All Chapters of Entangled with the billionaire heir: Chapter 1 - Chapter 10
17 Chapters
Stacy's POVI missed another opportunity to get a job. Even when I had a smiley face on, my shirt and skirt were crisp and smooth. My makeup is lightly done.One that wasn't going to have the female employees wondering if I've gone to steal the favor of their superior and colleagues, or one a female superior would disagree with.I made sure I did everything right, but the moment I heard the man say with a weak smile,"I'm really sorry,"I needed no further explanations. A vacancy I had well applied for. An interview I earned. How was another candidate suddenly given the bag just yesterday? I thought on my way home as the afternoon sun hit my face. “Thank goodness I reused my sunscreen before leaving home.” I said to myself.I could see my mom trailing down the stairs, and I knew her hawk eyes, firm but gentle, were gawking at me from where I sat down. I fought back the tears in my eyes, preparing to pretend all was okay. I couldn't bring myself to her. I have failed again; I don’t k
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Stacy's POV“Phew!” I exhaled loudly, a huge grin on my face as I waltzed back into Jennifer's office. “That was quite the deal!” I chirped, taking a seat opposite her. She laughed in response, her eyes following the wad of dollar notes I had received in exchange for a job well-done.“All it took was convincing the knucklehead you were the best to consult when it came to yummy bites,” she scoffed, turning her head to her work desk. I rolled my eyes in response.“Right, but that knucklehead over there, well he recommended me to another person! I had barely walked out of his office when I got a call.” I said, my voice now high-pitched. The day started out well, and it was all thanks to Jennifer. It made me wonder for a moment how things would have been different if she wasn't present, because she made most of the jobs that I have landed in the past a possibility. She has been my best friend since high school and made sure to stick around even when I hadn’t been the consistent friend.
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THE NIGHTMAREElla tries to wriggle her hand free from where she laid buried, her little frame covered in splinters of wood, rubbles and fire. She steadies her breath, her demeanor calm and collected when she pries one of her hands free. In no time, she is out of the rubble, her forehead gashed with a deep cut.“Mom!” She called out, her tiny voice echoing as the night wind, chilly and unforgiving, caressed her battered skin. The mansion was torn apart, most of the rooms set on fire. Panic slowly crept up her throat. “Mom!”She yelled, her eyes trying to fight away tears.She turns around in circles, and she should hear a gunshot from somewhere. Instinctively, she ducked, afraid she was the only one in the building. She stopped in her tracks when she noticed drops of blood pooling a hair's length away from her feet. Her mind was telling her not to stare upwards, but she did.Her mother's face stared back at her, bloated, her body missing, blood still squirting from her neck.Ella scr
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LOSTMabel was another maid in the mansion, but a sinister bond kept her close with Naomi. "Your outbursts are becoming more extreme by the day," Naomi said.Mabel growled, "watch it or I'd have to report you to the boss."Naomi chuckled, "Which one is it again? Our boss? Or Marcelo?"The question seemed to have caught Mabel off guard, because a flash of confusion clouded her expression. "And what do you mean by that?"“I can see your spirit is beginning to waver from the very mission that brought us here.” Naomi chuckled, grunting as she swat Mabel's aim at her forehead, rising to her knees, “I see how you stare at Marcelo, she spat, That brat!”“Anyway, you need not to worry. You can settle in this mansion and spend the rest of your life being a spy for whomever pays your bills. That's okay. But as for the rest of us who still have their heads in this game, we are not faltering.Naomi brushed past Mabel, shoving her hard against the wall. Mabel chuckled, holding back the urge to bre
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Stacy's POV Just as every morning oozes with hope, a renewed strength and the reminder of a long day scouting for better opportunities, the evenings reminded me of home, my mom, her sweet buttermilk pancakes. The lousy atmosphere of the bustling city did little to infuriate me, no, and not even when the streetlights shone so bright.I swear I might develop a migraine, it didn't stop me from marching onwards, smiling. The day had ended well, and finally, I was about to take the first big leap into actualizing my goals.Jennifer had informed me earlier in the day that I should be called in for an interview in a few days, and despite my superior watching in on me closely at work, I couldn't help squealing in delight. I wore an extra smile for every plate I served, and my feets felt really floaty when I busted out the doors of the restaurant, eager to deliver the news to my room. I was about to take the right fork off an alleyway when I heard a muffled groan.It was no doubt a child's,
