All Chapters of The Wrong Night with Mr. Right: Chapter 91 - Chapter 100
304 Chapters
Chapter 91 Tumultuous Year
Alessia’s inhibitions seemed to have faded away, and she focused solely on the figure in front of her.Her hands moved with urgency as she attacked the man’s belt, her heart racing with anticipation.The rest of the night happened in a blur, and Alessia’s memories were fragmented.Flashes of passion and desire mixed with confusion and haze.She was consumed by a whirlwind of emotions, her senses overwhelmed by the intensity of the moment.Hours later, morning broke over Lovestruck Haven, but for Alessia, it was a harsh awakening.Groggy and disoriented, she woke up in a state of agony.Her head was splitting with pain, her eyes puffy, and her entire body ached.Her dress lay in tatters, a reminder of the events that unfolded last night.She was alone in the tent.Alessia assumed Brayden must have left the tent earlier.But when she heard familiar voices outside, her pulsed started to spike, a sense of impending doom setting in.Brayden was there, talking to Connie.Her instincts told
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Chapter 92 Thrill-seeker
‘So, Logan,’ Alessia began casually, ‘I was just wondering about Heath. Do you think he’s the type to have one-night stands or random hook-ups?’Logan’s eyebrows shot up in surprise, and he studied Alessia intently. ‘Why the sudden interest in Heath?’ he asked, his tone tinged with suspicion. ‘You already asked about him twice in one morning.’Trying to appear nonchalant, Alessia quickly thought of an excuse. ‘You know I’m working on a series of features for BuzzBeat, and I think Heath might be an interesting subject for an interview,’ she explained, hoping her story would be convincing enough.But Logan wasn’t easily fooled.He leaned back in his chair, crossing his arms, and gave her a knowing look. ‘You’re a terrible liar, Alessia,’ he said bluntly. ‘What’s really going on?’Alessia sighed, realizing her attempt at deception had failed.She decided to be honest with Logan, to some extent at least. ‘Okay, fine,’ she admitted, ‘I’m just curious about him, that’s all. We’ve met a coup
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Chapter 93 Genius Hacker
‘Um, an emergency. A personal emergency.’ Alessia decided this was not the right time to reveal Milo’s existence even though Logan already knew she had a son. ‘Can I ask for the rest of the day off?’Logan studied her anxious face. ‘Fine. I’ll get Terence to drive you.’‘No, thanks. I’ll just get a cab.’ Alessia gave him a grateful smile before rushing out of the building and hailing a taxi to Milo’s kindergarten.When she arrived, she was met by a teacher and Kath Sutton, who led her to a private room to discuss the incident.They explained that Milo had managed to hack into the school’s computer system and made changes to the class schedules, resulting in virtual classes being shut down for the entire day.Alessia’s eyes widened in astonishment. ‘Milo did that?’ she asked incredulously.‘Yes, he did,’ Mrs Sutton confirmed. ‘We couldn’t believe it ourselves until we saw the evidence.’Alessia took a deep breath, trying to process the information.She had always known her son was inte
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Chapter 94 Leo
Milo shook his head, trying to reassure his mother. ‘No, it’s not bullying, I can handle it, and it’s mostly just boring.’Alessia sighed, realizing that her decision to keep Milo in kindergarten, thinking she could give him a normal childhood, might have been misguided.She hadn’t fully understood the extent of his advanced intellect and the challenges it posed for him in a regular setting.The ice cream seemed to melt faster than usual as they both lost themselves in deep thoughts.Alessia took a spoonful of her raspberry ripple ice cream, savouring its tangy sweetness.‘I want what’s best for you, Milo,’ she said softly, gazing at her son with love in her eyes. ‘I don’t want to hold you back from reaching your full potential. If the gifted school can offer you the right opportunities, then we should seriously consider it.’Milo looked up at her. ‘You always take care of me, Mom.’Alessia smiled warmly. ‘And I always will, no matter what.’As they finished their ice creams, Alessia
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Chapter 95 Hypothetical Question
Alessia glanced around the living room, where family photographs adorned the walls.With a heavy sigh, she made a silent promise to herself and to Milo.She would protect him fiercely, no matter what challenges lay ahead.If it came down to it, she was prepared to move away from Veridian to ensure her son’s safety and happiness.***The next morning, Alessia dragged herself to work with dark circles under her eyes.As she walked into the polished lobby of Wilde Enterprises, she couldn’t help but feel self-conscious.The pristine marble floors reflected the grandeur of the high-rise building, and the expansive space was filled with a sea of men and women dressed in tailored or pressed suits, skirts, and polished shoes.Their coiffed hairstyles, subtle makeup, and refined but not flashy jewellery added to the air of sophistication that surrounded them.Meanwhile, Alessia stood there, acutely aware of her own appearance.Her white shirt, although neat and ironed, was a few years old, and
