All Chapters of The Wrong Night with Mr. Right: Chapter 51 - Chapter 60
304 Chapters
Chapter 51 Mission Accomplished
Logan leaned even closer, his voice dropping to a seductive whisper. ‘Oh, I believe it will get me exactly where I want to be.’Before she could respond, Logan reached out to touch her cheek, his fingers trailing gently over her skin.Alessia’s breath caught in her throat, but she quickly composed herself.‘Remove your hand,’ she demanded, trying to keep her voice steady.Logan only smiled, his eyes gleaming with mischief. ‘What if I don’t?’In one swift move, Alessia grabbed his hand and scratched the back of it, hard enough to draw blood.Logan hissed in pain.‘You asked for it,’ she said.Logan finally withdrew his hand. ‘You are a feisty one, aren’t you?’Reaching for a piece of tissue paper, Alessia wiped the blood from his hand, her heart pounding in her chest.Finally, she got his blood, a sample of his DNA—mission accomplished!Logan watched her move curiously.Alessia, keeping a straight face, folded the tissue paper carefully and tucked it into her pocket.***Saturday morni
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Chapter 52 Amateur Sleuth
Alessia’s apprehension grew.Had her son asked more than he was letting on?She studied the boy’s face intently, but Milo’s cunning expression didn’t waver.He playfully teased her, ‘Don’t worry, Mommy, the doctor’s got it under control. We’ve waited for so long, what’s a few more weeks?’Unease gnawed at Alessia, but she decided to trust Milo’s innocence and brushed off her concerns, thinking, ‘Maybe I’m just overthinking.’They rejoined Veronica, heading off to the amusement park.When Alessia went to the bathroom, Veronica turned her attention to her young nephew. ‘You got your blood drawn, kiddo? Did it hurt?’Milo smirked, his eyes sparkling with a newfound sense of purpose. ‘A little, Aunt Veronica. But hey, if this means I might finally have a dad, I can tough it out.’‘Your dad?’ Veronica’s eyes widened in surprise.Milo nodded, not holding anything back. ‘Yeah, my mom found my long-lost father in this massive sea of people. She must’ve gotten his DNA sample for testing!’‘Wha
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Chapter 53 Steamy Tryst
Alessia activated the voice-recording app on her phone, ensuring that every word spoken between Lara and Jeramy would be documented as evidence.As she listened to their conversation, her heart pounded with a mix of anticipation and vindication.The truth was unravelling before her, and she was determined to bring the deception to light.The conversation she overheard was explosive, filled with accusations, denials, and demands.‘It would have made a good story for the paper,’ she thought to herself wryly.Lara sounded frustrated. ‘You can’t deny it, Jeramy! I saw you ogling Alessia at the office. It’s insulting!’Jeramy was defensive. ‘What? No, Lara, you’re mistaken! I wasn’t ogling her. You know how I feel about you.’‘I’m not buying it, Jeramy! We’ve been together for years, and you’re still holding back. When are you going to divorce Wilda and commit to me?’‘It’s not that simple, Lara. Wilda controls everything, and she’s got me on a tight leash. I need time to figure things out
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Chapter 54 Lovers’ Rendezvous
As the taxi approached the location, the imposing sign of the hotel came into view.The Twilight Inn stood tall with a sophisticated and opulent façade, its name glowing in golden letters against the night sky.Its reputation as a clandestine meeting place for secret affairs added an air of mystery to its allure.Couples—some married, but mostly illicit—seeking seclusion and romance often sought refuge within its luxurious walls, making it a perfect setting for the unfolding drama of Lara and Jeramy’s tryst.As Alessia arrived at the scene, her eyes immediately fell on Logan’s sleek Bentley parked nearby.The luxurious car exuded an aura of elegance and power, befitting the man who sat inside.Dressed all in black, Logan looked dangerous and charming, his dark attire accentuating his striking features.Alessia climbed into the Bentley, settling into the plush backseat, ready to face whatever awaited them.Logan informed her that they were early, and Wilda had not yet arrived.Instead
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Chapter 55 Sting Operation
Alessia’s eyes narrowed. ‘You can’t be serious.’Logan leaned in closer to her. ‘I’m always serious, Alessia. And I know you want to kiss me too.’Alessia quipped back, ‘Sure, if you don’t mind tasting garlic. I had it for dinner.’Logan didn’t seem the least bit deterred.‘I’ll take my chances,’ he said cheekily.Alessia pushed away his face, exclaiming, ‘You’re shameless!’Despite the banter and teasing, she couldn’t help but feel a warmth growing between them, an unspoken connection that both intrigued and frightened her.Growing impatient, Alessia wondered aloud where Wilda was.Logan reassured her, ‘Don’t worry, give her some time. She lives on the other side of the city.’Alessia raised an eyebrow.‘How do you know that?’ she asked.Logan simply smiled enigmatically. ‘I know a lot of things, Alessia.’‘Logan!’ A booming voice from behind startled them both.Alessia turned to see a man standing there, a sight to behold.He was in his late twenties or early thirties, with a striki
