All Chapters of Captivated by Mr. Billionaire: Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
92 Chapters
Chapter 40
I stared at the empty office in confusion and glanced at my watch to double-check the time. It was just a few minutes past 6 PM, the time that I always made sure to reach her office by, especially after I completely missed it last week.Usually, every time I came to pick her up, Jane would always wait for me at her office in Benedict's building before our agreed-upon time; something about how I would make too much of a scene if I picked her up from the lobby. But she had never been late before, not even once.Her bags and coat were still here, so I knew that she was probably still somewhere in the building.Maybe one of her meetings was running overtime, or she simply forgot to tell me that she had something scheduled at this time.Nevertheless, I decided to wait inside her office, reasoning that it would be too early to panic about her absence yet and make a scene against her wishes. I plopped down the white bag of pastries and dessert that I picked up for my two sweet tooth darlings
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Chapter 41
Since the night of the gala, I've been spending the nights with Jane and was practically living at her house full time. Picking her up after work. Going home to greet Liam together. Cooking with each other side by side. Sharing the same bed. Waking up to her beautiful face every day.It was a life that I never wanted to give up after getting a taste of it. Never would I ever want to go back to living in my cold and empty apartment, void of any signs of life. A place that lacked the comforting scent of warm fruity spices and the joyous laughter of my two angels.I gently brushed Jane's hair out of her face as she nuzzled up closer to me in her sleep. How could I ever give up a sight like this?Her hair was fanned out on the pillow behind her as she curled up against my chest like a little kitten. She buried her nose into the crook of my neck before letting out a soft hum in contentment and falling back into a deep sleep.The top of her head rested just below my nose, filling my senses
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Chapter 42
"What's wrong with you today?"Huh? I looked up from the mixing bowl of pancake batter in confusion. "What do you mean, Liam?"He shrugged half-heartedly and replied as he continued dropping chocolate chips into the pancake batter, "Normally, you're always clinging onto Ms. Jane and asking for kisses whenever you think I'm not looking, but you've barely been within a ten feet radius of her all morning."Embarrassment immediately rose inside of me.It was already bad enough that I could barely get close to Jane today without dirty thoughts popping up. The mere sight of her reminds me of how alluring she looked underneath me earlier before I accidentally went too far. How sinfully lovely her moans sounded against my ear. How smooth her bare skin felt under my touch.Even though I just came back from the humiliation of driving back to my apartment in the cold with a boner and spending more than 30 minutes in an icy cold shower in the middle of the winter to get it down, my body still wou
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Chapter 43
"Ah, you're finally here! What took you so long? Everyone's here already. Ugh, never mind. I don't actually care now that you're here. Now, where's my grandbaby?""Hello to you too, mother," I replied sarcastically as I handed off the pie that Jane baked for today's family dinner and my heavy coat to one of my parent's butlers.Turning back around, I opened the front door wider for my two treasures. I grabbed Jane's hand as I helped her step over the ledge into the house with Liam trailing right behind her, holding onto the edge of her dress for dear life.Jane gave my mother a soft smile and greeted, "Good evening, Mrs. Cordova. I'm sorry for being late. The seminar for Liam's class at the lecture hall downtown ran a bit over time.""It's alright, sweetheart. There's no need to apologize." My mother eagerly pulled her into the warmth of the house, offering her a small towel to dry her hair from the melting snowfall. "Besides, didn't I tell you to call me mom already? You don't need t
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Chapter 44
With much compromise, Benedict eventually received his phone back in an undamaged state but at the price of being forced to sit on the far end of the table to be placed "as far away from Ms. Jane as possible," as per Liam's request.Liam and I sat on either side of Jane on the other end of the table. But then my mother insisted on sitting close to her "grandbaby" and plopped down next to Liam before he could even protest, leading to the rest of my family sitting to the right of Liam while Cassy's family made do with the leftover seats next to me.To say the least, the assignments of seats caused much more hassle than it really needed to. But at least everything seemed to calm down once dinner started.Between my mother and her friend, Mellisa, there was no issue with any awkward silences as they quickly filled up the room with their lively chatter, even pulling in Benedict's preppy personality once he stopped sulking and started asking Jane random questions here or there.Not giving m
