Все главы Fated To My Billionaire CEO: Глава 21 - Глава 30
The excitement in the headquarters' main hall was palpable. Representatives from the media, shareholders, and executives crowded the room on the day of the corporate election. Nicole Hart, the departing president of Corporate Affairs, was the center of attention.Nicole Hart began her career at Apex Industries in Orion as a junior analyst and advanced fast through the ranks thanks to her intellect and unwavering determination. She oversaw a significant merger, increasing the impact of Apex Industries and enhancing her standing as a skillful tactician.By the time she became President of Corporate Affairs, she had dominated the corporate landscape, securing Apex Industries' position as the city's leading firm. Nicole's power extended beyond the company, as she built influential alliances in politics, finance, and media.As her tenure neared its end, Nicole identified Elsa Reeves as her successor. Elsa, known for her strategic brilliance, was seen by Nicole as the ideal candidate to con
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It was 6:30pm, and the sun was setting, casting a warm, golden glow over the city. After bidding Tony goodbye, Flora swung the door open and stepped out, feeling the cool evening breeze. She walked a few miles, and then decided to place a call to who she was meeting."Hello Ms. Thompson, good evening to you," Flora greeted. "Please, where can I find you?""Just move a few steps forward, and you'll find me. I can see you from where I am," Ms. Thompson responded, after which she interrupted the call.Ms. Thompson had come to pick a few items from a grocery store near Flora’s neighborhood, so she decided to stop by Flora’s place to ask if she had accomplished her side of the bargain.Flora arrived at her car, and Ms. Thompson ordered her to get in. Flora got in, unsure of how to act, knowing she had not completed her task"So, do you have some good news for me?" Ms. Thompson asked, in anticipation."Emmm," Flora hesitated, unsure how to respond."Not yet," she finally responded, placing
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Chapter 23
"The CEO, Mr. Alex Tate would like to see you," the receptionist echoed, calling Amelia's attention as she noticed her trying to leave the building."Oh! Okay. Can you please direct me to his office?" Amelia asked politely."Don't worry, I'll take you there myself," the receptionist offered.Amelia felt grateful for her benevolence. As she walked quietly behind the receptionist, she was excited about how her interview went. It went so smoothly that the sales manager was highly impressed and couldn't wait for her to commence work.As Amelia walked through the building, her mind was racing with thoughts of how successful the interview had been. She couldn't help but admire the environment. The workspace was a testament to luxury and opulence.The floors were polished to a mirror-like sheen, reflecting the ambient lighting that was carefully designed to provide both functionality and aesthetic appeal.The walls were adorned with contemporary art pieces, each meticulously chosen to enhanc
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Chapter 24
A stone's throw away from the bar, Amelia's phone buzzed, pulling her attention away from her thoughts and onto the notification she had just received. She carefully opened her bag and retrieved her phone, her fingers deftly navigating the screen as she read through the message from Mr. Lawrence.Mr. Lawrence had texted Amelia to prepare for a visit to Mr. Nick's house the next day. He and Alex had decided to keep secret their prior visit to survey the environment and the fact that Mr. Nick had already sold his house. They agreed it was best for Amelia to discover this on her own, believing it would be easier to manage her reaction.Amelia's eyes widened slightly as she processed the information. After a moment's pause, she quickly typed out a response, confirming that she had received the message and was willing to join him tomorrow.Just as she was about to press send, a car sped out of the bar's driveway, its engine roaring loudly. The sudden movement caught her attention, and she
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Chapter 25
6AMAmelia woke up with a feeling of excitement, having had a good night's rest. The soft morning light filtered through the curtains, casting a warm glow across her room.She stretched luxuriously, savoring the lingering comfort of her dreams. The quiet hum of the city waking up outside felt like a gentle symphony, matching her buoyant mood.As she moved through her morning routine, her excitement grew. She chose an outfit that made her feel confident. After putting on her dress, she took a moment to admire her reflection in the mirror, her eyes sparkling with enthusiasm.Amelia had completed her morning routine and was waiting for Mr. Lawrence to arrive at her residence. Even though her house was situated deep within the neighborhood, she was surprised and impressed at how fast and easily Mr. Lawrence managed to locate it.As she walked closer to the car, she noticed Alex seated on the right side, just beside Mr. Lawrence. Mixed feelings rushed through her. First, she was excited t
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Chapter 26
It was 8 AM at Tate Industries, and every worker was bustling around, arranging things and getting ready for the day. The air was filled with the hum of conversation and the clatter of office supplies as everyone settled into their routines.Amelia had just stepped into the office, looking absolutely gorgeous in her professional attire. She exuded confidence, her outfit perfectly tailored, highlighting her poised and elegant demeanor. The moment she entered, all eyes were drawn to her, curiosity evident in their glances. It was clear she was new, and her arrival had created quite a stir.In boldness, despite the obvious glances, she walked towards the receptionist and greeted her warmly. The receptionist, a woman with a friendly but professional demeanor, smiled back and asked Amelia to hold on for a short time. She explained that the CEO, Alex Tate, would like to officially introduce her as a new member of the company.As they conversed, the atmosphere in the office seemed to shift.
