All Chapters of Switched Fate:The Alpha's Unwanted Mate: Chapter 31 - Chapter 37
37 Chapters
Chapter 31
*The Guilt Within*Harden's POV:I stormed into Caitlin's room, forcing the door knob open and entered. My anger still boiling beneath the surface, the image of my mother lying unconscious in the hospital bed haunted me, and I couldn't shake off the feeling of what she had done to Mother."Baby, you came here; I was about to come," Caitlin said as soon as she met my eyes."What the hell were you thinking, Caitlin?" I attacked her with words, not letting her finish, my voice laced with fury.Caitlin looked up, startled by my sudden change of tone. Her eyes widened, and for a moment, she seemed taken aback by my intensity. "H-Harden, I..." she stammered, clearly at a loss for words."Caitlin, what did you do to Mother?" I asked, trying to be as subtle as I could this time. This is the Dawn pack, and I shouldn't make a huge fuss here, and I shouldn't completely disregard Caitlin's role in our pack. Losing her support would only weaken us further, and I couldn't afford that, especially no
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Chapter 32
*Towards the Sun*Harden's POV:The morning sun crept through the windows, casting a soft glow across my office lounge as I woke up from my slumber. Memories of last night flooded back, but they felt distant and hazy, clouded by the fog of alcohol and desire. As I slowly regained my senses, I realized I was not alone in bed.Turning my head to the side, I saw Melissa, the office secretary, lying beside me stark naked, her features softened in the gentle morning light. Guilt gnawed at the edges of my conscience as I remembered asking her to spend the night with me. I also recalled calling out Elara's name, and then the ecstasy that followed, but it wasn't her. I felt bad for using this woman as a stand-in for the night. I wiped my face with my hand, frustrated.Careful not to disturb her, I slipped out of bed with the sheet hanging loosely on my waist and went to the bathroom. I filled the bathtub and ran a quick bubble bath.The events of the previous night weighed heavily on my mind.
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Chapter 33
*By Your Side*Elara's POV:I stood in front of the mirror, smoothing out my dress and trying to calm my nerves. I had a few moments to spare before heading out for the interview at the club. Just as I was about to grab my purse, my phone rang. It was Jaxson again. I rolled my eyes, knowing what he was going to say."Hey, Elara.""I'm about to leave for an interview. Can I call you later?" I asked."I'll be quick," he replied, his voice laced with concern. "I still can't shake off the feeling that I need to do something.""Jaxson, we just talked about this. I appreciate your willingness to help, but I can handle it," I replied, trying to sound convincing."But Harden's being unreasonable. If I can just talk to him, I'm sure he'll come around," Jaxson persisted.I sighed, feeling a mix of frustration and gratitude towards my friend. "Jaxson, you can't just go against Harden like that. He's still the leader of the pack. If you challenge him, you might end up turning rogue. Your family c
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Chapter 34
*Lost and Alone*Harden's POV:I stood in our favorite spot, the same place where we had shared countless memories. The sun was setting, casting a warm orange glow over the landscape. I could feel my heart racing with anticipation as I waited for Elara to arrive. I just wanted to know if Melissa's words were true and if she had moved on completely, because I haven't, even after rejecting her.Although I wasn't the one who made her lose her job, there was nothing I could do to convince her. I could only turn the situation in my favor. When she finally showed up, I was taken aback by her confidence and poise. She held a strong, stoic face, staring nonchalantly at me. I quickly threw out the cigarette in my hand because my conscious mind reminded me that she never liked it."Elara," I said, my voice low and husky. "You look beautiful."She raised an eyebrow, her expression unyielding. "Am I supposed to say thank you? Cut that, Harden. Tell me what you want, and why you called me here?"
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Chapter 35
*A Mother’s Betrayal-1**Elara's POV:*I couldn't stop trembling as I made my way to meet with Jaxson at the pack.Jaxson had called me again, his voice strained with worry as he spoke. He assured me that the news wasn't entirely true. My father was stabbed and then locked in the confinement room, but he survived. By the time they arrived, they had found him soaked in a pool of blood, but he wasn't dead.My father had been sent to the hospital, and though he was stable for the time being, his condition was critical. My mind raced with fear and anger, and I felt like I was being torn apart inside. How much more could I endure?When I finally arrived, I rushed into the hospital, my heart pounding. I found Jaxson pacing in the hallway, his expression grim."Jaxson," I called out, my voice shaking. "How is he?"He stopped and looked at me with weary eyes. "He's stable for now, Elara, but the doctors say his condition is touch and go. They had to perform emergency surgery to stop the bleed
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Chapter 36
*A Mother's Betrayal-2*Elara's POV:"Why did you do that?!" I yelled at her. She shoved me off, staring at me with bloodlust in her eyes."Stay away from me!""What is wrong with you?!" I barked. I saw it now; she didn't look like she had any remorse for her actions. This woman was ready to end the last reputation our family still held."I've been left to fend for myself ever since my foolish daughter and husband landed in trouble, taking them out of my life.""Mom...!""You know how hard I struggle with my addiction. I need money to get the substance. You're not here to give me money."I've sold as much as I can from that rotten apartment. There’s nothing left to sell."She paused, her eyes searching mine for any sign of sympathy. "The Alpha offered to lend me some money. When I couldn’t pay back, he refused to give me any more, despite my pleas. I told him I just needed more time." Her grip on my hand tightened, desperation evident in her touch. "You can talk to him, right? Tell hi
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Chapter 37
*A Mother’s Betrayal-3*Elara's POV:My heart shattered into a million pieces when I heard my mother tell Harden that she would drag me to him. The weight of her betrayal crushed me, making it difficult to breathe. I could barely stand as the room seemed to close in around me, the walls echoing the sinister laughter of Harden and my mother.Harden’s smile was one of cold amusement as he spoke, "What do you say, Elara? Your mother didn't blink twice before offering you to me, but still, I want your consent.""I'm not an item that can be gifted or used as trade. I'd rather die than come back to be your mistress."He signaled the guards, "Take her away and teach her a lesson," he commanded, his voice devoid of any warmth. The guards moved towards my mother, who now looked up at them with a mixture of fear and desperation."But—but," she looked from the guards to Harden, "I promise that she will be yours." She reminded.Seeing them pay no heed to her, dragging her along with them, I shut
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