All Chapters of Switched Fate:The Alpha's Unwanted Mate: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
37 Chapters
Chapter 21
I'll Find Another OneElara's POV:The drive to my house was filled with lively conversation, creating an atmosphere of camaraderie. After helping me again, I realized it would be rude of me not to do something to thank Arthur for his constant kindness."Thank you for constantly running to me in my time of trouble; you've helped me so much that I can't count. I'd like to invite you to dinner," I said, biting my lower lip as I anticipated his response, which never came. I took the courage to speak further, "Anytime you're free would be fine.""Tomorrow night...?" Arthur suggested, more like a question. A wide grin adorned my face as I echoed, "Tomorrow night.""I'll come then," Arthur said. He got out of the car and came to my side, opening it like a proper gentleman."Elara, if you ever need my help, don't hesitate to call me. Tomorrow, Elias will get you a better job. How much are you looking to earn? $5000? Or-"I quickly interrupted him. "Don't worry, I'll find another one soon. Ev
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Chapter 22
AbductionElara's POV:I opened my eyes, feeling a sharp pain at the side of my head while trying to take in my environment. I attempted to recall the last thing that happened before I blacked out but was interrupted when I heard a familiar voice – Caitlin's. She screamed so loud that it alerted a group of men who came rushing into the room.My eyes scanned the small, dark cubic space with an impeller on one end providing the only space for sunlight. It seemed to be a storeroom, filled with sacks and a very dusty environment.To my surprise, I realized I wasn't taken alone. The last thing I remembered was being forced into a car with a cloth over my face until I lost consciousness. We were surrounded by scarred-faced men with matching tattoos and piercings – some sort of gang with a dreadful appearance."What the hell am I doing here?!" She yelled, drawing attention. I wished she would quiet down so I could gather my thoughts, but she continued to blabber."I demand to be released! Do
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Chapter 23
RescueElara's POV:As expected of Harden, the dutiful son-in-law of the Dawn pack, he chose to save Caitlin.After the phone was cut off, I bowed my head in regret, wondering what my whole life would've looked like if I had come from a better family, one who could protect me from harm. One with so much influence that I didn't have to worry about my circle. One with so much power that I would have gotten married to my fated mate without him denying me to choose another."Fredrick, in two hours, gets the girl ready," said the one who I had come to notice was the boss around here because of all the commands he had been giving."Both of them?""No, the razored-tongue. This one has no one to come for her, poor girl," he tsked with a pitiful expression, walking up to me, he stretched his hand forward to stroke my hair while I made every effort to get away from him, trying my best not to anger the beast in him. My body trembled as I shifted with a small wince escaping my lips.All my life,
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Chapter 24
Sweet MandarinElara's POV:As we exited the storage room, a group of Arthur's men rushed to further protect us. I recognized faces from the store, those who were there before Caitlin was taken. They all appeared battered with bloody faces and clothes, clearly brutalized. It didn't seem like they were alive, which worried me. With a furrowed brow, I continued to stare at them, unable to take my eyes off them.Arthur leaned in and said with a sinister smile, "Don't worry; they aren't dead YET." His emphasis made me realize he had other plans for them. "Don't look at their hideous faces anymore, so you don't get a nightmare." He teased, and I weakly smiled back.Arthur's Gamma stepped forward, "Alpha, we've managed to capture all of them, along with the ransom your brother-in-law paid," he informed."Where's Caitlin?" Arthur asked with a serious face, and his gamma responded, "She went with your brother-in-law. He dropped the money and left before we arrived." Arthur hummed softly befor
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Chapter 25
I Don't Need You(Warning: Chapter contains mature content.)"Baby, can you touch me?" Caitlin asked again. Her eyes flicked downward, and her lips curved ever so slightly. This time, she took the initiative to act first; her hands skillfully went down to unbutton my shirt as she spoke, "I was so scared back there, and I could only think about you, Harden. I'm thankful that you came."My thoughts were scattered all over the place, and it agitated me to have her hands—anyone's other than Elara's—run over my body. I grabbed her hands and held them up, wanting to get her away from me. However, the look on her face was pitiful. She looked clueless, confused, and had no idea why I did that. Maybe I shouldn't punish her for something she knows nothing about. She just got out of the kidnapper's clutches and must be traumatized, which is why she needs me.I held both her wrists with one hand; my other hand aggressively brought her face to meet mine, and I kissed her violently, licking and suc
