All Chapters of Entangled with the billionaire heir: Chapter 11 - Chapter 17
17 Chapters
Three days ago(Flashback)Rose had been darting around searching frantically for Ella's medications when Naomi barged in. “Hey, you will not lay a finger on —" she was silenced by a huge smack. Rose recollected what Ella had said about Naomi, and she knew just what Naomi was planning to do.“The girl is shivering!" Rose cried, “let her be!”Naomi wasn't listening, because she was already scooping, shaking Ella from the bed, flinging her over her shoulder so carelessly. “I'm not blind to see that now, am I?” Miami answered her not caring about what she has to say.“The girl needs urgent medical care, I personally got her drugs today!” Rose yelled back, but a wave of realization hit her. “You took those drugs out of here didn’t you?” Rose spat, her anger growing. “What do you want with the girl? Have you lost your mind?”Naomi could tell Rose had seen through her facade. She cocked her gun, still clinging on tight to Ella.“Do as little as whisper a word to the boss, and I will — R
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Marcelo's POVI was in my office working, my mind still preoccupied with everything that has been happening.I opened my laptop to check the mail and I saw one mail in particular that caught my attention.The sender’s name was Stacy William and she was applying for the cook position in my restaurant here in Chicago.Is it truly her, I guess Ellie’s wish is really going to be granted and damn I can’t wait to see her again. I stood up lost in thought, heading towards the door as I needed something to distract myself with.“Meet me up at my personal study, Ken.” "Yessir!"The frown on Ella's face suggested otherwise. “And why would you leave now?” She said, oblivious to the pain she had been wailing non-stop about. The one the chubby nurse had inflicted on her with a smile on her face. “You just mentioned that dad was coming over."“Yes, but —""Chris, I think you are free to leave. My brother is waiting behind."I stare at Chris, pleading with my eyes. He had his eyes fixed on Ella on
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“Take it easy with the gun, babe," Mr Jones chuckled, but his smile faded when he noticed she wasn't backing off. “Marcelo was there to watch, and I'm sure if Ella wanted me to know anything, she would have told me."“Or Marcelo," the lady added.“There's nothing that gets to Marcelo without my knowledge. Chris and Ryan make sure of that. Now, I don't want to smell you or any one of your minions close to my daughter.”“You should be thankful that a kind angel out there discovered Ella.” Mr Jones raised a brow, "You were behind this?!” “Listen. We needed to know more. We needed to proceed. Time was against us, and we couldn't just sit, lying around.”“You allowed your emotions to get in the way the last time. We need that code, and these minions aren't helping us out.”“They are my children, and I decide what to do with them. Now, I don't want to know if you sent Naomi to do this, but just know that Ella hides nothing from me. She never had and she won't start now. Stay away from her
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Marcelo's POV“Oh, hi!" She chirped, her fingers intertwined. I noticed how red her fingertips had gotten, and I could tell she was nervous. “I mean, good day sir. I'm sorry.”“Hey, take it easy,” I fought back the urge to smile.“You can call me by my name.”“But that's not proper —"“I insist,” I said, turning for the cabinets. “Ella had told me something about you being a wonderful chef. She wouldn't let me breathe in peace unless I brought you here.”Her cheeks flushed red in an instant, “Well, it's not like I’m that good, but I do offer catering services to people from time to time.”“How long have you been doing this?"“Six years," she said, turning away from me. “I mean, there was nothing else for me to do.” I felt a hint of sadness in her voice, and somehow, it struck me.“You don't have to do that anymore, I guess. If you pass today's test, we will be tripling the offer we originally gave you to work in our restaurant. Do you think that's okay?”I couldn't tell if she had
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Stacy's POVWhen I got to the front gate, I was so nervous but then Ryan came up to me as my guide.The mansion was so big, the building looked like an ancient palace from the outside but the inside was grand.I wondered if I got lost in this kinda place, maybe I will be found.Then when I got inside, Ryan told me Marcelo was coming and I was suddenly restless, my stomach fluttered.He offered me a job here in the mansion. It is still my work as a chef but just to cook in the mansion.I can’t believe he still remembered my pancake, he asked me to make it for him, when i finished and walked inside his office. He was making a phone call when I entered, I couldn’t pick up what he was saying as I was distracted looking at him. Gosh he looks so hot. I thought while still holding the tray of the pancake in my hand. And then he started a conversation with me and offered me a present. My heart skipped a beat when he leaned in closer.“Give me the honor to put this on for you." He said, and
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Stacy's PovElle burst into the kitchen, her face beaming with excitement.“Stacy, come on!" she exclaimed, grabbing my hand and practically dragging me towards the stairs.“Elle, what’s going on?” I laughed, trying to keep up with her infectious enthusiasm.“Just come with me!” She said, her eyes sparkling. “I have the best news ever!”We rushed up the stairs and down the hall to her room, where she finally let go of my hand and turned around, her joy barely contained.“My brother finally hired you as the cook!” she announced, clapping her hands together. “Can you believe it? You are officially the chef of the house!”“You told him to hire me?”“I gave him an ear full of disturbance and he didn’t listen.” She calms herself. “I never knew he would eventually give in to my request.” she exclaimed, giggling.“I’m really glad to see you, Elle,” I said, trying to take the conversation in a different direction, but the little time I have spent with her has shown me just how smart she is.
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Cassie George sat alone in the dimly lit study of her mother’s subtle house, a place that had always felt more like a prison than a home. The house, though tidy, was filled with an oppressive sense of lost dreams and bitter memories. Her fingers traced the edges of an old photograph, the edges worn from years of handling. It was a picture of her mother, Margaret George, and a man who had once promised her the world—Donald Wilton.The story of Donald Wilton's betrayal was one Cassie had heard countless times, each retelling fueling the fire of resentment that burned within her. Margaret, a beautiful and ambitious woman, had fallen in love with Donald when they were both young. They had dreams of building a future together, dreams that were shattered when Donald abandoned her for another woman—Marcelo’s mother.Cassie’s mother had been left to pick up the pieces of her broken heart and shattered future.Meeting Robert George who loved her, and he loved him too but her heart was far f
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