All Chapters of A Second Life With The Billionaire : Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
25 Chapters
Chapter Eleven – The Elite
The car pulled to a stop in front of the hall. Luna remained seated in the back seat as she took in a deep breath, she closed her eyes and counted the beats of her heart. Her relaxation technique when she starts to feel anxious or nervous.And she was both because they had just arrived at the event hall where Lake Entertainment, Justin’s company, was having its pre-Launch party for the Gala they were going to be hosting. And she had been invited because she was part of the board for the Gala.When had I ever thought joining Justin’s company was in any way a good idea? Luna thought to herself now. Whatever possessed me to think that? Because now she’s in the board, she’s part of the company, and that means working with Justin and being in the same room with his family. In the same room with his mother, for crying out loud.Luna opened her eyes and laid her head on the headrest, staring up at the top of the car. Moira Lake was the epitome of a dangerous and powerful monarch.Her k
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Chapter Twelve – The Mother
She hadn’t changed much, Luna thought to herself. There were a few added lines at the corner of her mouth, and her parlor looked more harsh and withered than they did those years ago. All those observations told Luna one thing; the years had not been kind to Moira Lake.Luna didn’t bother to temper the thread of satisfaction that wound through her at that thought. She would be lying to herself if she said she’d wished Moira well all these years, and there was no reason to lie to herself. No one had control over her own thoughts, they were hers, and she could think whatever she damned well pleased with them.Moira was a woman of average height, just like Luna herself. The two women stood at exactly the same height, and always have. But in the past years, Luna had always somehow felt Moira was taller than her. Probably because of the power Moira had wielded, and always exercised, over her. But now, Luna could see that they were at the same height. Nothing more, nothing less.Her blac
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Chapter Thirteen – The Rebuttal
“You’re right about me using those years to make something of myself,” Luna finally spoke up. She nodded. “You are. I did want to prove to you that I wouldn’t stay down for long, because you crushed me. Oh, you did that, Moira, you beat my soul black and blue, you deserve that badge all right. And so I wanted to show you that even though you almost trashed my essence, I didn’t stay broken. I rose up from that ashes and I made something of myself.”Moira sneered and scoffed lightly.“But what you got wrong,” Luna continued, she was the one who stepped to Moira now, “is the part about wanting validation from the likes of you. You’re dead wrong about that.”Luna looked right into her eyes as she spoke.“I don’t want validation from you, or anybody else in this room.”“Really?” Moira scoffed again. “Then what are you doing here then?”Luna stepped close to Moira again, this time so close that Moira had to stumble backward or risk falling down. Moira’s eyes flashed at the act of defe
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Chapter Fourteen – The Apology
Luna just stared at him. Jake’s betrayal had hurt all those years ago, and it had hurt because she had considered him a friend. And he, her too. She knew that. She just didn’t understand how he could betray a friend the way he had did to her.But put next to the feelings she felt towards each member of the Lake family, the hurt from Jake’s betrayal dulled in comparison. He was the least of her worries, but that didn’t mean she had to make it easier on him. So she just stared and waited for him to continue.“I’m sorry I wasn’t there for you when you needed me,” he did continue. “When you needed a friend. I just, I was trying to protect my position in the company, and Moira had me under her command.”“Yeah, well, guess it worked,” Luna said. “Last I heard, you’re now CFO of Lake Corporation. Congratulations.”A flash of guilt passed through Jake’s golden-brown eyes. He bowed his head in shame for a second before bringing it back up to look at Luna again.“Yeah, well, if something f
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Chapter Fifteen – The Friend
Moira Lake could disband a tension in an army field with a few words, that’s how skilled she was in that. Even Luna had to give her that.Because as she looked around now, the party was already back in swing, everybody was already going on as if nothing had happened. The waiter would probably be the only one who got affected in the entire ordeal, Luna thought to herself. First, for having to bear the degrading words he had no doubt received from Justin’s brother. Words that Luna was sure nobody should ever have to hear in their lifetime as a human being. And secondly, because Moira was probably going to fire him after the party. Having him in their employ after tonight, to remind people of the unpleasant scene that had almost tarnished her perfect party, would just not do for Moira. Luna knew her all too well.So the waiter would probably be out of a job after tonight, and Moira’s son would get no more than that single stern word his mother had said to him to shut him up.Luna fe
