All Chapters of The Wrong Night with Mr. Right: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
304 Chapters
Chapter 21 Play the Victim Card
Alessia stepped back quickly before the bodyguards could make a grab for her phone. ‘Don’t bother. It’s already uploaded to my mailbox and cloud drive. If you dare lay a finger on me, I’ll send a copy of the recording to every news outlet in Veridian. In less than twelve hours, the entire city will know your true colours.’Olivia’s voice reverberated with fury. ‘You wouldn’t dare!’‘Release me,’ Alessia’s voice dropped to a dangerous whisper. ‘And I’ll pretend this never happened.’Olivia hesitated, pride and suspicion warring within her. ‘How can I trust you to keep your word?’Alessia’s lips curled into a sly smile. ‘Do you really have any other choice?’Olivia clenched her teeth, torn between her options.Should she release Alessia and risk the exposure of her own dark secrets?Panic surged through her as she spotted Logan’s figure in the distance.Desperation engulfed her as she ran toward him, her voice wrought with desperation. ‘Logan! Jansen set me up, got me recorded. Please,
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Chapter 22 Chameleon Actress
Olivia’s eyes searched Logan’s ruthless face, her hands clenched tightly.Suddenly, a smile crept across her lips, dispersing the tears that had threatened to spill.She had always been a skilled actress.‘Well, Mr Wilde, I admit my mistake. I won’t cross any boundaries again,’ Olivia said, her tone composed and respectful.Alessia watched the scene unfold, her emotions oscillating between anxiety and awe.Olivia’s ability to switch from teary-eyed vulnerability to an ice-cold demeanour left Alessia both impressed and intimidated.Logan’s gaze lingered on Olivia, his expression cold and unforgiving. ‘Make sure you understand your place and act accordingly in the future.’Olivia mustered a smile, her head bowed slightly. ‘Mr Wilde, I was wondering if you could give me another chance to represent your company. I truly need this job.’A flicker of something flashed in Logan’s eyes, his gaze penetrating as he studied Olivia.After a long pause, he finally responded, his voice leaving no r
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Chapter 23 Cat and Mouse
Logan stared at Alessia intently.Then he got out of the car and said to his assistant, ‘Terence, take Miss Jansen home, and make sure you verify her marriage certificate. If she fails to produce it, consider yourself fired.’Terence’s eyes widened in shock. ‘But, sir, I—’Alessia, too, was stunned by the order.Swiftly exiting the car, Alessia confronted Logan with a pale face, her voice trembling, ‘Logan, I won’t show your assistant my marriage certificate.’‘You won’t, or you can’t?’ Logan seemed to see right through her. ‘You can’t show it because you don’t have one, do you?’Alessia’s complexion paled further, her strength faltering. ‘W-who said I don’t have one?’Logan’s lips curled into a knowing smirk. ‘Then why are you stuttering?’‘No! I... I didn’t,’ Alessia stammered, her attempts to defend herself only exacerbating her nervousness.‘No?’ Logan chuckled, his voice dripping with sardonic amusement. ‘No stutter, or no marriage certificate?’Alessia was at a loss for words.H
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Chapter 24 DNA Test
‘Urgh!’ Alessia groaned, frustration etched on her face as she sighed for what felt like the umpteenth time that night.She was sitting at the kitchen table, her laptop open in front of her, surrounded by stacks of papers and empty coffee cups.Milo, her precocious five-year-old son, looked up from his book, ‘The Art of Electronics,’ curiosity twinkling in his eyes.Finally unable to contain himself, he blurted out, ‘Mommy, are you in love?’Alessia snapped out of her daze and stared at Milo, her surprise evident. ‘What? What did you just say?’Milo maintained his serious expression, studying his mother intently. ‘Mommy, what kind of person is he?’Alessia was taken aback once again, her mind racing to comprehend her son’s sudden curiosity about her love life.But Milo had a determined look on his face, as if silently saying, ‘Mommy, don’t lie to me.’She sighed, realising that she couldn’t escape this conversation. ‘No. Milo, Mommy is focused on you and doesn’t need a boyfriend. I’m
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Chapter 25 Ghost from Her Past
Alessia looked at Veronica with surprise. ‘Did someone follow you? Or are you bringing home a guest?’‘No.’ Veronica shook her head. ‘I took the elevator up by myself. Didn’t see anyone.’She turned the doorknob.The door swung open, revealing a striking figure in a sleek grey suit.His intense gaze penetrated the room, scanning its occupants without so much as a blink.In a heartbeat, his eyes locked onto Alessia—a tumultuous mix of emotions ignited between them.The man’s eyes, filled with longing and weariness, spoke of a bitter struggle against the whims of fate.‘Alessia?’ His voice quivered.And there he stood, Brayden, a ghost from Alessia’s past she hadn’t laid eyes on in ages.Time had etched its marks upon his once-youthful face, leaving traces of sorrow in his weary eyes.The years had woven a complex tapestry of feelings between them, now laid bare in this unexpected reunion.Alessia, once happily entangled with a twenty-one-year-old Brayden at the tender age of eighteen,
