All Chapters of A Second Life With The Billionaire : Chapter 1 - Chapter 10
25 Chapters
Chapter One: The Return
Luna was used to men staring at her by now. She was a successful woman in her late twenties, beautiful with- as it’s all men seem to be capable of thinking about- a great body. So she was used to the stares. She didn’t let it bother her, because in her opinion, the ones who actually have the guts to walk up to her were the real men. If staring was all a man does at a beautiful woman, then he probably didn’t deserve her.She kept her head high and her gaze focused ahead as she walked into the conference room. There was a long mahogany table in the middle of the spacious room, office chairs lined both sides to the other door at the end of the room. Fluorescent lights shine over the flat surface, making the glass in the middle of the table, glimmer. Men in suits were seated on both sides of the table, their laptops open in front of them. Some of them were typing on their laptops, while some were idly discussing. They all turn to stare at her as she walked into the room. Idle chatter
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Chapter Two: The Reunion
Chapter TwoLuna’s heart, which had started to settle, jackhammered again at the sight of Justin. She watched, barely breathing, as Justin’s eyes scanned the room. Somehow, his gaze passed over her head for the duration in which he looked at the entire room. And Luna used that time to blink, to stop staring at him so hard, and to let air into her lungs. People start to move, there were mumbles of ‘Good morning, sir’s’ and Justin moved away from the entrance to walk further into the room. As he made his way toward the chair at the head of the conference table, his eyes strayed to Luna briefly. And then he did a double-take. His black eyes narrowed sharply on her face, and the rest of the room faded away.Luna was suddenly back in six years ago, still married to Justin, but on the brink of it all falling apart. Her heart was breaking with Justin’s indifference to his mother’s maltreatment of her, and filled with the pain of loving a man who didn’t love her back. One look into his m
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Chapter Three: The Present
Chapter ThreeHours later, Luna walked out of Justin’s company building and towards her parked car, waiting for her in the parking lot.Jaden opened the door to the backseat and Luna got in, she closed her eyes just as Jaden closed the door. She let out a breath she hadn’t even been aware she was holding, her breath coming out on a shaky tremble. After their little private reunion, Justin had called everybody back into the conference room and the meeting had progressed.All through the meeting, Luna could feel Justin’s eyes on her, even though she had been careful to not look at him. And she had had to remind herself every few minutes to breathe, when she realized she was staring at Justin’s assistant- who was laying out the objectives of the gala- with bated breath. She had almost jumped out of her skin when someone spoke beside her, and that had made her realize that she was on pins and needles throughout the entire meeting. But now it was over. Luna threw her head back on the
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Chapter Four: The Breakdown
A week later.“So, looks like the damage control in San Andreas is the last thing on your to-do list for today,” Rita said jokingly.Luna looked up from her laptop to give Rita a dry look.“Yeah, it would have to be, now, wouldn’t it?” Rita gave Luna a pitying look. “I know, babe, I’m sorry.”“I’m telling you, that saying, ‘If you want something done right, you have to do it yourself’? It’s on point.”Rita gave a dubious look. “I’m not sure that’s a saying, per se.”“Ugh!” Luna explodes, slamming her hand on the table. “Those reps in San Andreas are going to hear it from me.”“Yeah, you get ‘em, babe,” Rita said in support. “Anyway, I think I have something that will make your trip a little easier. I booked a ritzy hotel for you to stay in, breakfast in bed and the whole deal. Now, do you love me, or do you love me?”Luna leaned back in her seat, the hint of a smile flittering around her lips as she looked at her best friend.“I do love you,”she said. “You’re probably the o
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Chapter Five: The Kiss
“Oh hell no!”Luna marched directly to Justin, who was standing beside a pla- no, not a plane, a jet. A private jet?! Woah. But that thought didn’t deter Luna’s strides as she marched up to Justin. Following his announcement, Matt had driven her to the private hangar, Justin’s private hangar, where the plane that was supposed to take her to San Andreas, was. Luna had only allowed Matt to take her there to confront Justin, nothing more. She stopped in front of him, her eyes narrowed as he turned away from the person he had been talking to, to look at her, all calm.“Hello, Luna,” he said, still all calm.“What the hell, Justin?” Luna demanded.Justin shrugged. “I don’t know what you mean.”“You know what I mean, don’t try and act dumb. What’s the meaning of you saying you’ll take me to San Andreas?”“I believe that was me offering to help,” Justin replied, his tone perfectly reasonable and patronizing, like he was talking to a child.Which just made Luna’s teeth set on edge
