All Chapters of Resisting My Ex-husband's Crush: Chapter 21
21 Chapters
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Author’s pov On this much-anticipated day, Daisy found herself having to go to my office to submit and clarify some documents she had been working on for Mr. Lucas. Despite her excitement for Sebastian's visit, her responsibilities couldn't be ignored. As she sat in the car, nearing her workplace, Daisy decided to dial Sebastian's phone. She secretly hoped he would extend his stay beyond the initially agreed days. Lately, their bond had been growing stronger, even though they hadn't officially labeled themselves as boyfriend and girlfriend. Nevertheless, an intense connection was developing between them. "Hi Sebastian, where are you right now? I'm on my way to work," she greeted. "I'm at the airport. I have less than thirty minutes to board my flight," he replied.Daisy didn't bother asking about his arrival time. If his flight departed thirty minutes later, she could accurately estimate his arrival in the city. "Once you land, please give me a call," she said. "Are you leav
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