All Chapters of The Wrong Night with Mr. Right: Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
304 Chapters
Chapter 41 Sweet Revenge
Alessia tried to distract herself with work.But the more she thought about the conversation with Jeramy, the angrier she became.An idea struck her.She abruptly stood up and headed towards the restroom.After five minutes, she returned to her seat, her face blank.Shortly after, a man’s agonised screams echoed from the restroom, resembling the sound of a pig being slaughtered. ‘Aah! Who did this?’The chief editor’s pain-filled cries startled everyone, leaving them shocked and wondering what could be happening to him.Alessia, however, maintained her composure and continued working without flinching.Several male colleagues hurriedly rushed to the restroom to investigate.Lara Morris stepped out of her office, her eyes locked onto Alessia, who sensed the scrutiny but pretended not to notice.A few minutes later, Jeramy Chavez was assisted out of the restroom by two men.His shirt was missing, his hair was damp and his face bore a bruise the size of a grapefruit.The editor demanded
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Chapter 42 Pretty Face, Empty Head
At five thirty p.m., a sleek Bentley sped through the bustling streets, attracting attention from passersby.‘Terence, tell me about Brayden Scott and his wife. What’s the status of their relationship?’ Logan’s low and deep voice cut through the air.Terence, sitting in the front passenger seat, turned back towards Logan. ‘Sir, everyone says they’re a sweet and happy couple,’ he replied with a tinge of uncertainty.Logan’s forehead furrowed.He hadn’t forgotten what he saw hours earlier.If the Scotts’ relationship was so blissful, why was Brayden talking to Alessia and trying to grab her?Logan posed another question. ‘Between Alessia Jansen and Connie Scott, who do you find more beautiful?’Terence blinked, taken aback by the unexpected inquiry.He stole a quick glance at his boss, finding the billionaire’s gaze fixed upon him.Realising he needed to respond, he stammered, ‘Sir, Miss Jansen is more beautiful, I think. Her natural beauty shines even without makeup. Mrs Scott, on the
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Chapter 43 The Tables Are Turned
Alessia, her cheek still stinging, met Logan’s gaze, gratitude flickering in her eyes.She nodded, acknowledging his intervention. ‘Thank you, Mr Wilde.’Logan studied her face intently.After a moment of silent observation, he asked, ‘Does it hurt?’Alessia, who had been trying to maintain a tough facade, was almost undone by those three simple words.She felt a wave of relief wash over her, tears threatening to spill from her eyes.Logan reached out and gently brushed a tear from her cheek.‘Alessia, why didn’t you call me? You have my number,’ he chided softly, his voice filled with a mix of disappointment and worry.Alessia sniffled but said nothing.How could she call him after he so unceremoniously dismissed her from his office earlier that day?Jeramy Chavez, his face contorted with regret, suddenly realised that Alessia was more than just a plaything to Mr Wilde.The gravity of his actions hit him like a ton of bricks, and he found himself sincerely apologising to Alessia. ‘Al
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Chapter 44 Disposable Plaything
Alessia halted, her thoughts wavering.Logan knew he had her.Thinking about the DNA sample, Alessia relented. ‘Fine. Can you just give me a few minutes? I need to grab something from the office.’‘Sure, I’ll wait,’ replied Logan. ‘But don’t you dare think about running off.’Alessia swiftly turned back towards the office.Before entering, she overheard Jeramy growling, ‘That b*tch! She thinks she can get away with this, huh? She forgets she works here!’‘Cut it out!’ Lara scolded him. ‘You just got beaten up, and now you’re trying to provoke her again? Do you want to get yourself killed?’‘I can’t stand it!’ Jeramy insisted. ‘I won’t let this go so easily.’‘The previous punishment clearly didn’t have an effect,’ Alessia thought to herself, feeling a deep disgust towards Jeramy, the ungrateful fool.The other colleagues kept silent, busy packing their belongings, eager to get out of the office.Jeramy’s anger seemed to consume him.He sneered, ‘She’s just a whore! Trading her body fo
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Chapter 45 Hole-in-the-wall Diner
‘Do you need some ointment for that?’ Logan asked. ‘We could stop by a pharmacy.’‘No, thanks,’ Alessia said. ‘It looks worse than it is.’The portly Jeramy Chavez was all fat and no muscle.‘Thank you for stepping in and saving me, Mr Wilde,’ Alessia said, her gratitude tinged with a touch of reservation.‘That’s why you are treating me to dinner.’‘Fine. But you know I can’t possibly afford to take you to a Michelin-starred restaurant, the kind of fine-dining establishment you are usually used to.’ Alessia’s eyes gleamed with mischief. ‘If you are up for it, there’s this place I know, a hole in the wall tucked away at the end of an alley not far from here. It doesn’t have a signboard. The walls have peeling paint. But the food’s more than decent. The question is, do you have the guts to eat there, Mr Wilde?’‘Why wouldn’t I?’‘Your suit probably costs more than the rent of that place,’ Alessia said. ‘And I know for a fact that your car definitely costs more than everything they have