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Chapter 26 Can’t Change the Past
Milo nodded obediently, casting one last curious glance at Brayden before retreating to his room.As the door closed, Alessia and Brayden were left alone, the weight of their shared history hanging heavily in the air.After a long while, Brayden couldn’t help but break the silence. ‘Well, you have a smart son.’Alessia’s eyes narrowed as she stared at Brayden.‘I’m afraid you’ve forgotten that I did not give birth to only one son, but two,’ she retorted, her tone sharp and cutting.Brayden’s face froze, and he averted his gaze, unable to meet Alessia’s piercing eyes.Guilt washed over him, etching lines of remorse on his handsome face.Alessia observed him closely, her lips pursed.‘Sorry, Alessia,’ Brayden muttered, his eyes filled with bitterness. ‘I blame myself all these years.’Alessia’s eyes sparkled with a mix of anger and sadness.She locked her gaze with Brayden’s, her sharpness cutting through the tension.‘Your sister and I both. We’re really sorry for what happened to the
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Chapter 27 Star-crossed
‘Connie is such a weirdo. I can’t stand her,’ Veronica grumbled after dinner. ‘I hope she doesn’t show up here unannounced like Brayden did.’‘I’m with you,’ Alessia said as she dealt with the dishes.Veronica yawned. ‘You know, I’ve always thought she was up to no good.’‘Veronica—’ Alessia tried to interject.‘Listen, when our dad died, Connie took control of the family finances. She didn’t give me a dime, and I had to bust my ass to pay for my own education. I’ve had it with her, especially these past five years.’Alessia sighed, her heart heavy.She’d had a lot of time to reflect, and she couldn’t deny there was a kernel of truth to Veronica’s words.‘You know, I’ve thought a lot about that night—Connie, Brayden, and the stranger who’s Milo’s father. It feels like a setup, and I think…I think there’s a slight chance Connie might be involved,’ Alessia revealed.‘Yes, you’re finally catching on!’ Veronica exclaimed, slapping her thigh. ‘Brayden was supposed to be your husband, but C
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Chapter 28 Second Chance
Alessia saw the shock and doubt in his eyes. ‘We don’t want the same things. We were never really right for each other.’Before Brayden could say anything more, she looked past his shoulder. ‘Connie’s here.’Panic washed over Brayden, freezing him in place.Alessia sneered.As Brayden slowly turned around, he scanned the street.Connie was nowhere to be seen.He stood there, stunned, realising he had been played by Alessia.‘You just lied to me,’ Brayden muttered.Alessia folded her arms. ‘Someone who gets terrified at the mere mention of his wife’s name, do you really think he’s capable of filing for divorce? What a joke!’She turned around, but she had barely taken two steps before finding herself abruptly swept off her feet.‘Ah—’ she screamed, her voice filled with terror.‘I’m sorry,’ Brayden said, his grip firm as he carried her towards the car.‘Brayden, you jerk! Put me down!’ Alessia shouted, her hands clawing at him in desperation.But Brayden refused to let go, ignoring her
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Chapter 29 The Damsel and the Knight
A minute ago, Logan was just getting out of his car when he spotted Alessia dashing madly down the street.Her hair was a mess, her eyes filled with panic.And as her skirt billowed in the wind, he caught glimpses of her bare legs.He immediately stepped up to intercept her.‘No one is after you,’ Logan reassured her.Alessia checked and double-checked.She was on a different street now, Brayden or his car nowhere to be seen.She breathed out a long sigh, finally allowing herself to relax.Only then did she realise that she had been gripping Logan’s arms tightly, her nails digging into the fabric of his jacket.‘Sorry.’ She hastily released her hold.Frowning, Logan assessed Alessia’s flustered state.In one swift motion, he removed his suit jacket and wrapped it around her waist, tying up the sleeves to secure its position.The jacket still carried his warmth, and Alessia’s pounding heart finally settled.She looked at his downcast eyes as he bent low to tie the jacket around her wai
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Chapter 30 Out of the Frying Pan, Into the Fire
Alessia cast a nervous glance at Terence in the driver’s seat and whispered, ‘Mr Wilde.’‘Yes?’ Logan leaned closer, the corners of his lips curving up.‘We are in a public place.’‘No, we are not. This is my car, my private domain.’ Logan took a whiff of her shampoo.Not citrusy this time; she must have changed it.This one smelled like coconut, but just as intoxicating.Alessia leaned back as far as she could, regretting her decision to get in the car.She seemed to have jumped out of the frying pan right into the fire.Logan’s breath sprayed against her neck and the curve of her shoulder.And in that moment, Alessia confirmed what she had been thinking earlier—they were different, Brayden and Logan.While the former’s touch could make her bile rise, the latter’s would send her pulse racing and…inexplicably, wanting more.The realisation struck Alessia as absurd.A little embarrassed by what she was thinking, Alessia averted her gaze, willing herself to ignore Logan’s presence, whic
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