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Marcelo's POVThe gates creaked open, but I had no patience in waiting to get to the end of the driveway. My head was pounding, my fists hungry for blood and vengeance, and that feeling was growing every passing second.I opened the doors of the car and jumped out of it, oblivious to the muffled shock of my driver and bodyguards. I could spot Ryan at the entrance of the house, his hands already holding on firm to the door knob. I pulled my gun out of the leathered holster lodged in my jacket and I narrowed for the mansion with a glare no one dared to defy. Two days, and my Ella has not been found?!“And what is this I'm hearing?” I asked Ryan as I walked past him, not stopping an inch as I stormed into the mansion. My men were already positioned all over the house as instructed, but it was hard to tell who amongst them was the traitor. My years of experience wasn't simply going to fish them all out.“Ella still hasn't been found, s-sir,” Ryan stuttered. “But we found something on t
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Stacy's POV “Why are you asking me for my phone?” I asked, a brow raised. My mom looked like she had something to let out of her mouth, and when she took a seat close to the girl, I was surprised at how calmly she spoke.“We might have taken you into our home, and provided you with shelter, but do you think it's wise to call anyone out there right now? Plus, maybe someone is still after you and we don't even know your name! Or —"“My name is Ella Jones. I am eight.” The girl responded curtly, “now please, can you help me with your phone? I really need to call my brother right now. He could be in danger!”Her voice sounded urgent and afraid, and I didn't know what refusing her would make her do. I could tell my mom was asking me not to, but I already peeled my smartphone from my pocket and handed it over to her. I watched in awe as she navigated my phone, but I was even more shocked when I realized she was operating my phone without asking for my passcode. Just how did she do that?S
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Marcelo's POVMy phone rang in my pocket, it was Cathy calling, probably worried about Ella too I thought as I picked it up. "Alright. So you got a call from Ella, and she was saved by ...""Some woman," I completed her statement, "Naughty Ella wasn't going to let me know her name until I came to pick her up.”Cathy laughed heartily. "No way! But ... does that mean you will be staying in with her? What about the —"“Cathy,” I growled, “we will have a problem if you're going to lecture me about my father's mission.” I could almost picture her raising her hands in surrender.“Roger that, sir.” She said teasingly, “but you know Rose is still out on the loose, and so is Naomi.”“We haven't figured out who pulled the trigger on Mabel, and don't you think Ella is safe back here in Bluestone?” Bluestone was a five hour drive and I knew I had to be on my way quickly.“No way! We just got attacked there by 'The Raven', remember?” I asked sarcastically, laying emphasis on Cathy's assumption.
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Marcelo's POVI couldn't place what struck me as spectacular in her eyes, but it was suddenly hard to lower my gaze as soon as I saw her. Her eyes could be likened to a sea of honey, so viscous it's hard to swim out of. Her blond hair meandering down her shoulders, curly and messy, but it felt it was made to suit just her. I could trace the tiny spots of freckles on her cheeks, they were unnoticeable but you could only tell when you were just a finger-length away. For a moment, I couldn't make out Ella's words, and my eyes began to trail down her face to her lips —“Brother!” Ella whined, tugging at my arms, “wouldn't you step in already? You're keeping them waiting,” She said excitedly. I would have sworn it was me being delusional, but I felt her gaze linger on mine just for a while longer before I walked in. Many would die to have my shoes sitting on their doorstep, but she doesn't know who I am?For a moment, I was grateful Ella was there to snap me out of my thoughts. I sud
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Stacy's POVWhen I stepped outside and saw him, I was shocked. My eyes melted in his cream gold eyes, looking so innocent, his dark brown hair was messy probably because he has been looking for his sister. I thought as my gaze met his. As he came forward my nose caught his citrus scent, his broad shoulder standing out. He was looking so confident in that suit gosh! I looked at his lips and felt something. I can’t seem to shake it off, I could feel he was looking at me as much as I was looking at him. I was so nervous so I knew I had to break this silence first.“I’m Stacy William,” I said just to ease this whole tension. And when he opened his mouth to talk, I was staring at his lips. His down lips were ripped out as if telling me to bite on it, what am I doing here. I shaked my head as if that would stop my thoughts.And his voice snapped me out of my thoughts. “I’m Marcelo Jones.” I heard him say, like hell I wouldn’t know who you are.It was until he left I started to convince
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