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Chapter 26
Flooded EmotionsElara's POV:Just when I thought Harden was here to hurt me again, Arthur barged in, standing between both of us and giving me the courage to speak up. I turned to Arthur, pressed my hands to my head, and gave myself a small head massage, expressing my stress due to Harden's presence."What's wrong, Elara?" Arthur asked. I lowered my tone, enjoying our small display of closeness by having his hand wrapped around my waist, "Please ask him to leave; I can't deal with all this right now."Immediately, Arthur turned to Harden, "You heard her. She needs space to recover. It's best if you leave," he stated sternly.Harden stared hard at me, waiting for confirmation, I guess he couldn't believe his eyes that I could act this way. Arthur was here, and he dared not lay his hands on me. My lips curled with a slurring smile that only he would notice, and I rolled my eyes at him."You heard him, leave," I added. Harden continued to gape at me, paused for a moment, and then was ab
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Chapter 27
He Can't Hurt You AnymoreElara's POV:I could bet my life on it: Caitlin wanted me gone, even if it meant I wouldn't be freed from those gangs. I continued to ponder many things during Arthur's dismissal.In less than an hour, Arthur returned with an abundance of food, a feast fit for a celebration. I wondered if someone was joining us, and just like he read my thoughts, he responded, telling me it was because I had refused to eat the previous day.Seeing so much tasty and fresh food which I couldn't resist, my stomach grumbled, giving me away, and I grinned at Arthur embarrassingly.I could almost hear him taunting me in his thoughts for denying myself food.He opened all the dishes, from the main course to the side dishes, placing them on the tray, and then brought it in front of me. I couldn't help but wet my lips."I'll feed you. Don't object," Arthur insisted, more like an order.I didn't object; I just did as told by opening my mouth to receive spoonfuls. He was so careful and
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Chapter 28
If OnlyHarden's POV:As I sat alone in the dimly lit room, my mind wandered back to the memories I shared with Elara. Despite my best efforts to push them away, they flooded my thoughts like waves crashing against the shore of my consciousness. I felt unsettled, and soon anger kicked in, stirring my emotions. To release some of the tension, I went to the training room and picked up my boxing gloves.I couldn't help but recall the countless little things she did for me in the past. The way she would pack my lunch with a note hidden inside to express her never-ending love for me, the gentle touch of her hand running over my face when she thought I was asleep as she read to me, and the way she always seemed to know exactly what to say to lift my spirits despite the constant pressure from my father, who always forced me to be just like him.If the situation were different, maybe I would've spent my life with the love of my life, my mate. I wished she wouldn't be so blind to see that I st
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Chapter 29
Knight In Shining Armor"You don't have to be sorry," I murmured. My mind flashed back to the first time he kissed me in his car, where he said it didn't mean a thing because it usually happens with adults. We'd been having more moments after that one, and it just kept on getting better. Were they the same as the first one, which didn't mean a thing? I sought to ask him but waved off the thoughts. It's an embarrassing topic anyway.The room turned silent for a while with Arthur scrolling down his phone while I fidgeted with my fingers, swinging my feet, and staring closely at him, my eyes almost boring holes if they could."Do you have something to say? I can feel your eyes on me," he said without losing focus on his phone."Why did you ever agree to help me with my father's case?" I asked."Me?" he asked as he withdrew his attention from the phone, an almost confused look on his face, "When did I ever agree to help you?" He denied."You didn't help me directly, but you went through t
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Chapter 30
*Warning*Arthur's POV:As soon as I left, I jumped into my car, reversing aggressively before driving out of Elara's home. I knew I had to end this threat now because there was no telling what would happen after I left the country.I recognized the handwriting on the paper; it wasn't hard to figure out who it belonged to. My fist clenched on the steering wheel as I hit the accelerator, wasting no time to reach the Graham estate.I stopped by my parents' house, and luckily Caitlin was at home. I barged into the dining room and went to Caitlin's side immediately. Startled to see me, my mother called, "Arthur, you're here?""I want to speak with Caitlin for a moment," I said."You came at the right time; have dinner with the family before you leave." My father offered, but I didn't bother to respond to them, just led Caitlin out of the room down to the patio."What are you doing?" I asked her, and for a moment, she seemed confused with furrowed brows. "Huh? What am I doing? I was about
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