All Chapters of Sold To The Cruel Alpha King : Chapter 41 - Chapter 49
49 Chapters
What am I going to do?
(ELIO'S POV) A feeling of anxiety and discomfort overcame me out of nowhere, I gasped as I held on to the counter next to me, trying to stop myself from falling. Luckily for me, Alex was heading in my direction and saw me. He hurriedly made his way over and helped me to sit down. I started to calm down while trying to figure out what the hell was that about. Alex sighed while handing me an envelope. “This came for you.” I nodded my head and opened the letter, my eyes became wide as I started to read out loud. “An Alpha King's mate is their weakness, right? Now that you're separated, prepare yourself.” I jumped up suddenly and ran towards Acacia's room, hoping that she's there. Once I was there, I knocked on the door, but there was no answer. I continued to knock until Alex started to pull me away, but I managed to escape his hold and kicked the door down. I just wanted to make sure she's alright. After a moment of looking around, I noticed that Acacia really wasn't here. I groane
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Real or not?
(Elio) My heart hurts. In fact, everywhere on me was hurting as days passed without any signs of Acacia. Some of my warriors were out searching for her, as my time was drawing near. I knew that without her being by my side, it would be devastating. Storm still hasn't shown any signs of ever coming back, no matter how much I called for him. Dr. Andrew was trying his best to help me, but no number of medications that he gave me could amount to the loss that I felt. At first, I thought that I was a tough bastard who could endure anything thrown my way. Looking back at the way I acted before was laughable. I don't even know how everyone puts up with me when I was like that. Now, I am back to lying in the pack hospital bed. Suffering from the separation of my mate. My withdrawals came back in full force, making me wish that I was dead instead. I now saw this as a punishment, one that I had gladly accepted. “Elio, you have visitors.” Alex said, I groaned and grabbed the pillow while
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(Unknown POV) I walked up to the person who told me to meet him at a specific location, and my heart hammered in my chest as I realized what I was about to do. I would rather not betray anyone, but it came to a point where I couldn't just sit back and do nothing. My pack was misplaced, without a proper alpha to guide them it sure as shit was heading in the wrong direction. That's something that I didn't want, so I was going to do everything in my power to make sure that didn't happen. “Were you followed?” The man asked, I shook my head at his question. Taking in his appearance, I cringed at the sight in front of me. He had a long scar on the right side of his face that seemed to be somewhat infected. A thick, yellowish substance was oozing out of the open area that missed a couple of stitches. “Good, anything that I should know?” I folded my arms, still unsure if I should do this or not. “He's still not getting better, I suggest the war should be called off for now.” The man laugh
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I'm back
(Acacia) I was slowly regaining consciousness when a hand was suddenly placed over my mouth, blocking any sound that I would make. I started to panic, knowing that this was probably it for me. But then, the person took their hand away and placed his index finger against his lips, telling me to be quiet. He then removed the mask from his face, and I noticed that it was Elton. I breathed a sigh of relief, thinking that he was here to save me. “I'm so sorry about this, I will get you out of here. But, you have to promise me you won't tell Alpha King Elio that I was the one who helped you, I knew all along that this was the work of Jessica.” He explained as he got to work untying the knots on my wrists. I groaned when they were free while gently massaging them. “How did you know?” I asked. He gestured to me to follow him quietly, which I did. “This was her mother's hideout. Before she passed away, Maryanne would sometimes take Jessica here.” I nodded my head as we made our way throug
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Getting close to him
(Acacia) “Your wolf, he's back!” I exclaimed as I looked at Elio with wide eyes. He was also shocked, not expecting it to happen so soon.“I-I'm talking to him! Damn, he's really back, and it's all because of you.” Elio replied, I gave him a confused look, wondering what he was talking about. “It seems as if you accepted us, one touch from you, and he came back. Maybe that was all it needed after all.” I nodded my head happily. After a while, Elio went back to being serious. There was still a war that's about to take place. We couldn't just sit back and act as if everything were alright. “My father is already working on getting the women and children out of here. I want you to leave as well.” I was going to argue with him, but he gave me a pointed look which had me closing my mouth.“That's final Acacia. You are pregnant with my pup. You are an easy target, Jessica knew that I wanted an heir, it's the reason I purchased you in the first place.” When he said that, I could tell that
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Killing them
(Elio) 'So, what do you think?' I asked Storm after coming back from a run. He desperately wanted it, so after making sure that Acacia was gone, I shifted. We had spent at least half an hour running before I had to go to training.'About?' Storm replied, I rolled my eyes in return. He knew exactly what I was talking about, yet he was acting like he didn't. 'Acacia. She accepted us even though we treated her like garbage before. I was expecting her to reject me the moment she returned.' Storm huffed while taking control of my body for a brief moment and swinging at the opponent. 'Damn, can't a wolf live in peace? Ok, I admit that I went about everything the wrong way. But, it wasn't really me that was in control. The medicines that were injected in us had their side effects, and I didn't know that she was my mate. If I did, then maybe I would have treated her differently. Who knows, though? I'm a fucked up wolf.' Storm didn't even sound, sorry. I groaned, not liking the idea of havi
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Killing them
(Elio) 'So, what do you think?' I asked Storm after coming back from a run. He desperately wanted it, so after making sure that Acacia was gone, I shifted. We had spent at least half an hour running before I had to go to training.'About?' Storm replied, I rolled my eyes in return. He knew exactly what I was talking about, yet he was acting like he didn't. 'Acacia. She accepted us even though we treated her like garbage before. I was expecting her to reject me the moment she returned.' Storm huffed while taking control of my body for a brief moment and swinging at the opponent. 'Damn, can't a wolf live in peace? Ok, I admit that I went about everything the wrong way. But, it wasn't really me that was in control. The medicines that were injected in us had their side effects, and I didn't know that she was my mate. If I did, then maybe I would have treated her differently. Who knows, though? I'm a fucked up wolf.' Storm didn't even sound, sorry. I groaned, not liking the idea of havi
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The war
(Storm) I knew that something was wrong once I got back to the pack house. Hearing shouts coming from my warriors and men who had decided to stay and fight as well had me speeding up. I saw my father's wolf tackling a rogue before biting down on its neck. Knowing that he was alright to fight on his own, I threw the rogue that I was carrying and heard a resulting crack as it landed against a tree. I ran towards three rogues who came barreling towards me. I didn't wait for them to take me on, as I tackled them one by one. I was right before. This is my specialty. So, it didn't take long for me to kill them.I growled in frustration as more and more rogues came. I wonder how Jessica was able to get them to take part in the fight. Luckily for me, everyone was well-trained to take them on. I was busy gloating over the fact that we were well on our way to victory. But, I should have known that it wasn't going to be this easy. A rogue ran towards me when I wasn't concentrating, almost
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(Six months later)(Elio) After Alex's death, everyone had been emotional. Trying to pick up from where we left off was a hard task to complete. But we were determined to. We were grieving for the loss of our friend and beta. No matter what he did, he's just someone that no one could hate. As for Austin, he told me that he had been the one to help Acacia escape. After the war, he started to spill everything. I didn't hate him for doing it, though. It's something that needs to be done. Now, I realized just how fucked up I really am. Knowing that they had to go behind my back and help my mate ran from me, was the hardest part of this. So, I won't judge them for what they did. After all, I deserved it. Today, marks the day of the ceremony. We were doing it the right way, no matter my age. Storm had fought dad and won, obtaining a title that wasn't rightfully his since he didn't go through the ritual. But, we earned it. And that's one hell of an accomplishment if you asked me. Stan
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