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Chapter Sixteen – The Past
“I was wondering when I was going to run into you.”Luna watched Justin walk towards her. That magnetic force, that aura of power that some men seem to only acquire when they’ve worked hard at it, why did it come so easily to Justin? The thought sent a frustrating feeling through Luna’s body, alongside the little thrill that ran up her spine as Justin’s black eyes locked on hers. If he didn’t have that dangerous power that made her drawn to him no matter how hard she tried to stop it, maybe she would be able to resist him.Damn him.“Hello, Luna,” Justin replied. His eyes were still locked on hers, not letting her go.Determined to not be the one to back down, Luna stared right back at him.“This is your company’s party, Justin, it’s rude to keep your guests waiting.”“I hardly kept them waiting.” Justin flicked his wrist, a waiter appeared out of nowhere. “The party has been going on fine without me, as I hear. And, I was in a meeting.”Justin picked up the sole glass on the
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Chapter Seventeen – The Stranger
Eight years agoLuna ran a nervous hand down her sequin gown. The material was a finer one than she had ever felt pressed against her body in all her life, so when she realized she was running her sweaty palms on it, she immediately stopped. She stood on the entrance to the hall, where the party was already in full swing. Jake Kierney had only just dropped her off at the mansion a few hours ago, and a few hours after that, she’d gotten the call from Moira Lake. She’d told her a personal stylist was going to be coming to the house to help her get dressed for a party, she’d instructed her to be ready for the stylist and for her first night as Justin’s wife.Luna had been staggered to hear the news for a couple of reasons. One, she’d thought she was going to be introduced as Justin’s girlfriend first, or fiancée. And then after that, after they’d shared a few moments in public and in the spotlight, and everybody had adjusted to the idea of the two of them as a couple, then they’d be
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Chapter Eighteen – The Stage
Present“You had such hatred for me even right from the start,” Luna said to Justin.They were still facing each other other, the table between them.“All you heard was my name,” she continued, “and your voice changed. Did you think I don’t hear the change in your voice the moment you heard my name, Justin?”Even now, the memory hurt, Luna realized. Justin had the decency to look chagrined this time.“You don’t know why my voice changed that night,” he said, glancing away from Luna.“No, I don’t,” Luna agreed. “But what I do know is that night was not an exception, like you think it was. Sure, we were starting to vibe before I mentioned my name, but that was a brief moment. It could have been an exception, you made it not so. You, Justin, not me.”“And I said I had my reasons,” Justin said.Luna opened her mouth to reply him, but stopped when the music pulsing through the speakers was interrupted by someone on stage.“I would like to call on Miss Luna Jones, CEO of Green-ish
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Chapter Nineteen – The Viper
Luna downed another glass of champagne as she looked around the hall. It seemed like her little spar with Justin had cleared her head of the little buzz she had felt from the two other glasses she had downed earlier.“Damn you, Justin,” she muttered to herself. The man had taken almost everything from her, now he was taking away her ability to get drunk? Where in the world was that even fair?But then again, the world wasn’t fair now, was it? Luna let out a breath, placing her empty glass back on the table. If the world was fair, she wouldn’t be going through a world of hurt as she tried to get back at her ex-husband and his mother for ruining her life all those years ago now, would she? If the world was fair, she wouldn’t even be hurt in the first place. If the world was fair, she would have been loved by Justin, and she would have been happily married to him. If the world was fair-“Luna,” a voice said from behind her.Now what? Luna asked herself silently. She rolled her eyes
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Chapter Twenty – The Brother
What the hell am I still doing here? Luna paced the empty compound behind the hall moments later as the question pounded in her head.All through the party, ninety five percent of the people she’d met had hurt her in one way or the other. There was the woman who had made her life a living hell and humiliated her family multiple times, the man who had pretended to be her friend but had actually been a spy for the same woman. The ‘friend’ who had been nothing but a manipulator who demeaned her with her cleverly constructed words presented as compliments. Luna let out a breath, she continued pacing. Or was it the man whom she had loved, carried his child in her and felt the life they’d both created, and who all he’d ever done was to repay her with hatred.What the hell was she doing here? What the hell was she doing at all, getting mixed up with Justin again. Haven’t the past taught her anything at all? Was the humiliation she went through in her marriage to Justin not enough? Was th
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