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Chapter 56 Caught in the Act
Both Alessia and Logan turned their heads, their eyes fixed on the figure of a woman stepping out of a car—Wilda, the woman whose life was about to be turned upside down.Wilda Chavez exuded an air of sophistication and opulence that made it hard for Alessia to imagine her as the lecherous Jeramy’s wife.She wore an expensive designer dress, a stunning creation by a renowned fashion house that cost a small fortune.Her shoes were equally luxurious, adorned with signature red soles that screamed exclusivity and extravagance.Her jewellery sparkled under the city lights, each piece meticulously selected to showcase her affluent lifestyle.A stunning diamond necklace, a pair of dazzling earrings, and a wrist adorned with a platinum watch completed her exquisite ensemble.Her makeup was flawless, created by a celebrity artist known for charging exorbitant fees to the rich and famous.Her lips were painted with a shade of red so rare that it seemed to be custom-made just for her.Alessia c
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Chapter 57 Once a Cheater, Always a Cheater
Wilda demanded to know the truth, threatening Lara with more punishment if she refused to answer.Through her tears, Lara confessed that the affair had been going on for four years.‘Lara, shut up!’ Jeramy hissed.Wilda’s eyes narrowed, her anger turning to disbelief. ‘Four years? You’ve been sleeping with her for four years?’Lara, still nursing the pain from the slap, nodded tearfully. ‘Yes. It’s true. I’m so sorry.’Wilda’s bodyguards tensed, ready to strike again, but she held up a hand, signalling them to stand down.She looked back at Jeramy, her face contorted with anger. ‘Is this true, Jeramy? Have you been lying to me all this time?’Jeramy looked lost, torn between his desire to salvage his marriage and his guilt over his affair. ‘Wilda, it was a mistake! I never meant for it to happen. Lara, she... she pursued me, and I was weak. I’m so sorry, I never wanted to hurt you.’Wilda shook her head, her voice firm with resolve. ‘That’s not an excuse, Jeramy. We’ve been married fo
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Chapter 58 Beauty Contest
Logan’s grip on the steering wheel tightened. ‘That’s not what I asked,’ he said, his tone slightly cold. ‘I want to know who you find more attractive.’Alessia pondered the question, not wanting to upset Logan but also not wanting to lie.She knew that Logan had his walls up, always presenting a tough and aloof exterior.On the other hand, Heath Carpenter appeared warm and outgoing, and his profession as a police officer added an element of heroism.‘Look,’ she began, choosing her words carefully, ‘You have a certain allure, Mr Wilde.’‘Logan,’ he corrected her.‘Fine, Logan. There’s something about your demeanour that’s intriguing and mysterious. It’s like you’re an unapproachable god when you’re quiet.’Logan’s expression softened slightly, but he still seemed dissatisfied with her answer. ‘And what about Heath?’ he pressed. ‘What makes him attractive?’Alessia chuckled. ‘Well, a man in uniform is always attractive to ladies,’ she said playfully. ‘Especially when the man is as good
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Chapter 59 Putting up Her Guard
Alessia’s heart skipped a beat at his words, and for a moment, the world seemed to fade away.She could feel the intensity of their connection, the electricity that sizzled between them.‘I should probably go,’ she said, her throat having gone dry. ‘It’s late.’Logan withdrew his hand and started the engine.As the car glided through the city streets, the atmosphere inside was tense, the silence speaking volumes.The ride home was surprisingly quiet, the previous intensity and passion now replaced with an air of contemplation.Logan cracked open the window, allowing the wind to carry away the heat from his face and cool down the flames of desire coursing through his veins.Alessia’s mind was racing, and she couldn’t help but replay the kiss—no, kisses—in her head.She wondered why she had let her guard down around Logan, why she hadn’t immediately reached for her pepper spray in self-defence, as she would with any other man.Her mind drifted to Brayden, and the thought of being touche
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Chapter 60 Deal Breaker
Logan couldn’t help but smile. ‘Maybe it is,’ he said, thinking about how much Alessia had impacted his life in such a short time.‘You know I’m not trying to pry into your love life. I’m asking for Arlie’s sake.’ Heath started walking down the street. ‘If you’re serious about her, maybe you should consider telling her about Arlie.’Logan’s smile faded slightly, and he looked contemplative. ‘I’ve thought about it, but it might be too soon,’ he said. ‘I don’t want to scare her away.’Heath nodded in understanding. ‘It’s a tricky situation, I get that,’ he said. ‘But if you want a serious relationship with her, she deserves to know the truth.’Logan appreciated Heath’s advice, knowing that his friend had his best interests at heart. ‘You’re right,’ he admitted. ‘I’ll think about it, but I want to take things slow for now.’‘Take your time, but don’t wait too long,’ Heath advised. ‘For some women, the existence of a child is a deal-breaker.’***Alessia dragged her weary body through the
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