All Chapters of Chosen By The Lycan King: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
43 Chapters
Chapter 21
Tessa's POVI woke up early the next morning feeling far better than I had the evening before, entirely refreshed to start a new day. I got out of bed with renewed vigor, determined to excel at my training today with Zane.Yesterday had been terrifying for me, and I still found it difficult to believe that somebody out there wanted me dead. If Zane hadn't been there, they would have succeeded, a thought that haunted me even now as it crossed my mind.I didn't understand why anyone would want to kill me. I had, to my knowledge, done nothing wrong. At first, I'd thought he'd been coming for Zane, but after the second knife had flown straight at me, it was clear that I was the target.While I was happy Zane had been there to save my life, it was clear I needed to take my training more seriously so I could protect myself even when I was alone.After Zane left me in the bedroom last night, Fred came to check on me and make sure I was okay. I'd appreciated his gentleness, and the little jok
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Chapter 22
Tessa’s POV“Who can say? You know what happened between those two the first time.”I was still reeling over that Zane had found his mate and remained unbonded to her. He was already as powerful as he was now.He would be unstoppable once he fully bonded with fated mate, so why on earth hadn’t he done so already?And what the hell was he doing with me, knowing he had a mate? Was that why he avoided me now? Was he, even now, trying to reconcile with her? I forced my mind to stop buzzing, needing to eavesdrop on the rest of this conversation in a way I’d never needed to before.“I hope he does it. King Zane will be unstoppable if he finally gives in to his mate bond. Our pack will be the strongest in the country, and no one could fight him for the throne anymore!” The maid who asked the first question giggled to her companions.The third, who had been silent until now, made a sound of dissent “Hm. I don’t know. I don’t think he’ll do it. It’s not like he even summoned her to come. He se
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Chapter 23
Zane’s POV“I know we decided you should take a little break from Tessa, but I think you might be going about it rather too harshly,” Fred said as he entered my office after breakfast that morning.I didn’t bother to glance at him, typing away on my laptop. It was a testament to my self-control that I retained my train of thought instead of cussing him out of my office like I wanted.Instead, when I typed out a few sentences, I picked a file from the pile next to me and threw it further down my desk towards him.“The accounts I need auditing. Once you go through it yourself, you can call the accountant to get started,” I said without looking at him, ignoring his stare as I kept working on my laptop.Fred gave me a long, suffering sigh but took the documents and sat down across the desk from me to get started. I kept working, but my focus surprisingly remained intact, considering how hard I fought not to even think about that certain woman whom I shouldn’t be caring about in the very f
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Chapter 24
Tessa’s POVI was getting sick and tired of obsessing over why Zane was ignoring me so blatantly. Later that afternoon, to distract myself from everything that was happening, I went to the kitchen.I’ve always loved cooking. Something about the process of food making always filled me with joy and wonder, not to mention a bit of self-satisfaction.For some reason, cooking soothed me, so I usually fell back on it whenever I had any emotional upheaval, like the fact that Zane had gone from saving my life to wanting nothing to do with me in the blink of an eye.If I could just know his reason─I started to think, but I halted my thoughts by marching myself down to the kitchen to keep them from running wild again. As I walked inside, it didn’t escape my notice that the last time I’d cooked in here was for Zane.The maids present there froze when I walked in and looked at each other with wide eyes before one of them broke out of the group, scrambling off somewhere else.I watched her flee i
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Chapter 25
Zane’s POV“You might be under the illusion that you’re queen over all here, and I may allow you from time to time based on our history, but make no mistake, that is not your place here, and you do not have any right to question me on who I speak to,” I said calmly while Morgan pouted even harder and then rolled her eyes.“Jeez, I was just joking. Why are you so sensitive about this slave?” she muttered, and a fire lit in Zane’s eyes. However, he didn’t say anything to address it, so I kept silent, too.“We can discuss what you want in my office,” he said before giving Tessa a strained and apologetic smile as she left.I leaned back in my chair and leveled Morgan with a cool look, which she smiled sheepishly at.“Am I in trouble?” she teased playfully, but I wasn’t in the least bit amused.“You need to leave,” I said, and she blinked at me.“W─What?”“I said you need to─”“I heard you the first time!” she snapped, a hint of irritation on her face.“Why?” she whined, and my stare at he
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Chapter 26
Zane’s POVLater that evening, my legs subconsciously brought me in front of Tessa’s room.After much contemplation, I finally decided to knock on her door and see her again after avoiding her for a couple of days on the premise that I had some investigation I had to do.Tessa opened the door wider to let me in, and I immediately took in her sheer, silken nightgown that ended mid-thigh and provided an alluring outline of her figure.I shook my head as if I could throw out the unholy thoughts entering my mind at the sight of her like that. After firmly reminding myself that now was not the time, I went past her to the couch a few feet away from her bed and sat on it.Nodding my head, I signaled her to sit wherever she wanted, even though the mere sight of her made my body instantly hot, desiring for her.“I need to talk to you.”Sitting down, she crossed her arms and looked at me annoyingly. “Oh, now, you want to talk? After like… avoiding me for so long like I’m some kind of plague?”