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Chapter 27
As the slides began to display on the screen, there was a palpable tension in the room. Alex stepped aside, allowing the coordinator and the judges to carefully review the content. Slide by slide, they compared the materials from Tate Industries to what had just been presented by the other company.Though the PowerPoint designs were different, the contents were exactly the same as those of Tate Industries. The similarities were undeniable.The judges exchanged glances, their expressions growing more serious with each passing moment. The coordinator's face hardened as he saw the evidence before him.He turned back to the audience, raising his hand to get their attention. "It is evident that the presentation given by the first company contains material strikingly similar to that of Tate Industries. This matter will require further investigation."Alex felt a surge of relief and vindication, though the sting of betrayal still lingered. He looked at his team, who were now filled with a mi
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Chapter 28
Lucy's heart sank. Her mind raced, knowing she was the one who had recorded their initiatives and plans and had given it out. The weight of her actions bore down on her, suffocating her with guilt and fear. She muttered to herself, “What if after this investigation, I'm caught as the traitor?" Panic gripped her, and she stood still, her thoughts spiraling. “Mr. Alex wouldn't hesitate to fire me!” she yelled, the sound echoing in the empty office.She glanced at her wristwatch. It was already 5:10 PM, past the usual closing time of 5 PM. Her pulse quickened. She hurriedly packed her bags, her hands trembling as she arranged her desk. She needed to get out, escape the looming consequences. As she left the office building, she fumbled for her phone and dialed Mr. Vincent's number.“Good day Mr. Vincent," Lucy greeted, trying to sound calm"Greetings to you, Lucy," Mr. Vincent responded"Sir, there's an investigation going on,” she blurted out as soon as he answered. Her voice was shaky,
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Chapter 29
Alex arrived at the location chosen by the coordinator and sought a place to sit and wait. He settled into a quiet corner, ordered a drink to calm his nerves, and began scrolling through his phone, trying to distract himself from the anticipation.Sooner than expected, the coordinator arrived. Alex quickly stood up, greeted him with a warm handshake, and exchanged pleasantries. He then invited the coordinator to make his order and decide on a drink.Once the coordinator received his drink, they both settled into their seats. Alex took a moment to gather his thoughts, then leaned forward slightly, signaling the start of their conversation.The coordinator took a sip of his drink, then opened up. "The lead team member revealed that it was his boss who gave them the idea."Alex's eyes widened in astonishment. "Did he say who his boss is?""Yes, Mr. Wilson," the coordinator responded, watching Alex's reaction closely.Hearing this, Alex's mind raced. "Oh, now I know where all this is comi
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Chapter 30
Alex woke up feeling the heavy weight of his stepfather's demands about the company pressing down on him. The concerns that had kept him tossing and turning all night still lingered in his mind.Despite the nagging anxiety, he pushed himself through his morning routine, moving quickly as he got ready for the day ahead.As he hurriedly ate his breakfast, a notification buzzed on his phone. With a mix of curiosity and apprehension, he read the message from the firm handling the ongoing project.As he absorbed the contents, his heart leapt with joy. The message revealed that the accused company had been disqualified after the investigation, and this meant Tate Industries had advanced to the second round of the competition. This news was a huge relief, and a wave of excitement rushed over him.Overwhelmed by the unexpected good news, Alex felt a sense of excitement that he hadn't experienced in a long time. His worries about his stepfather's demands seemed to melt away in an instant.The
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