All Chapters of Seduce the Playboy: Chapter 91 - Chapter 100
117 Chapters
He laughed. “Go ahead. No one can hear you down here, and screaming is a turn-on. Even more than struggling.”And now I was wet.“You’re a fucking asshole,” I said, meaning it with every cell in my being.He switched his hold on me to his other hand. “Sorry to disappoint, but fucking you in the ass wouldn’t be a good idea today. I’m feeling too spiteful. You wouldn’t be able to walk after and I’m not carrying you up that mountain.”“Jesus, you’re unbelievable.”“I’m taking that as a compliment.”I was sweating now, my heart pounding so hard my chest hurt. Suddenly, he let go of my hands. But before I could think fast enough to figure out what to do with my freedom, he wrapped his shirt around my neck. And pulled. Hard. Choking me.He leaned into my ear and rasped. “Beg for my cock when I let you breathe.”My hands flew to my throat. I scratched at the material, clawing, using up the air in my chest with my frantic wrestling.Of course I couldn’t get free. His hold was too tight, too s
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With one hand still gripping my chin, he lowered the other toward the strip of hair between my thighs. “You don’t deserve it,” he said, his fingers brushing ever so gently across my clit, “but I’m going to let you come so that you’ll remember that I love you.”He pressed his thumb against the bundle of nerves, and I exploded. My entire body convulsed as tears washed my face and colorful bolts of lightning danced across my vision.“Ah, that’s it. Good girl,” Reeve murmured against my cheek, coaxing me, cheering me. “Feels so good, doesn’t it?”So good that I’d lost perception of what my body was doing. Was I standing or being held? Was my climax starting or ending? Was I dying from ecstasy or was this the process of rebirth?Just as I began to get oriented, his thumb returned to my clit. “Again,” he said.And there I went again. Lost. Spinning. Flying higher. But with him, this time – he jutted deep into me and stilled, emptying himself inside me and we came together.Aftershocks shook
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CHAPTER 20After that, the loneliness of the island became unbearable.I rarely saw Amber. She didn’t have any reason to come to my part of the house. The pool by the master bedroom was more convenient, not to mention nearer to the office where Reeve spent his days. More than once, I considered joining her there with my laptop or a book, but really, there wasn’t any point. She barely spoke to me at lunch, and whenever I was close to her and Reeve at the same time, the tension stretched my insides so taut I wasn’t pleasant to be around anyway.The nights were the worst. I stopped locking the door to my room, hoping that Reeve would turn the knob and find it open. Hoping he’d sneak in and take me in all the ways he liked. Hoping he hadn’t meant it when he’d said he wouldn’t try anything until I asked him to.But the knob never turned. And now, Amber was more of a barrier between us than ever.I couldn’t stop myself from thinking about the two of them, together, in his bed. I understood
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“Actually, he sent something just this morning.” He closed Joe’s e-mail and clicked on the top line in his inbox. The message opened and Reeve gestured toward the screen for me to read.I peeked at it somewhat thrilled he’d chosen to share it with me. Until I realized it had been written in Greek. “I can’t read it. What does it say?”“Oh. Right.” He chuckled at himself as he tilted the screen where we could both see it. “Basically, I have not done these things of which you accuse me. I have alibis for all events. One alibi even your own beautiful Emily.”Your own beautiful Emily.I snuck a peek at him after he said my name, wondering how he felt when he called me his, if it felt anything like how I felt when I heard it.He swallowed, suggesting that it at least made him feel something. But that something could have been irritation, because then he launched into a rant about what he’d read so far. “It’s ridiculous. Alibis prove nothing, and he knows that. He never does his own dirty wo
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“True.” Besides the one I had for Joe, I had an e-mail for junk, an e-mail for publicity, an e-mail for personal. But I tended to keep all my correspondence organized. If I e-mailed someone from a certain account, I didn’t later e-mail that person from another account.There was another thing that was odd. “Why is this one written in Greek when the others were in English? What’s his language preference with you?”“Greek.” He lifted a brow, catching my drift. “Do you think they’ve been sent by different people?”“Probably not. The ones before could have been sent by an assistant or something.” That was a comical idea – having some hired goon send your threat letters. But maybe it hadn’t been someone he’d hired at all. What if Petros had sent the previous e-mails? Maybe it hadn’t even been malicious. Petros could have simply wanted Reeve to know what was going on with Amber.Whether Reeve was thinking along the same lines I was or not, I couldn’t tell. But he was obviously thinking some
