All Chapters of Fated To My Billionaire CEO: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
33 Chapters
The door swung open, revealing Mr. Dan’s arrival. He stepped into the room and walked towards Alex, in a kind gesture, asking Alex if he could take a seat. Alex nodded, indicating that Mr. Dan was welcome to join him.With a short smile on Alex’s face, he said, “Good day Mr. Dan. It’s good to see you”“Good day to you too Mr. Alex, it’s good to have you back.” Mr. Dan said“To what do I owe this visit?” Mr. Alex asked, his mind racing with anxious anticipation of what is to be said“Our board members have been compromised” Mr. Dan said, taking a deep breath and genuinely lowered his gaze, his voice softening as he delivered the sad news“What?!”“What do you mean?” Mr. Alex exclaimed, in eyes widened in amazement“Oh! This whole nonchalant attitude from the board members make sense to me now” Alex muttered to himself“You see, Mr. Alex,” he began, “It all started with the subtle hints of unease during our board meetings. I initially thought it as stress or personal issues, but as one
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The evening gave way into the morning with a gradual transition of darkness fading into the light of a new day. Flora began her morning ritual of preparing for the day. She meticulously laid out her clothes, choosing the perfect outfit for the day. Flora’s brother, Tony, who was currently unemployed, took on the responsibility of managing the household chores while she headed to workBefore stepping out of the house, Flora said, “Hey bro, I already made breakfast so you don’t have to stress over that.”“Oh! Sounds great. Thank you.” Tony said, with a short smile as he bid his sister goodbye “Meanwhile, all the best in your interview. Be brave, I know you’ve got this!” Flora said, with a friendly and supportive tone.Tony responded, “I really appreciate that, thank you so much. I will try my best.”As Flora left for work, the morning was still and quiet. However, within minutes of her departure, Tony received an email. It was form the company he had applied to, informing him of a chan
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In the heart of the city, the Mirage Lounge bar was transformed into a dazzling venue for the grand handing over ceremony. The atmosphere was filled with excitement and anticipation as guests arrived, greeted by the sight of an elegant bar being set up. The bar was meticulously arranged, showcasing an array of fine wine and spirits. The manager ensured that his workers, who had contributed to the bar’s growth were also honored guests.As the guests settled in, Mr. Sebastian, the outgoing CEO, took the stage to address the crowd. He spoke passionately about the history and inception of the bar, recounting its humble beginnings and remarkable growth under his leadership. He also thanked his entire workers for their dedication and endless commitment. Their presence was a testament to hard work, making the ceremony a heartfelt celebration of their collective effort and the promising future ahead.As Mr. Sebastian continued his speech, the atmosphere in the Mirage Lounge bar was filled wit
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Cora gently lifted his chin, her eyes pleading for a connection he seemed reluctant to make. “I came to celebrate with you, my love.” Cora said, her voice barely audible over the din.“Don’t ever call me that!” Alex exclaimed, his voice sharp. “What part of this relationship being over do you not understand?”Ignoring his words, Cora reached out to touch his arm, but Alex stepped back, avoiding her touch. Frustration flickered across Cora’s face as she tried to maintain her composure.As she opened her mouth to respond, Alex grabbed her wrist, his grip firm. “Follow me,” he ordered, pulling her through the crowd towards a secluded corner. Once they were alone, Cora drew closer to him, her eyes pleading. She reached out and grabbed his shirt, her fingers curling into fists. Leaning in, she whispered, “I’m still in love with you, Alex.”Alex chuckled, a bitter sound“That reminds me, what stupid stunt did you pull, sending a stranger to blackmail Amelia at her workplace?” Alex asked, hi
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Lucy arrived home feeling nervous. She knew what she was about to get involved in, but she had to be strong enough to shake off the emotion. She quickly freshened up and changed into a comfortable yet presentable outfit, knowing she had to make a good impression.As she reached for her bag, she heard her phone buzz, indicating the receiving of a text message. It was the address Mr. Vincent had sent to her. She eagerly opened the message and read through the location details. To her relief, it was a place she knew quite well, having been there a few times before. This familiarity eased her mind, knowing that locating the place wouldn't be difficult.With the address in mind, Lucy grabbed her keys, locked her door, and headed to her car. The sun was setting, casting a warm glow over the city as she drove through familiar streets. She couldn't help but feel a sense of anticipation building up inside her. Upon arrival, Lucy parked her car and stepped out, taking a moment to compose herse