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Chapter 46 Maze of Unpredictability
Logan had dined at countless places, which invariably came with perfectly trained waitstaff ready to indulge his every whim.But there was something intriguing about this simple place where one could order without a menu and talk directly to the owner.It also said something about the woman who frequented this place.Alessia, usually guarded in his presence, was much more talkative and friendly here.Logan wondered if she herself was aware of this change.Alessia returned, bearing a tray, a pitcher and two glasses. ‘I hope you like mango lassi. They don’t serve wine here.’She poured the creamy drink for Logan and realised he was staring at her. ‘What?’‘Does your face still hurt?’Alessia gently touched her cheeks.A wince of pain escaped her lips as she replied, ‘Yeah, it’s still throbbing a little.’Then she chuckled.Logan furrowed his brow, puzzled by her reaction. ‘Why are you laughing if it hurts?’Alessia’s eyes sparkled mischievously as she explained, ‘Well, if my face still
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Chapter 47 Dangerous Territory
Logan had wanted to send a private investigator to verify Alessia’s claim of being married, but held back in case the PI came back with unfavourable news.But now, the knowledge of her marital status, whether true or false, became insignificant in the face of his desire.Ethics and morality were cast aside as he surrendered to his primal instincts, consumed by an insatiable need to make her his.His lips explored hers with a hunger born of longing, savouring every inch, every taste.He revelled in the softness of her plump bottom lip, gently grazing it with his teeth, a teasing caress that spoke of his eagerness to consume her essence, to breathe in her intoxicating scent.Alessia’s mind spun in a whirlwind of conflicting emotions.She knew this was dangerous territory, a path she shouldn’t tread.Yet, the magnetic pull she felt toward Logan was undeniable, and his kiss ignited a flame deep within her.At the same time, her mind raced with thoughts of the DNA test.The lab technician
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Chapter 48 All Talk, No Action
Logan slowly ran his hand over her back. ‘I think you know what I’m talking about.’Alessia’s gaze locked onto his, her proximity granting her a view of his eyelashes and the small flecks of silver near his irises.She couldn’t ignore the flames of desire still burning strong within him.She stared at him.‘Are you serious?’ she asked, incredulous. ‘Are you seriously considering giving millions of dollars worth of ad sponsorship to BuzzBeat if I sleep with you?’Logan, momentarily taken aback by her directness, shrugged nonchalantly.‘Why not?’ he replied, a hint of mischief in his eyes. ‘I have to spend the ad money somewhere, and I might as well have some fun in the process.’Alessia’s mind whirled with a mix of disbelief and intrigue as she considered Logan’s indecent proposal.Part of her refused to believe that a man of his stature would stoop so low as to mix business with s*xual favours.It had to be a joke, a test of her resolve.To gauge his true intentions, she nodded, her v
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Chapter 49 Walls Around Her Heart
Logan swore under his breath.His hand reached to yank off his tie, only to realise he’d already taken it off.He undid another two buttons on his silk shirt.‘You knew I wasn’t going to take you here,’ he shot back. ‘That’s why you kept provoking me.’Alessia shrugged, refusing to offer a comment.Her aloof attitude only served to further irk Logan.‘Alessia, whether or not you’re a virgin is irrelevant. I couldn’t care less about that,’ he declared, his words carrying a raw honesty. ‘And just so you know, I’m no cherry boy myself.’Alessia’s stunned silence filled the air, her mind struggling to process his revelation.She searched his face for any sign of deception, but the unwavering conviction in his gaze left her captivated.In that moment, her perception of the domineering, presumptuous billionaire CEO shattered, replaced by a vulnerable man who had faced his own complexities.A sudden urge overwhelmed Alessia, a desire to shed her own layers of deception and lay bare her truth
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Chapter 50 No Free Lunch
Logan made a noncommittal sound in his throat, still busy with his lamb shanks, pleasantly surprised by its rich flavours.With his fork, he gestured for her to continue.Alessia carried on, ‘Our readership is growing every day, and we have a loyal following of readers who are interested in the latest news and gossip. We also have the ability to target specific segments of the population, which can be very beneficial for companies like Wilde Enterprises. Our readership is primarily made up of young adults and millennials, who are interested in entertainment, fashion, and lifestyle news. We also have a strong following among women—’Logan, after taking a final sip of his mango lassi, abruptly cut her off, ‘I must say, your discernment in picking restaurants far surpasses that of your judgement of a good workplace.’‘What do you mean?’ Alessia frowned.‘I have no interest in doing business with a tabloid,’ Logan said.A flicker of irritation sparked in Alessia’s eyes, her patience teste
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