restraint that clashed in the depths of his consciousness.The hostesses persisted, trying every trick in their repertoire, their sensual allure a symphony that played out be
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Chapter 115 Worlds Apart
And, after the trip to the club earlier, Logan realised he had not been cured; Alessia was the exception.With a determined glint in his eyes, Logan stepped on the gas pedal.Alessia was a challenge—a challenge he was not willing to relinquish.***The challenge stepped out of the sleek black car, her heels clicking softly against the pavement.Alessia offered a polite nod to the driver, who met her with a curt acknowledgement before speeding away into the night.She couldn’t help but raise an eyebrow at his stoic demeanour.It seemed that Logan’s employees shared his penchant for terseness.‘Guess not all of Logan’s minions are conversational,’ she muttered under her breath, the corners of her lips quirking in wry amusement.She adjusted the oversized shirt she was wearing, rolling up the sleeves and tugging at the hem.The pants were no better, requiring constant hitching as she made her way towards her apartment building.The lobby was a stark contrast to the opulent mansion she ha
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Chapter 116 Dirty Dream
Alessia’s desperation turned to fury.Without hesitation, she sank her teeth into Brayden’s hand, the sharp bite of pain causing him to release his hold.She shoved him away, her heart pounding, and sprinted past him into the building.Her mind raced as she bolted towards her apartment, thoughts swirling with a newfound determination.As she slammed her apartment door shut, Alessia leaned against it, her chest heaving.The encounter had left her shaken, her emotions a tumultuous whirlwind.‘D*mn it!’ she smacked her forehead with a palm. ‘I should’ve used the pepper spray on him!’She knew she couldn’t let Brayden’s intrusion affect her any longer.With a resolute exhale, she made a silent promise to herself—she would find a way to break free from the chains of her past.As she sank onto her sofa, waiting for the adrenaline rush to subside, Alessia’s gaze shifted to the window, the city lights painting an intricate tapestry against the night sky.A single thought echoed in her mind—a
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Chapter 117 Bad Pennies
Tickled by her own imagination, Alessia leaned down and pressed a tender kiss to Milo’s forehead.His sleep-ruffled hair tickled her lips.‘Morning,’ she said softly. ‘Breakfast’s on the table, honey. Aunt Veronica will take you to school later.’Milo’s eyes fluttered open, still groggy from sleep.His voice held a hint of protest as he murmured, ‘You’re leaving already? It’s only six thirty.’Alessia brushed a strand of hair from his forehead, her smile warm and reassuring. ‘Mommy has to go into work early today.’Her mind buzzed with the tasks that awaited her—she needed to organise her notes from the previous night, to produce a first draft of the cocktail party fluff piece, and to go over the order of upcoming interviews with Miss Hicks.She was happy to be busy; it meant her career was moving forward.Milo’s voice pulled her from her thoughts as he offered a sleepy goodbye.She pressed another kiss to his cheek, her heart swelling with maternal affection. ‘Goodbye, my love. Be go
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Chapter 118 A Week’s Too Long
Alessia’s gaze hardened. ‘We all have our struggles, Connie. I’m not responsible for yours. Excuse me, I have to get to work.’With that, Alessia turned and started walking away.‘Brayden never loved me!’ Connie shouted. ‘I know that. We’ve been married for six years, but I know he still loves you.’Alessia’s steps faltered.She let out a frustrated sigh, her patience wearing thin as she turned to face Connie. ‘What’s wrong with you and your husband? Can’t you take your family drama elsewhere and stop turning up like an unwanted penny? I’m busy with work.’Tears streaked down Connie’s cheeks, smudging her carefully applied makeup, and Alessia winced at the clownish sight.‘It’s been six years,’ Connie continued, her voice quivering with raw emotion. ‘But everything I’ve done is just a joke to him. He doesn’t love me. That night six years ago, you lost a boyfriend, and I lost my dignity.’Alessia’s frustration mounted, her voice laced with exasperation. ‘Must you dredge up the past at
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Chapter 119 Hired Help
Wilda shook her head. ‘Alessia, you know that won’t cut it. This article is the lead in our series, and I want it to be perfect. I want you to get Mr Wilde to sign off on it. If that means buttering him up or kissing ass, then so be it. It’s all part of the game, part of how things work in this industry.’Alessia let out a resigned sigh.As much as she wanted to avoid Logan, she knew that Wilda was right.This was her job, her career, and sometimes she had to make uncomfortable concessions to ensure success.She nodded reluctantly. ‘Fine, I’ll go.’Wilda’s lips curved into a satisfied smile. ‘That’s the spirit, Alessia. I know you can handle this. Just remember, charm him, and make sure he signs off on that article. It’s essential for our series.’***Alessia dragged her feet down the gleaming halls of Skye Tower, her steps deliberate as if she had a point to prove.Each click of her heeled boots echoed through the opulent expanse, a rhythm of defiance against the polished marble floo
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Chapter 120 Hard Time Letting Go
‘I lied.’ Logan’s lips curled into a smirk. ‘No cameras here.’Before Alessia could protest further, his lips descended onto hers.Her resolve wavered as she felt his familiar taste, her mind hurtling back to the dream last night.The kiss was a tempestuous collision of conflicting desires – his relentless pursuit against her stubborn resistance.Her heart raced, a fierce battle between the longing she had suppressed and the fear that held her back.Logan’s fingers tangled in her hair as he deepened the kiss, his dominance asserting itself with each caress.He could taste the hesitation on her lips, the struggle within her.His hand travelled slowly down her back, leaving a trail of heat in its wake.Alessia’s breath hitched as his hand settled at the curve of her waist, his touch igniting a fire within her.She could feel his desire, his hunger, but her mind was a whirlwind of conflicting emotions.She pushed against his chest, breaking the kiss with a gasp.‘No, Logan,’ she breathed
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