All Chapters of Sold To The Cruel Alpha King : Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
49 Chapters
Finding a way out
(Acacia)I was waiting for Austin to come back, but he didn't. It was the next day when I saw him, and then I started to tell him my plans. I was already excited, even though I knew that it might not work. Austin was listening to what I was saying, as if he could see this going through. “I'm just saying, though, it might not work, but we have to try something. Jeremy is from the Blue Lake Pack, but he works at the restaurant with me. If you could tell him where I am, then maybe I would be able to leave this place with his help.” Austin nodded his head while listening to what I was saying. “I've never been to a human settlement before, I hated humans because they are weak, Elio's parents have gone there, so I could use that as an excuse.” Austin replied. I chuckled and shook my head, not believing that he had said that. “They are not weak to me, or maybe it's because I'm used to them.” I replied. I got up from the bed and made my way over to the window. I pulled the curtain to the s
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The threat
(Elio)I couldn't stand being here any longer, so I decided to use this time to go visit that stupid pack that thought that they could make demands. I wasn't selling any part of my land, so they should get that through their thick skulls. What the Elders said, fuck that, was getting to me as well. But, I won't listen to them, no matter the threat they made. I wasn't stupid, that much I can guarantee. After I left Acacia's room, I bumped into Jessica. I couldn't deal with her annoying ass right now, we broke up, so why can't she understand that I don't want to have anything to do with her?“You've been scarce lately, avoiding me?” Jessica asked, her tone was annoying me and right now, being on the verge of losing it, I think she should thread carefully around me. “We broke up, why would I want to see you?” I asked, trying to leave, but she stopped me by getting into my way. I raised my eyebrow at her, wondering what the fuck was her problem. “You broke up with me, I've never had an
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Talking about the past
(Elio)It took me a while to get to the crimson pack, they are so fucking annoying it's not even funny. I did promise Alex that I wasn't going to harm them, but if they say something that I don't like, I might have to reconsider. This wasn't what I wanted, but I had to do this either way. When I arrived at the pack, the alpha along with his beta, gamma, and some warriors were waiting to 'welcome me.' I chuckled at the idea of starting a war with them, I knew that Storm would take them out in the blink of an eye without trying.“Alpha King Elio, welcome. Let us head to my office so that we can talk about…" I held my hand up, stopping him from talking. “Cut the chitchat, Erick, I am here to decline your offer. No amount of money will get me to sell my land. I'm also here to warn you to stop interfering with my pack or else there will be consequences.” I folded my arms, getting into a fighting stance as I got ready to defend myself if they were to attack. Erick chuckled and shook his
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It's happening
(Austin's POV)I didn't know what I was doing. Hell, I wasn't even thinking clearly. What I knew, though, was that I wanted to help Acacia. She had become an important part of my life ever since I met her, so I wanted her to be happy. After I was done with pack duties, I decided to send Elio a mind link, telling him that I had to go and search for my mate in the human settlement and check on his parents. Elio believed me, and the fucker even wished me good luck, as if he couldn't wait to get rid of me.For me, I didn't want to go to the human settlement, since I made a promise to myself not to. But, here I am, breaking that promise for someone that I hardly knew.After my bag was packed for a two-day trip, I took one of the pack's cars and drove off. I could have run there, but I would very much like to keep my head in the game. Running would just be a distraction. If I showed up in his wolf form, there was no doubt that the weaklings would have a heart attack. Humans were known to
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(Acacia)Something happened to Elio while he was away, I wasn't sure what it was, but when he came back, he was a different person. His wolf was now in control, and they took turns having sex with me until I couldn't take it anymore. I enjoyed it, yes, no matter how many times I've told them to stop. After they were done, Elio left without looking at me. I dragged myself to the bathroom and cried so hard while I was taking a shower. Mesha had already taken my pain away, She wanted to block my mind from remembering what had happened, but I told her no. When I calmed down, I got out of the shower and changed my clothes, then made my way towards the bed to rest. Austin hasn't been back as yet, and it's been two days since he left. I was now talking to Mesha, trying to figure out what we were going to do after this. 'I doubt that's wise. We can't wait on Austin forever. Let's just come up with different ways of leaving here. I'll…' I didn't get to finish talking when I heard a knock o