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Chapter Six - The Lunch
“I’m almost the restaurant. Yeah, I’ll see you soon.”Luna disconnected the call, she looked both sides of the road before crossing over to the opposite sidewalk. Seeing she and her sister’s and mother’s favorite restaurant just a few feet ahead of her, she quickened her pace towards.Her mom and sister were already seated at a table, one of the several ones outside. As Luna neared, Ashley, her sister, turned. Seeing Luna, she smiled and waved enthusiastically at her.“Hey!” Luna smiled and waved back. At Ashley’s greeting, her mother, Mira, also turned, smiling too as she saw Luna. Looking at the two women side to side, the resemblance and similarities between them couldn’t go unnoticed. They both had light green eyes, straight black hair, and the exact same smile; with a crinkle at each corner of their lips. The light green eyes was the place Luna’s similarity with them ended though. Her hair was flaming red and her smile didn’t have a crinkle, but a curve when tipped to the
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Chapter Seven - The Hospital
Luna stared up at the ceiling of the hospital room, both her hands folded on her stomach, as she waited for her doctor. The fluorescent lighting over both sides of her head highlighted the starkness of the hospital tiles. Luna didn’t revile hospitals as most people did, but it wasn’t one of her favorite places to be either. Drab was its aesthetic, always, and it always smelled of antiseptics and drugs. It was where people died and babies were born. It was where her baby had died.At this, the memories threatened to trickle in, but Luna forced them back to the deep dark corner of her mind. Rehashing them now would do her no good. The past was where it was meant to be; behind her. She was moving forward now, and her appointment today was one of the steps involved in that future. Just then, the door to the hospital room opened and Dr. Gina Michaels stepped in. Dr. Gina was a trim willowy woman in her mid-thirties, blond hair currently packed back in a bouncy ponytail with deep blue
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Chapter Eight - The Billionaire
“Thank you, Julio,” Luna said as she took her seat in the chair the restaurant owner pulled out for her.He tucked the chair back towards the table, Luna looked up at him, and gave him a smile. The pudgy mid-thirties Italian chef smiled back at her, his ruddy face flushed with pleasure.“You’re welcome, ma bella,” he said, his tone heavily accented with his hometown intonation. “You know you’re my favorite customer.”Luna chuckled. “I know. And I’m a sucker for your praises and fawning over me. I’m pretty sure I come here as much as for your food as I do for your compliments.”“A beautiful woman like you should be fawned over as frequently as possible, bellasima, you’re a direct art from God.”Luna laughed at Julio’s extravagancy. “Okay, stop, or my head might not fit through the door when I leave here.”“I’ll try,” Julio said, smiling too. “So what’ll you have? My specials, as usual?”“You know I trust you always.”Julio’s face flushed with pleasure again. “Then you’re in for
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Chapter Nine - The Confrontation
When Julio finally left, Justin took his seat across Luna. He sat and stared at her for several seconds without saying a word. Luna stared right back at him, determined to not be the first one to break. She knew Justin well enough to know that their little staring game was just that to Justin, a game. And he would take great pleasure in winning it over her.Slowly, his gaze raked over Luna, just like hers had when he first came in. Tortuously, his eyes travelled from her head, down to her belly, where it dipped to her center. Heat pooled there as Justin’s eyes came back to hers. His were darker and more dangerous as he stared deliberately into her eyes.“Red had always been your color,” he finally said.Luna’s pulse jumped, and scrambled at the intimacy of Justin’s low tone. “I know,” she said, pleased to hear her voice coming out strong with no tremble. “I’m surprised you noticed though,” she added.“I notice a lot more than you think,” Justin said, his gaze still fixed on
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Chapter Ten - The Flashback
Eight years ago.Luna twisted the strap of her purse as she stood on the pavement, nervously waiting for her ride. One Mr. Jake Kierney was supposed to be picking her up, Luna recited the descriptions of how he looked like in her head again. Brown hair, dark eyes, Caucasian and wearing a black suit. And then she remembered he was going to be pulling up in a car, and that the details of the car was probably what she was supposed to be memorizing. The realization upset the resolve Luna had managed to build up through the pep talk she had given herself before leaving her apartment.Licks of panic threatened to swarm through Luna, she forced them back with deep heavy breaths. In the middle of her breathing exercise, a black car pulled up in front of her. The window winded down to reveal a man leaning across the passenger’s seat.“You Luna Jones?” he asked, his tone a little accented enough to tell Luna he was a New Yorker, true and true.Luna nodded her head timidly. “Ye- yes, I am.
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