All Chapters of Why the moon roars: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
26 Chapters
Internal tug of war.
Cyrus point of view. I left her immediately. I had healed her. I transferred all her pain into my body and I urgently needed to rest. I did not expect her pain to be this extreme. Whoever was chasing after her did immerse harm to her body and, as strong as I am, even I could feel it, although not as much as she would have felt it, my strength and endurance level are above every other werewolf's.I couldn't help but wonder. Her scent wasn't Evara's. I knew this because it is impossible for a werewolf to forget the scent of its mate. She was the woman I loved and gave my all to. I will never forget her scent. Also, this girl had white hair, just exactly as I had seen in the vision, but Evara's hair flowed like a curtain of night, a velvety veil that framed her face with an aura of timeless elegance. Each strand, as dark as the deepest depths of the cosmos that danced in the gentle breeze, enchanting all who beheld its mesmerizing allure. Although her features and everything else were Ev
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Silent meeting
Cyrus' Point of view. I walked out of my chambers through the extravagant halls. I had called for a meeting with my pack about strengthening the magic surrounding the walls of our pack. Every month, the walls are strengthened twice, the first half of the month and the last half. As I made my way through the ornate hallways, my mind was focused on the task ahead. The strengthening of our pack's protective enchantments was a crucial matter that needed to be addressed swiftly. I wouldn’t want the horror that happened twice to occur the third time. However, as I approached the living room, I couldn't help but notice soft laughter echoing through the corridor.Piqued by curiosity, I followed the sound and was surprised to find Baelakis and Stephen engaged in a lively conversation, their smiles and her laughter radiating through the air. I had tried my best to cloud my mind with other thoughts to avoid me thinking of Baelakis and found protecting the pack walls the easiest thing to think a
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The man of the night.
CYRUS’ POV. The pack meeting ran longer than I thought it would've. Strengthening the borders didn't usually take that much time, but we'd recently widened our grounds so we could build more houses for the newer members.I sighed, pulling on the strings of my hoodie before shoving my hands in its pockets, making my way to the library. I didn't go there often, there was never really a reason to, but I'd taken note of how frequently Stephen accompanied Baelakis there and assumed that they would be there again today.I swung the doors open, my eyes falling on the sight of Baelakis pursing her lips in the far corner as she scanned over the front page of the book in her hand.I scanned the room, my eyes falling on Stephen's form crouched close to her, watching over Baekalis with doe eyes. I remained perched at the door frame, not making a sound and simply waiting for Stephen to notice my presence. Thankfully, that didn't take too long and his eyes met mine in a matter of seconds. I beckone
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Finding hidden secrets.
CYRUS’ Point of view. I exhaled softly, a puff of smoke escaping my lips at the action. Pressing the butt of my cigarette against the bentex glass ashtray, I clicked my tongue frustrated as the fire went out, a low hiss complementing the process. I left the wooden chair I was seated on, my mask lying dutifully on the table that accompanied it as I practically threw myself on my bed. The furniture let out a familiar round of creaks at my weight, moving a bit but staying firmly upright nonetheless. Pressing my face against my pillow, I let out a muffled groan. From the corner of my eye, I took notice of a little ray of light escaping through a small hole in the curtain. I gritted my teeth, not bothering to make vain efforts at trying to adjust it, as I made a mental note to tell one of the members to help me get thicker ones from town tomorrow, or maybe later today would be better. It'd been a little more than two weeks since we rescued Baekalis, and since we kept her here. We had la
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Watchman, watch watch.
CYRUS’ Point of view. The next few days passed by in a blur, with Stephen being hardly present. He had taken up a new challenge; showing Baekalis around town. Of course, I did not think it was a good idea, but it was not like I could dictate her every movement. She wasn't mine.Thomas had been thrilled to find out that his child was still alive, and perfectly fine — one of them at least. He had insisted on seeing her after I filled him in on the whole kidnapping thing and Nightshade, but I had stopped him obviously, making sure to remind him that Baekalis didn't even know about the supernatural until a while ago. It would overwhelm her, and I don't think that was what we needed right now.I sighed tiredly, twirling the glass in my hand lazily, watching as its contents — whiskey and just the right amount of ice cubes — sloshed around, clanking against the corners of the tumbler and making noise that resonated around the otherwise silent atmosphere.I had been sighing a lot lately, and S
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Normal things just don’t happen here.