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Chapter 27
Tessa’s POVAfter the guard interrupted us to get Zane’s attention, I went back to my room for a quick shower and dressed before going down for breakfast.I’d had some coffee before coming down to train with Zane but after expending all that energy, I was practically starving.I made my way down the stairs and paused at the last step, watching in confusion as a group of maids hurried down the hall, looking harried and stressed. Unsure of what was wrong and hoping it was nothing, I followed them to the kitchen. The servants I passed nodded at me, all seeming in an immense hurry as they quickly went about their business, not even pausing to spare me a glance.The scents reached me from the kitchen even before I opened the door. My mouth watered, my stomach letting out a healthy growl in anticipation of the deliciously scenting meal I was heading towards.Tara was inside, and she was the only one who looked directly at me as I entered. The others were mumbling greetings and doing their b
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Chapter 28
Tesaa’s POVThere were several beats of silence after I sat down. All eyes, including Eric’s, trained on me.I tried not to let it bother me, but I could almost feel their collective disapproval bleeding into their gazes. I didn’t dare raise my head, even when I felt Eric’s wolf calling to me. I was too afraid to face all that annoyance. Far too cowardly to square up against Alphas like these, and my wolf instinctively knew this.“So, gentlemen, I believe we’re all wondering why we are here?” Zane started, and I felt, rather than saw, all eyes turn to him, freeing me from the weight of their oppressive gaze. Only then did I have the guts to peer up over the table, relieved to see their attention now on the King.“To satisfy your curiosity—”The sound of a throat clearing made him pause, and Zane’s sharp gaze flew down the table, pinning the Alpha responsible for the sound.A large man with a thick, brown beard and an intimidating glower leaned forward, staring down the table at Zane,
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Chapter 29
Zane’s POVI didn’t know what I was thinking when I pulled Tessa into me. All I knew was that it displeased me to hear her go on and on about wanting that asshole.The thought of another man being with her was activating my possessiveness. After all, I was never one to share.I wanted to change that, so I’d done the first thing I could think of, and that was to grab her so I could kiss her senselessly and wipe away all thoughts of Eric. I wanted to replace them with only me.She stiffened at first, and I wondered if she’d made a mistake until she melded into my body with a moan that I found too sexy to back away from. I growled low in my throat, my need driving me to pull her even closer to me until she was pressed flush against my body.My hands slid down her shoulders to the small of her back, a pleased little sound falling from my lips when she shivered at my touch.I slid my hands lower, down over the curve of her waist and the delicate swelling of her hips. And then, without warn
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Chapter 30
Tessa’s POVI couldn’t believe Zane kissed me like that, nor could I understand why. It had been so sudden, yet so perfect. I wanted to do it again, even though the very thought made me blush.He hadn’t gone too far, but he’d made my lips feel plundered after only a few minutes.Even now, almost an hour after he’d left, I could still feel my lips tingling, the memory of his mouth ravaging my own still fresh in my mind.He’d told me to rest, but even though I’d climbed my bed, I couldn’t get any sleep. I tossed and turned, thoughts of him alone assaulting my mind.My wolf agitated within me, stirred up by the heat in Zane’s kiss, all the while refusing to wind down even hours later.I found Zane very attractive, and there was no denying that. After all, he was so hot he could burn the pants off a nun.As much as I was drawn to him, I didn’t understand why my wolf seemed to be so affected by him. After all, he wasn’t my mate.It was strange, to say the least, I never reacted like that t
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