All Chapters of Why the moon roars: Chapter 21 - Chapter 26
26 Chapters
CYRUS’ POVThe air con blew against my back, the coolness doing little to nothing to help calm me down. I was seated in Clyde's hospital room with Stephen, watching patiently as the pack doctor checked his vitals and whatever else he needed to make sure was normal. He, the pack doctor, made a face of relief as he turned to us, clearly about to address us. “He seems fine in general,” he mused, a little smile on his face. “considering how much progress he's made from the first day. I advise he still gets some rest though, so I trust you won't give him too much work? Or, at all if you could.”They all turned to me, awaiting my response. I sighed. Work could wait, I suppose, Clyde’s health came first before anything. If something were to happen to him in the first place that would render him completely damaged, or even worse, dead, then all the work would admittedly be for nothing and would have to be put on hold either way. “He can rest for as long as he needs, doctor,” I replied, an
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Twisted enemy.
BAEKALIS’ POVI think a piece of me died with that kiss. The second his lips grazed mine, it was like it was helping me itch a part of my skin that I didn't even know itched. It…rewired my brain chemistry, to put it simply. It felt good, almost like he was inhaling the bad air in my lungs and replaced it with a new one that was more refreshing. Wait…that sounded wrong. Either way, it was more than anything I had ever imagined it would be. Ever since that night at the cave, I'd missed Cyrus, even though a rational part of my brain told me that there was nothing to miss. Realistically, I barely knew him, but it was like I craved him. It wasn't necessarily…sexual in a sense. I just wanted, no, I needed him near me most of the time. When he wasn't by me, it felt like something was missing. So to make it more reasonable, I wanted to get to know him better. Although, that was just an excuse to try to make sense of whatever this odd attachment I was feeling. We spent some afternoons t
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CYRUS’ POV “It's about a mile to the diner, and Liam and I walk together,” Baekalis recited, and I could vividly imagine the smile on her face. “Well, we're with half of the track team and also some of their girlfriends– you okay?”She turned to look at me and I simply nodded, urging her to continue. We were currently in the library, squeezed together in the little corner that she had taken it upon herself to decorate with fairy lights and a blanket she apparently knitted herself. After the dinner out, Baekalis had been too tired to explore a different side of town, so we had decided to come back to the pack house to relax. She insisted that if she read to me, I would be a whole less tense and would feel better generally. So here we were, on the floor as she read Freina McFadden's The Perfect Son to me, word for word to my hearing. We were currently in just chapter four teen, but even I would admit that it was good. Baekalis seemed like she was having the time of her life just sta
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In an alternative universe.
BAEKALIS’ POV“Remind me again why we're doing this, Cy,” I breathed out, feeling a sense of pride when I noticed how he clicked his tongue in annoyance at the nickname. Cyrus, Stephen and I were out in a clearer part of the forest which fulfilled its duty as a makeshift field of some sort. The leaves around here were somewhat low, with only one odd looking tree standing in the middle, its bark bent and dying, although the leaves of the tree looked relatively fresh. It was quite creepy, really. We were all dressed in loose outfits, with me being in a cropped, grey hoodie and matching grey sweatpants. I folded my arms across my chest, turning from where Stephen had been excitedly laying in the grass like an animal that had been caged for over a month and had just been released, to look at Cyrus as I raised a brow, reminding him that I had yet to receive an answer to my question. “Well,” he started, drawing out the monosyllabic word as his left eye twitched. He looked straight ahead
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DEVINA'S POVI thumped my travelling box on the bed, throwing more clothes in it and pausing as I tried to remember what I could possibly be leaving out. Biting my nails, I accessed the box one more time: Night clothes? Check. Slides? Check. Workout outfits? Check. I eyed the lingerie that was taunting me from where it was hidden behind my closet, biting on my nail harder as I weighed my options. Ideally, the mission we had to take care of wouldn't even take more than two days at most, but I knew better. I had told Nightshade that I would need longer for the trip, simply because I needed a break and didn't want to end up overworking myself. It was difficult, but all I had to do was kiss him a little while running my hand through his balding, pathetic hair as I whispered painfully untrue words of love to his hearing. For someone that owned and single handedly grew the kind of business he currently did, even I had to admit that he was a fool for women. Not that I cared anyway, it b
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DEVINA'S POVI stepped down from the car almost hurriedly, my lips pressed into a thin line as I held my purse in a tight grip with urgency. I leaned down a bit, watching tiredly as the window rolled down and Nightshade stuck his head out. He pursed his lips, a silent command for me to kiss him. Nervously, I glanced at the driver and then back at him, hoping that my gaze was pleading enough. Even if it was, he didn't pay it any mind as he narrowed his eyes at me, arching a brow as if daring me to deny him in public like this. Then again, even if I did, I doubt anyone would notice until he was the one to draw attention to us by throwing a tantrum or something of the sort — he was just unhinged like that. Letting out a defeated sigh, I inched closer and kissed him, making sure to keep it short and without emotion. He must've noticed my intent though, because he brought up one of his hands and gripped my chin, keeping me in place until he was finally ready to let me go. He released wi
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