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Chapter 45
I watched as Jane tugged on the sleeves of her outfit for the n-teenth time today... Pulling on the end of her sleeves... Smoothing out her skirt... Patting her hair down... Checking the mirror..."Are you sure it's alright?"I nodded as I held out a cup of green tea for her. "Why are you so worriedly about your outfit, love? We're only meeting with the interior designer."She sighed as she took one last glance at her outfit before walking over to me. Accepting the cup from me, she confessed, "I want to look good, so she won't think poorly of you for taking in such a shabby-looking fiancée. We're not meeting with just any designer... You picked the top of the top, the Haraya Maltiem, and I just know that a whole new chain of gossip will come up when people find out that you are moving in with someone like me..."So she was still feeling insecure about herself...I had been trying to boost her self-confidence, constantly showering her with compliments and reminding her that she was mor
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Chapter 46
"Place that box on the third floor. The ones over there should be in the library. But place one in the study." I watched as my bodyguards shuffled about the front of our new home, helping us move our new furniture and items to different rooms. Since it was too dangerous to let any random mover help us with this process in fear of our new address being leaked to the public, I had to ask my entire fleet of bodyguards to come with me out of the city to help with unpacking. It was barely even 9 o'clock in the morning, and I was already getting annoyed from having to instruct all these people, wanting nothing more than to huddle in an isolated space with my angels, away from all these people. Though I managed a ginormous enterprise with hundreds of thousands of employees, I truly disliked being stuck around large crowds, enough so that my small fleet of 20 helpers was already making me feel suffocated. The only thing that was keeping me from fleeing was the sight of Jane and Liam playi
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Chapter 47
"Achilles, do you want salmon for dinner tonight? They're having a sale today." "...""It looks like it's still in pretty good quality, so maybe we can have it simply grilled with some pepper and lemons. What do you think?" "..." "Achilles?" "..." Jane spun around with two packages of salmon in her hand with a huff, "Achilles, stop sulking and help me pick one! I don't want Liam to be able to find any reason to avoid eating his fish again." I begrudgingly walked up to her and randomly plucked one of the packages out of her hand, tossing it into the cart. "I still don't understand why we have to grocery shop in person. We could've ordered online for it to be delivered and stayed in bed longer." She rolled her eyes and tugged me along by my arm. "You shouldn't rely so much on delivery. And cuddling in bed isn't the only way to spend quality time together. I like going grocery shopping with you. I get to learn about what you like and don't like to eat." "You could've just asked m
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Chapter 48
"Achilles, you need to get up. You're going to miss your flight at this rate."I groaned and tightened my arms, burying my head deeper into my plush pillow. "I'm serious, Rafael. You already ignored your last two alarms." I grumbled incoherently, still mostly half asleep as I nuzzled up against my pillow."Achilles!" I begrudgingly cracked an eye open to look up at the owner of the voice. "Love, I'm taking my private plane. They won't leave without me." Her hair was a mess like all other mornings, completely splayed out around her head. But I still found it to be a comforting sight to wake up to every morning, She pouted as I propped my head up on her stomach, my previous personal sleeping pillow, "Still... Joseph said that I shouldn't let you talk your way out of going. He told me that you have a dinner meeting tonight in France that you can't miss." I groaned and buried my face back into her stomach, cursing Joseph on the inside for getting to me through my fiancée. She gentl
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Chapter 49
"Ms. Jane?" "Yes, Liam?" "Mr. Rafael is coming back in a few days, right?" "Mhm, he said that he only had two more branches to check up on and might even come back a day earlier than originally planned.""Oh..." He fiddled with the corner of his page, making me look up from my book in curiosity."Why do you ask?" "Um... There's something that I want to give him for Christmas, but I'm not sure if he would like it..." I raised an eyebrow, having never seen him so unsure of himself before. I knew that Achilles and Liam didn't exactly get off to the best start, but they had grown so close over the last few months that any passersby would've automatically assumed them to be a biologically related father-son pair. Liam rarely did anything without wondering about what Achilles would think of it nowadays. I closed my book and walked over to him, wrapping my arms around him as I joined him in his cozy nest of a cushioned chair. Hugging his little body I reassured him, "I'm sure he would
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