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Joe misread my silence. “I should have waited until you got back to me before doing anything. I’m sorry.”“No, no,” I assured him. “It’s fine. It’s necessary. I just need a minute to get used to the idea.” At least I didn’t have to worry about the mechanics of the transfer. “Thanks for doing that for me, Joe. Thanks for all of it. You’ve been a really great friend.” One of the only ones I had at the moment.My gratitude seemed to fluster him. “It’s my job,” he said after a few seconds.It was more than that, but I didn’t need to argue with him about it. He knew I appreciated him. “Anyway. I’ll let you know when my flight is arranged.”Saying it out loud like that made my leaving a reality. It felt like I kept coming back to this same place. Kept making the decision to go and yet never ended up seeing it through. This time would be different. It had to be.I couldn’t bring myself to talk to Reeve a second time in one day so I pushed off asking him to make my travel arrangements. I didn
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“It’s not?” Reeve left the question open and crossed to the liquor cart to pour himself a drink.Amber ran her hand absentmindedly across the base of her neck. “He’ll still come after me, Reeve. He’s afraid I’ll tell people what he did with my father. He’ll silence me the way he silenced that friend of Missy’s.”“Every one of his ex-girlfriends could testify to his criminal involvement. He’s hung up on you for some reason.” He sank into a chair and slipped his feet into his sandals.Amber rose and moved over to him. “Bourbon?” she asked, eyeing his drink. “You really must be stressed. We won’t talk about it anymore. Let me help you relax.” She circled around behind his chair and began kneading his shoulders.The scene that had been beautiful before she’d arrived had turned dismal. I’d been breathless watching Reeve in the water, so taken with his presence, but now the tight feeling in my lungs felt more like suffocation. I willed myself to close my eyes, but I wasn’t that strong.“Oh,
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He sat forward, his legs tensing as if he were ready to pounce. Ready to chase me. My heart knocked louder against my rib cage. So loud I was certain that any second she’d hear it and discover me.But she remained oblivious, while, in my periphery, I was aware of her still – of her hands sliding down his chest, of her voice when she exclaimed, “Looks like you’re interested now.”So he was hard. And his eyes were still fastened stubbornly on mine.It was less decision and more primal instinct that knocked me from my stupor. I leapt from my chair and darted noiselessly through the closest door of the building behind me.He would follow – I practically felt him bound out of his chair after me. But he had to make his excuses to Amber then he had a pool to circle around and I had a head start. Once I was through this hallway, it was only a quick diagonal sprint across the common area before I’d be safe in my room. Not that a locked door could stop Reeve if he were determined.I emerged fro
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“You swim a lot,” she’d said to me one June day the summer after my junior year. She’d been sitting on Doug’s front porch steps, smoking when I’d gotten home from practice. Of course she’d be there when I had forgotten to bring my bag with my towel and change of clothes. I’d dripped for most of the six-block walk.As always, her hair and clothing had been perfect. I’d been mortified to be seen in my still-wet ratty one-piece. “I’m on a team,” I’d said, covering myself by hugging my arms across my chest.I’d hurried on, hoping to get in my front door before she talked to me again.But she’d called after me. “Any good?”I’d stopped and turned back to her. “Our team? Not really.”It was a neighborhood league. Our coach was the mother of one of the team members. I’d only been invited because they’d needed another swimmer to have enough members for relay competitions.Amber had smiled, her glossy lips shining in the afternoon sun. “I bet you’re being too hard on yourself.” She picked up th
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“But I don’t own any other kinds of bras.” I hurried to put my shirt back on, in case she got the idea to toss it as well.“I’ll take you shopping. I have an open account at Nordstrom’s. I’ll buy you something sexy.”I hugged my knees to my chest, strangely bashful after I’d put my clothes back on. “You have an open account? How the hell do you have that?”“My uncle. He’s rich.”“Nice uncle.” I’d been tentative about asking Amber questions, afraid I’d say something wrong and piss her off, but my curiosity got the better of me. “Why isn’t this rich uncle putting you up somewhere better than Doug’s house?”She leaned back on her elbows and gave me an even look. “Good question. I guess I haven’t earned it yet.” It had been an interesting response, one that raised more questions than it answered.I didn’t get a chance to find out if I was brave enough to ask anything further, though. Because apparently Amber had questions of her own, and she launched into a series of them, shooting them o
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