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The text message read, as follows: "Flora, I just had a conversation with Ms. Thompson. She was in my office, going over the details of some deal she made with you about my job. She said my job will be at stake if you don’t meet your end of the bargain. I don't know what she asked of you, but please, Flora, this job means everything to me. Do whatever she wants."Flora's mind raced, she knew what Ms. Thompson was capable of doing. In a short period of knowing her, despite being kind at the first instance, her true reputation for being tough and unyielding had been revealed. But this level of manipulation was the least expected of her character.The thought of her brother’s job being at stake because of her made her feel an intense mixture of guilt and anger. She loved Tony dearly, and his job was crucial for his future and their family's stability.Tony had always been there for her, supporting her through thick and thin. Now, it was her turn to be there for him. Flora knew she had to
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Alex stormed out of the presentation room, his fury palpable. The devastating results that were announced had shaken his confidence in his team. Immediately, he ordered all his board members to assemble at the office without delay. The urgency in his voice left no room for hesitation; this was a crisis that demanded immediate attention.“But sir, it’s almost closing hour of the day,” a board member said, hesitating“I don’t care what time it is,” Alex snapped back. “This can’t wait. I need everyone there now.” With a few of the board members who had been nearby, Alex got into his car, his mind racing with thoughts of betrayal and the looming threat of disqualification from the crucial project. The air inside the car was thick with tension as they sped towards the office.Alex's anger was like a live wire, sparking off everyone around him. He couldn't believe the extent to which some of his board members had gone to betray him. The revelation that they had not only underperformed but
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As Alex arrived at the venue, the sun had fully set, casting a dusky glow over the surroundings and making it difficult to distinguish details. Still inside the car, he reached for his phone and dialed Mr. Lawrence's number. He needed to know where he was seated in the crowded venue.After a brief conversation, Alex stepped out of the car and locked it behind him. He glanced around, trying to match the description Mr. Lawrence had given him. With a few determined strides, he made his way through the gathering, scanning faces until he spotted Mr. Lawrence. Mr. Lawrence was seated at a table near the entrance, his face partially illuminated by the dim light. Alex approached him, a sense of purpose guiding his steps. As he drew closer, he could see Mr. Lawrence's expression change from one of anticipation to recognition. "Mr. Lawrence," Alex greeted him, extending a hand. "I'm sorry for keeping you waiting."Mr. Lawrence rose from his seat, returning the handshake. "It's not a problem
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The buzzing alarm abruptly interrupted Alex's sleep, its persistent ring echoing in the stillness of the early morning. With a sigh, he reached out from under the covers to silence it, squinting at the glowing numbers on the clock that read 6:00 AM.Alex had set the alarm deliberately early to ensure he had enough time to prepare for his meeting with Mr. Lawrence. They had agreed to leave together, and Mr. Lawrence was scheduled to pick him up at his house.Alex quickly ran through his morning routine: a quick shower to wake himself up fully, followed by dressing in a crisp, professional outfit he had laid out the night before. As he adjusted his tie in the mirror, Alex's mind was already racing with the tasks and discussions ahead. He couldn't afford to be late or unprepared; punctuality and readiness were crucial for the day's agenda.After a quick breakfast, Alex glanced at the clock once more. It was almost time. Just a few minutes later, a firm knock echoed through the quiet hous
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After the meeting with the Manager, Alex appreciated him for the report he had received and encouraged him to keep up with the good policy and strategy he had put in place. Alex then left the office and headed towards Amelia"Alex, I'm so glad you're here," she said, her voice a mix of relief and urgency."I'm glad to see you too, Amelia," Alex replied, taking her hands in his. "You mentioned you needed my help with something urgent. What's going on?"Amelia took a deep breath, her expression serious. "Can we talk in private?"Alex nodded, leading her to a quieter corner of the bar where they could speak without interruption. As they sat down, he looked at her with concern. "Tell me everything, Amelia. I'm here to help."Amelia began to explain, and Alex listened intently, ready to support her in any way he could."Flora's in a tight situation," Amelia said, her voice tinged with worry."What do you mean?" Alex asked, his eyebrows furrowing in concern.Amelia explained everything to A
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