BAEKALIS’ Point of view. “Not. Another. Word,” I seethed, nipping at my bottom lip as my hands clenched and unclenched at my side, “Don't you dare.”I couldn't stop myself from pouting, staring up at him through my eyelashes. Stephen stared right back down at me, trying to stifle a laugh. He failed though, his eyes crinkling familiarly as he snorted, erupting into fully blown laughter as he brought his hands up to cover his mouth.We were in one of the smaller kitchens, trying to bake cookies simply because we were craving something sweet and Stephen said we could not have the candy. It was going fine, considering the fact that I actually knew what I was doing, since it was not the first time I had been making cookies. But, although I'm not really sure what, something went wrong, it was most likely Stephen's fault, though, and when we had heard a weird sound coming from the oven, I had volunteered to open it, only to have one of the bigger pieces of unfinished cookies blow up in my fa
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Never hiding for too long.
CYRUS’ Point of view. Leading Baekalis to my cave was spontaneous, admittedly, and I didn't even expect her to follow me, much less after I had thrown her to the ground.However, from what I could tell, she was alone, and I couldn't leave her here by herself. But, if she stayed with me in my wolf form, she could feel threatened eventually and run. So, naturally, the only intelligent option I could indulge in was to lead her with me and then shift back to my human form and watch her myself.Keeping a mental note in the back of my mind to scold Stephen for letting her out of his sight, I walked down the bank and my hold on the bottom of her hoodie in between my teeth helped me ensure she was following.I let her go briefly, jumping over the lake as I used the bigger stones as leverage. When I got to the other side, I glanced back at her lazily, watching as she hesitated.Was she scared or something? Even if she fell, and didn't know how to swim — which I'm sure she does — obviously I wou
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BAEKALIS’ POVWhen he'd invited me to sit with him, I was a little taken aback. He seemed like the kind of person that would lead you to the back of the school, only to beat the shit out of you and then give you candy after.He had a certain vibe to him that I was sceptical about, but it wasn't like I could ignore him outright. When he'd told me he was that ‘Cyrus’ person, I was almost on the verge of asking him if he was sure. The Cyrus I'd imagined was completely different from this one. He seemed like a leader, yes, but he also seemed like he wouldn't hesitate to kill you at the slightest inconvenience. Although even at that, I wanted to thank him, but it would be hard to do since he looked so…unapproachable. His voice was cold and distant, his height matching his personality. In truth, he seemed much taller than Stephen from what I had seen.He gave off a certain vibe though, that I couldn't quite explain but it just…drew me in. The mask on his face prevented me from accessing
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Look up
CYRUS’ POV It was times like this that usually took moments to ask myself if this was really worth it. Or better yet, if becoming Alpha of this pack was a good decision. Considering all the tragedies that has happened so far since I did though, I would say no — my father made a terrible mistake by passing the title down to me, and both of them made an even bigger mistake by concluding early on that I would be more than enough so they didn't need another child. I was sure I had my moments though, perhaps I really was a great leader sometimes. But now, staring down at my Omega's body from where a stood a reasonable distance away, there wouldn't even be an argument to dictate how useless I was. Clyde looked drained, like he hadn't known peace for a long time. His usual golden hair had turned pale and dry, taking on a dull yellowish colour. He had cuts and bruises all over, and I could swear that some of his finger nails were missing. His clothes were torn to shreds too, and there was
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Smacking lilies: somethings aren’t as they seem
DEVINA'S POVI nipped at my bottom lip, fiddling with the hem of my shirt as I kicked the grass. My feet hurt with how much I ran, and my head throbbed. I plopped on the grass, sighing in relief as I let myself breathe. It's been hours since Baekalis and I decided to meet under this tree, and the sun was starting to set, causing the skies to darken considerably. Was she okay? Maybe she had gotten caught after all. It wouldn't come as a surprise though, considering the fact that she was hell bent on carrying that other girl with her. ‘No one left behind’ I suppose, if that was how the saying went any way. I hope she's okay though, neither I nor the other girls could've made it this far without her and her stubborn attitude. “There you are!” My head snapped up and I flinched, trying to stumble to my feet. The man smiled creepily, the expression acting as motivation as I finally managed to stand up, ready to take off. I could recognize that face anywhere; it was the one that had gra
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