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Chapter 96 Disinherited
Seeing how serious she looked and how pale she had become, Logan realised she wasn’t joking.He gave the question some serious consideration before replying, ‘I probably would fight for custody. It’s my son. Why should I allow anyone to take him?’Alessia swallowed hard. ‘I see,’ she replied softly.Logan noticed the distress in her eyes and reached out to touch her hand gently. ‘What’s gotten into you? Why so many random questions today?’Alessia quickly deflected. ‘Nothing, I’m just curious to know what you think.’Logan studied her for a moment, trying to read her emotions.He wanted to ask if she knew about Arlie, but he couldn’t risk giving away the secret if she hadn’t already discovered it on her own.Alessia got up. ‘Excuse me, I need to use the ladies’ room.’She hurried to the restroom, her mind a mess.If Logan learned about Milo’s existence, would he try to take him away from her?Had the DNA test been a mistake?Perhaps she shouldn’t have pushed so hard for answers.The i
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Chapter 97 About-turn
Samantha, the youngest of the three, but no less assertive, chimed in, ‘Furthermore, Mr Wilde’s vision for Veridian Plaza is the driving force behind this project. His expertise and innovative ideas are the backbone of what will make this shopping mall a grand success.’Connie’s eyes flashed with frustration, but she refused to back down. ‘We’re not saying Wilde Enterprises doesn’t play a significant role, but Redwood’s contribution shouldn’t be underestimated. We need a fair share of the profits in return.’Logan, who had been observing the heated exchange, finally spoke up, his voice commanding attention, ‘Enough. We are not here to bicker like children. Let’s take a break.’Connie bristled at his dismissive tone but begrudgingly fell silent.Alessia tried to follow the conversation, her fingers moving swiftly over the keypad of her laptop.But it was hard to focus.Whenever she looked at Logan, she thought of Milo.Whenever she looked at Connie, she thought of Leo.And it was impos
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Chapter 98 Harassment
Logan picked up a file from the table and tossed it in front of Connie. ‘Brick-laying robots, semi-automated masons, robotic heat welders, and remote-controlled demolition robots. I got all these from a construction company looking to expand into Veridian. They’ve only been in business for two years, but it seems they are light-years ahead of you in terms of technology.’Connie’s face flushed with embarrassment and frustration as she flipped through the file.‘You said you needed four to five years to complete the construction of Veridian Plaza. This company says they can do it in two,’ Logan added.Her anger rising, Connie retorted, ‘If you’re interested in working with someone else, why are you still talking to us? Are you just stringing me along?’Logan leaned back in his chair, maintaining his composure. ‘No, I’ve given you four separate meetings,’ he replied coolly, ‘yet you did not once bring up anything unique. Why shouldn’t I consider working with someone who’s better, smarter
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Chapter 99 Couple’s Fight
Alessia checked the time on her watch and raised an eyebrow. ‘But it’s only ten twenty-five am.’Logan shrugged nonchalantly. ‘What’s wrong with an early lunch? I’m the boss; I can take my lunch break whenever I want.’ He turned back to Alessia with a sly grin. ‘And you are paying.’Alessia protested, ‘Why?’Logan’s grin widened. ‘You lost the bet, remember?’ he reminded her.Alessia had to jog to match his long strides. ‘But you already claimed your...your winnings.’Logan chuckled. ‘That I did, and you would only get free lunches if you won the bet. Since you didn’t, you are paying.’Alessia huffed. ‘Fine, but I hope your stomach can stand the trial of a fiery chole bhature.’‘What the hell is that?’Alessia couldn’t help but smirk.‘What’s the matter, Mr Cosmopolitan?’ she teased. ‘Never heard of it before? I thought you’ve been to so many places.’She explained, ‘It’s chickpea curry with fried flatbreads. There’s a vendor selling it out of a food truck parked just a block from you
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Chapter 100 Fisticuffs
Brayden attempted to fight back, but Logan’s years of experience and decisiveness gave him the upper hand.He anticipated Brayden’s moves, dodging and countering with precision.Alessia, shocked by the sudden turn of events, felt a mix of emotions swirling inside her.Part of her wanted to intervene and stop the fight, but another part of her knew that Brayden needed to be confronted for his hurtful behaviour.In fact, if they weren’t in public, Alessia would have liked to add a punch or two of her own.The fight was fierce, both men throwing punches and dodging blows.Logan’s dominance and physical strength were evident as he maintained control, landing most of the hits.As the crowd gathered to watch the unexpected brawl, Alessia finally stepped forward, placing herself between the two men, attempting to put an end to the altercation.‘Enough!’ she shouted.Logan landed one last gut punch before pulling back.Brayden was panting and holding his stomach, his arrogance now replaced wi
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