All Chapters of The Wrong Night with Mr. Right: Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
304 Chapters
Chapter 71 Man in the House
Brayden’s face grew gloomy, and he said, ‘My wife is fine. She’s not dead. And it’s rude of you to say that.’Milo retorted, his tone disdainful. ‘Just as it’s rude of you to ambush my mother in the hallway. If you are not recently widowed, then why do you keep showing up here and making inappropriate and unwanted advances to my mother? I can only conclude you are eager to look for a new wife.’Alessia stared at her son, amazed.Sometimes she wished she had a sharp tongue like his.Brayden was red in the face, but whether from shame or rage, Alessia couldn’t tell.‘Milo, that’s enough.’ She threw a protective arm around his shoulder. ‘Brayden, please leave. We have nothing to discuss.’Alessia narrowed her eyes at Brayden.She took a deep breath and said, ‘My son is right, Brayden. Your visits here are unwanted and unwelcome. Please stop showing up.’Brayden’s jaw clenched as he glared back at Alessia. ‘I can’t just stay away, Alessia. You know how I feel about you.’Milo, standing ta
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Chapter 72 Grandpa Wilde’s Order
Mrs Henderson chuckled, impressed by Milo’s persuasive skills. ‘You’ve got quite the point there, young man. All right, I’ll take them. There’s a homeless shelter I know that can surely do some good with them.’Milo pumped his fist in victory, and Alessia and Veronica praised him for his quick thinking.As they exited the lift, Milo suggested, ‘If Uncle Brayden buys me toys again, I’ll ask him to send a truck of toys to the kids in kindergarten. They’d love it!’Alessia and Veronica laughed, marvelling at Milo’s caring and scheming nature.‘That’s a brilliant idea, little man!’ Veronica said, ruffling his hair affectionately.‘Absolutely,’ Alessia added.***Alessia took a deep breath as she stepped into the sleek and modern lobby of Wilde Enterprises, fifteen minutes ahead of schedule.Approaching the reception desk, she smiled at the young receptionist and said, ‘Hey there, I have an appointment with Mr Logan Wilde. I’m Alessia Jansen from BuzzBeat.’The receptionist glanced down at
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Chapter 73 Unexpected Guest
The hustle and bustle of the city life below seemed like a distant hum, while the serene atmosphere of Logan’s office provided a sanctuary.A luxurious sitting area, complete with a coffee table and exquisite décor pieces, was strategically placed near the windows.This was probably where Logan often held meetings with clients, showcasing the grandeur of Wilde Enterprises and its top executive.Behind the desk, Logan’s executive chair was a masterpiece in itself—crafted from fine Italian leather and ergonomic design, it provided the utmost comfort and support during long hours of work.The desk itself was clutter-free, with state-of-the-art technology neatly arranged—a reflection of Logan’s efficiency and sharp business acumen.The office also boasted a private bar, stocked with the finest wines and spirits.Alessia silently admired the place, wondering how many years she’d have to work before she could afford an office like this—probably never.As she turned around, her eyes locked o
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Chapter 74 Take It or Leave It
Brayden stammered for a moment, seemingly caught off guard by the question. ‘Well, it’s a long story,’ he finally managed to say, trying to sound nonchalant.Logan’s eyes narrowed, and he leaned forward, his voice laced with scepticism. ‘A long story, huh? You still seem pretty interested in your ex-girlfriend despite being married, don’t you?’Brayden shifted uncomfortably in his seat, his eyes darting towards Alessia before averting his gaze. ‘Look, it’s not what you think. Alessia and I, we have a history, but it’s not just about romance,’ he said, attempting to justify his lingering feelings.Alessia’s fists clenched under the desk, her patience wearing thin at Brayden’s audacity to air their past like it was an open book.Logan noticed her irritation and decided to put her on the spot. ‘Is what he’s saying true, Miss Jansen? Did you and Mr Scott have something more than just a romantic relationship?’Alessia’s jaw tightened, and she shot a glare at Brayden, silently telling him t
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Chapter 75 Almost Married
Brayden was taken aback by Logan’s tough stance, unable to find a suitable response.His eyes shifted uncertainly between Logan and Alessia.Finally, he relented. ‘Fine, Mr Wilde. I’ll agree to twenty-five. When can we sign the contract?’Logan looked up. ‘Whenever convenient for you.’‘Tomorrow then,’ Brayden rushed to reply.‘Sure,’ Logan responded flatly.‘Since our business is concluded, can I have a word with Miss Jansen in private?’ Brayden asked.Logan smiled slightly and said, ‘I’m fine with that. But it’s not my call to make.’Then, he looked at Alessia.Alessia frowned. ‘Sorry, Mr Scott, I’m busy. And I have nothing to say to you. Goodbye.’‘Maybe some other time.’ With frustration evident on his face, Brayden left the office.The sleek modern office seemed to crackle with tension even though no one spoke for a long time.Logan narrowed his eyes.In a voice laced with a hint of jealousy, he asked, ‘Is Brayden Scott your ex-boyfriend?’Alessia’s expression remained composed a
