Resisting My Ex-husband's Crush

Resisting My Ex-husband's Crush

By:  Brown Choba  Updated just now
Language: English
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"You've found a better kisser. You never used to pull away from our kisses. At least let me enjoy a moment since we separated. No one has ever touched me the way you did. If I had known you were married, I would have settled for Dennis and never compared you in my mind." ************************ When Marian, Aurora's husband's childhood sweetheart, entered their home, their once-loving marriage faced an immediate threat. Marian implied that Lucas had made Aurora a full-time housewife due to her appearance, denying her the opportunity to work in his company. Aurora, upon discovering her pregnancy, believed it was a chance to prove Marian wrong and convince Lucas to give her a position in his company. Unbeknownst to her, Lucas was grappling with his past and wanted to shield his wife from the pain his late mother had endured. Aurora was shocked when her blood tests revealed traces of abortion pills, resulting in a devastating miscarriage. Lucas suspected that Aurora had intentionally taken the pills after he denied her request. This breach of trust led to an irreparable divorce. To escape the aftermath, Aurora reinvented herself as Daisy, a confident and strong-willed accountant unrecognizable from her former self. However, her past resurfaced when she received a surprising business proposition: to audit her ex-husband's now-billionaire company. Could she face the haunting shadows of her past? What would happen when she confronted the person who tore her marriage apart? And how would her ex-husband react when he couldn't take his eyes off her? "Miss Daisy, I would love to go on a date with you. You resemble the woman I lost," Lucas expressed. "Mr. Lucas, with all due respect, my purpose here is to audit your company, not go on a date," Daisy firmly responded.

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21 Chapters
Who is this woman?
Author’s pov "Lucas! Who is this woman?" A tall, slender, and stunning woman with vibrant red lips asked Lucas. She had arrived with him in his car, and they stood together in front of Lucas' grand mansion. She wore an alluring white gown, clutching a silver handbag in her right hand and chewing on a busy bubblegum. Aurora, Lucas' wife, opened the door to warmly welcome her husband home from work, only to be shocked to see her husband standing with another woman. Initially, Aurora found herself in disbelief, struggling to comprehend what she was witnessing. Her first instinct was for her husband to quickly respond and proudly introduce her as his wife. However, he hesitated, leaving her wondering why he took so long to answer. Was he trying to spare this lady's feelings due to the disapproving expression on her face? The moment felt like a slow-motion scene from a movie, and all Aurora could do was wait for Lucas' reply. Aurora couldn't help but wonder, "Who is this woman?" Litt
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Use what you have to get what you want
Author’s pov The next morning, Marian noticed Aurora coming down the stairs. Marian quickly stood up from the brown leather couch, surprising Aurora, who detected a hint of mocking remorse in her eyes. "Mrs. Lucas, I'm truly sorry for the way I spoke to you yesterday. I was upset because Lucas didn't invite me to your wedding," Marian said. Aurora could sense the lack of sincerity in her eyes and walked towards the kitchen without responding. "Do I have to grovel before you just because I'm staying here for a while? I knew Lucas before you. If it weren't for Lucas, would I stoop so low?" Marian continued, but Aurora remained silent, refusing to utter a single word. “I can’t wait for her to leave this house,” Aurora thought as she crossed the kitchen’s door. About an hour later, the three of them sat together for breakfast. Aurora's face reflected her inner turmoil. She was angry that Lucas hadn't yet agreed to let her work. The dining table felt lifeless, except for the so
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Did you take any abortion pills?
Aurora’s pov Last night was dreadful, and all I needed was to force myself to sleep. The conversation between Lucas and Marian downstairs was unbearable. My gut feeling suggested that Marian might have intentionally added extra salt to the food, but there was no evidence. If I were to mention this to Lucas, he might think otherwise. I still couldn't understand why Marian was with Lucas and why she kept calling his phone. Reluctantly, I found myself sitting on the edge of the bed, breaking away from my usual routine of reaching out to my husband on the other side and embracing him. Lucas was still fast asleep, making me wonder if he hadn't left Marian's company on time or if I had woken up unusually early. The thought of Lucas and Marian being together filled me with fear that my husband might be unfaithful. I got up and went to the bathroom, taking a seat on the toilet. The first thing I noticed was my pregnancy test kit. With hesitation, I picked it up using my right hand. Luca
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It was the board's decision
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You sound so sad
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A pen with Aurora's name
Author’s pov Lucas sat in his office, his long blue sleeves neatly folded at the ends. He occupied his usual spot on the tenth floor, surrounded by documents waiting for his signature. Each time he glanced at the name engraved on his pen, a deep breath escaped him. It bore the name of his ex-wife, Sweet Aurora. He had arranged for the pen to be customized with her name when he signed a contract with the pen supplier four years ago, a gesture of affection he once held for her. Pausing for a moment, memories flooded Lucas’ mind, forcing him to revisit his past. No longer did he wake up early in the morning to make their favorite coffee. The wireless earpiece he used to wear at the office was absent, and his melancholic mood did not go unnoticed by his childhood sweetheart. He lightly tapped his finger on the table and turned his gaze towards the window. Trying to distract himself from his thoughts, he pondered, “How long will I continue to dwell on Aurora? Perhaps divorcing her w
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What if you spend the night here?
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What are you thinking?
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Unexpected guest
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The grass is always greener on the other side
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