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New beginning
(Acacia) “Where should we go? You know that I can't go back home. Harold would just send me right back to them.” I said, trying to figure out what the hell I'm going to do now that I've escaped. I was also on the verge of panicking, but I had to try to tame it a bit. “There's this place that my grandparents owned in Minnesota that we could stay for a while, but Austin you need to head back so that your Alpha King doesn't suspect you,” Jeremy said, Austin nodded his head and sighed. “I already know that, I just want to make sure you two are safe first.” Austin's reply made Jeremy scoff. I sat there in silence, listening to the two of them bickering. Something strange was happening between them, I just couldn't place my finger on it.“I can defend myself, you know. I may not have a rank, but I'm not some wimp. Stop worrying too much. You helped me get my best friend back, and that's all that matters now.” I narrowed my eyes, wondering what the hell was going on between these two. The
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(Elio)What are your views on someone changing from bad to good, just like that?For me? It was stupid. It wouldn't work, not unless you set your mind to be a better person. Everyone expected me to change right away. They expected Storm to be tamed and controlled, but I found that difficult to achieve. I made a promise to never change, to let others hate me even more. I wasn't a good person, but I never said I was. I found a lot of enjoyment in killing rogues, even though I don't take part in it. Sighing, I got up off my bed and made my way towards the bathroom so that I could take a shower. It's the next day now, and still no word from my warriors if they had located Acacia or not. I've sent most of them out to hunt, but it's hard when every trace of her scent has been erased.After I was done showering and brushing my teeth, I got dressed and made my way downstairs. I had plenty of things to do. If I'm going to keep up this act of changing, then I need to get certain things out of
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Jealous feeling
(Acacia)(One Month Later)“I have to leave, but I'll be back soon.” Austin was talking to Jeremy, who was getting unhappy about his mate leaving. It's been a month now since my escape, and they have been taking care of me ever since. Leah and Dr. Andrew would visit me constantly, just to make sure that I was alright. I'm almost two months pregnant, and the symptoms are getting worse, now The cravings and the morning sickness seem to hit me at the same time. I've been experiencing morning sickness before, yes, but not like this. “I know that you'll be back, I just don't like it when you're away from me for so long,” Jeremy replied, breaking me out of my thoughts. I was lying down on the bed, watching them interact. It's good to see that Jeremy was happy with his mate. It makes me happy for him. “Tell you what, how about next time I visit, I take you somewhere private, uh? Just the two of us.” I could tell the meaning behind that, making me roll my eyes. I felt bad for being the rea
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Training for the war
(Elio)“You've been missing a lot lately.” I said to Austin, who had just decided to grace me with his presence. He rolled his eyes and took a massive pull on his cigarette, which made me think that he was deprived of it.“Had to steer clear of you, tired of beating the crap out of you.” That had me laughing. We fought a lot, for sure. That's nothing new. I just had to learn how to tame my temper a bit. “I heard you're preparing for a war with Jessica, her pussy isn't working out for you anymore?” Austin asked, while putting out the cigarette. I scowled at him, not liking the way he had to bring that up. Jessica was just a distraction, given the fact that she was my girlfriend, I just couldn't deal with her anymore.“You already knew that I broke up with her, it's not my fault that she's obsessed with me and can't take rejection well.” I replied. I continued to watch my warriors training, getting ready for a war that I wasn't even sure was happening. But, I won't take it lightly. I h
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This can't be happening
(Elio)After another unsuccessful search for Acacia, I decided to give up for now. Austin was the one leading the search this time. At first, I thought that it was getting somewhere, but then it turned out to be a wild goose chase. Sighing, I made my way towards my room, wanting nothing more than to take a shower. Training yesterday was successful, I'm glad that they weren't slacking off and were serious about this.I wish that I could know whether Jessica were serious or not. That way, I don't have to waste my time on useless shit. I had a bigger problem to deal with, and that's finding Acacia. I was starting to believe that I was changing, becoming a good person. 'We all know that you aren't.' Storm said, I rolled my eyes, wishing that he would have kept quiet. Occasionally, the littlest of things about him irritates me. He's always taunting me, picking on me. Who would ever want a wolf like that?'Wow, your thoughts are so depressing.' I groaned and slammed the palm of my hand ag
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