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Chapter 76 Bossy Order
Logan’s possessiveness was starting to irritate Alessia, but she didn’t want to create more drama. ‘Fine, I’ll take them. But I don’t owe him anything,’ she mumbled under her breath.Logan stood at the open doorway, his voice sharper than ever. ‘You can eat it or throw it away for all I care.’Alessia rolled her eyes, refusing to let his words get to her.Why must the man turn a kind gesture into a bossy order?She opened one of the lunch boxes and found a delicious spread of her favourite dishes.Despite her irritation, she couldn’t help but appreciate the thoughtfulness of the gesture.As she savoured the food, she couldn’t deny that Logan’s chef knew exactly how to make her taste buds sing.The flavours were exquisite, and she found herself enjoying the meal more than she wanted to admit.Alessia sat back in her chair, feeling content and satisfied after the delicious lunch.The flavours of the mouth-watering wagyu beef carpaccio still lingered on her taste buds, and she couldn’t h
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Chapter 77 Dog with a Bone
Alessia couldn’t believe what she was hearing.Logan wanted her to be his girlfriend for real?She couldn’t help but ask again, needing confirmation. ‘Are you serious?’Logan nodded. ‘Yes, Alessia. I want you to be my girlfriend.’‘Girlfriend, as in, the woman you go on dates with, watch movies with, the one you introduce to your family and friends?’ she pressed.Logan chuckled, finding her cautious approach amusing. ‘Exactly. I don’t do things half-heartedly, Alessia. You’ll be my girlfriend in every sense of the word.’Alessia’s expression turned sceptical, and she couldn’t help but sneer. ‘Do you remember what you said to me before?’Logan raised an eyebrow. ‘What do you mean?’Alessia sighed, trying to keep her emotions in check. ‘The first time we met at the Grand Opulence hotel, you offered me money to spend the night with you, treating me like a... a hooker.’The memory still stung.‘Alessia, that’s not what I meant,’ Logan tried to explain.‘Oh, really? Enlighten me then. What
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Chapter 78 Play for Time
Alessia had to admit that his persistence was starting to wear down her defences.‘You never give up, do you?’ she remarked, her voice tinged with both frustration and a hint of amusement.A smug grin appeared on Logan’s lips when he sensed she was starting to relent. ‘I didn’t get to where I am today by quitting after failing just a couple of times.’Alessia rolled her eyes, but a small smile tugged at the corners of her mouth. ‘Well, no one can say you haven’t tried.’Logan leaned closer to her. ‘So what’s your answer? Be my girlfriend. Yes or no?’Alessia almost blurted ‘yes,’ but she caught herself.She knew she was attracted to him, but she had to be cautious.‘Your grandfather wanted you to go on blind dates,’ she reminded him. ‘He probably has a long list of girlfriend candidates picked out for you.’Logan’s expression hardened slightly, a flicker of annoyance crossing his face. ‘I’m the one dating you, not my family. And I don’t take orders from anyone about who I choose to as
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Chapter 79 Frosty Reunion
Alessia’s heart skipped a beat at the mention of Mrs Scott—Connie Jansen.It had been six long years since she last saw her older sister, and the memories that flooded back were far from pleasant—Connie ending up in bed with Brayden, Connie getting engaged with Brayden, Connie rushing her to the hospital when Alessia’s water broke, and Connie standing by her bedside when Alessia woke up, groggy and in pain.Alessia could never forget how she felt as she listened to a tearful Connie tell her that she’d given birth to twins but unfortunately, one of them was stillborn.That was the day her life was turned upside down.She thought she had put it behind her, that six years were enough time to heal most wounds.But she realised no amount of time could heal the pain of losing a child.And Connie’s name would always be associated with the most painful period of her life.Logan’s eyes narrowed as he watched Alessia’s face pale visibly.‘What’s wrong?’ he asked. ‘Are you feeling unwell?’Aless
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Chapter 80 Unfortunate Misunderstanding
‘I didn’t know you had a sister,’ Logan said.‘Two, actually,’ Connie said. ‘Alessia’s the second oldest. I’m the eldest, and we have a younger sister too.’The mention of Alessia seemed to bring a mix of emotions to Connie’s face, and Logan sensed that there was more to the story than she was letting on.‘You mentioned Alessia left Veridian about six years ago,’ Logan probed further. ‘You haven’t seen her or had any contact with her since then?’Connie looked away, a hint of sadness crossing her features. ‘No, I haven’t seen her in six years,’ she admitted. ‘After some… unfortunate misunderstanding, she left home and the city. I tried to find her—I hired six different private investigators, but it was like she vanished without a trace.’‘It must have been tough for you.’Connie nodded. ‘It was. Especially because I had to take over as the CEO of Redwood Group when my father passed away. I was just twenty-two, still in college, and inexperienced. Saving the company took all my energy,
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