All Chapters of My Contract Love Story : Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
36 Chapters
Chapter 21
Larry froze, a heavy silence settling between them for a moment. He finally turned to find Ashleigh already waiting for his explanation."According to the staff roster, only the butler and cleaning crew are assigned to this floor," she mentioned, her tone laced with suspicion. "No one else is permitted access."Larry's smile faltered slightly. "Right. Actually, Tara did have me come up here once to help her with some food supplies for Mr. Cagliari," he explained, the explanation sounding a bit forced.It did seem strange to Ashleigh, but she brushed it off. With only a month of marriage under her belt, she had little knowledge of Adrian's specific dietary needs."That's fine," she dismissed, her attention returning to the movie playing on the large screen. The film was an older one, but one she'd been eager to see.By the time the credits rolled, she felt thoroughly satisfied and ready for bed. As the movie ended, the theater lights automatically flickered on, prompting her to exit.O
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chapter 22
The first rays of dawn peeked through the window as Ashleigh was jolted awake by Mr. Atkinson at 4:00 am. Following Adrian's instructions, Mr. Atkinson ensured Ashleigh began her duties promptly. After a quick confirmation that she was awake, he excused himself, allowing her a brief thirty minutes for a shower before rejoining him.Shadowing Mr. Atkinson, like a loyal but weary companion, Ashleigh observed him inspect the work of the first and second-floor staff. He explained the roles: the first floor comprised cleaning personnel responsible for maintaining both her and Adrian's supplies, as well as cleaning the theater room and her quarters (though she witnessed them cleaning that morning due to her early start). Adrian's room and study, however, were Mr. Atkinson's sole domain.Since Ashleigh wasn't yet allowed access to these private areas, Mr. Atkinson assigned her supervisory duties in his place while he cleaned. Their tour continued downstairs, where Ashleigh was introduced to
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Chapter 23
As Ashleigh left her aunt's office, a plan began to take shape in her mind. She was done playing by Adrian's rules; it was time to seize control. Reaching the private elevator, she paused, then opted for the stairs instead. With newfound determination, she marched through the underground parking lot towards a waiting car. The driver took off promptly, delivering her to the mansion.Mr. Atkinson greeted her upon arrival. "I apologize for interrupting, Madame, but the interview for a new butler is scheduled for shortly. Mr. Cagliari insisted on your presence.""I'm aware, Mr. Atkinson," Ashleigh replied."However, I've had a change of plans. In addition to finding a butler for the house, I'd like to hire a personal assistant."Surprise flickered across Mr. Atkinson's face. "But Madame, this wasn't part of the initial plan. Mr. Cagliari certainly won't approve.""Mr. Cagliari placed me in charge of managing this mansion, didn't he?" Ashleigh
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chapter 24
Monday evening cast a nervous shadow over the grand house. Ashleigh, a whirlwind of energy, paced the living room, the only sound her footsteps echoing in the vast space. She'd ensured everything was in order with Mr. Atkinson – chores delegated, Susan, the new butler, settled in the staff quarters (a meeting awaited her later).The doorbell's jarring ring startled her. Taking a deep breath, she straightened her blouse and marched towards the door.A woman in her late 50s, impeccably dressed with a leather briefcase, stood on the doorstep.Mrs. Cagliari?" the woman inquired, her smile warm and inviting."Yes, that's me. Please, come in." Ashleigh ushered her in. This was Dr. Amelia Brooks, the top college prep tutor Mr. Cagliari had chosen, specializing in those seeking entry to Robin College, Ashleigh's ultimate goal.Dr. Brooks settled comfortably into a plush armchair, her gaze sweeping across the room with a practiced eye."M
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Chapter 25
He entered the quiet room and placed the tray on the table, nudging her books aside gently."Where's Susan? Didn't you tell them to bring me my food?" Ashleigh asked, surprised by his direct approach. Meals were typically delivered by Susan or Mr. Atkinson.Larry chuckled. "Susan and Mr. Atkinson are swamped right now. I just thought I'd check in and make sure you weren't losing your mind behind all those books." He took a step back, giving her space.A tired smile played on Ashleigh's lips. "Thanks, Larry. You really didn't have to do this." She reached for a sandwich, taking a tentative bite.The tray held an assortment of rich-looking cream and jam sandwiches alongside a glass of lemon iced tea. The first bite revealed a thick slice of bread filled with sweet strawberry jam and cream. Her eyes lit up with unexpected delight."Chef Larry, this is amazing!" she exclaimed, taking another bite. Before long, the tray was empty, her initial
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Chapter 26
A wide smile spread across her face. "Tonight, let loose and sing your hearts out! Food and drinks are available for all, and feel free to mingle and enjoy yourselves. Let the night begin!" she declared, throwing her arms open in a welcoming gesture.The staff erupted in cheers, their anticipation for a unique and exciting evening palpable. As the night unfolded, Ashleigh's initial hesitation melted away, replaced by a wave of excitement. Chef Larry kicked things off, taking the stage and electrifying the crowd with an upbeat song. When the last note faded, he ushered Ashleigh onto the makeshift platform, the microphone thrust into her hand. With a deep breath, she launched into a powerful rendition of her favorite song. The room erupted in applause and cheers, a surge of freedom washing over her – a feeling she hadn't experienced in weeks.Chef Larry rejoined her on stage, their voices harmonizing perfectly as they belted out a duet. Even Susan, unable to resist the infectious energy
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Chapter 27
The third week came, and each day was closer to the exam and tightening Ashleigh's already packed schedule. Studying consumed her every waking moment, bleeding into her work responsibilities. The tension was palpable, and Mrs. Smith, recognizing the strain, granted Ashleigh a leave of absence until the exam was over. The house became her study haven, broken only by quick meals and fleeting chats with Chef Larry and the other staff. Even those brief moments of respite began to feel like stolen time. During the week, a message from Mr. Turner arrived, detailing registration procedures for the exam which spanned the first three days of the fourth week. With registration complete, Ashleigh threw herself into a study frenzy. Days blurred into an endless loop of textbooks, notes, and practice questions. Sleep was a luxury she barely afforded, fueled by a relentless blend of coffee and determination. Susan's pleas for breaks fell on deaf ears; there simply wasn't a minute to waste. On the f
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Chapter 28
Shock hung heavy in the air as Susan's frantic words echoed. Adrian, his face an unreadable mask, snapped his head towards Mr. Atkinson."Explain yourself," he demanded, his voice tight.Mr. Atkinson, flustered, stammered, "I wasn't informed, Mr. Cagliari. Apparently, Mrs. Cagliari is unwell." His gaze darted towards the anxious Susan."I tried to tell you," Susan blurted, "but Mrs. Ashleigh wouldn't let me raise an alarm."A mix of surprise and concern flickered across Adrian's face. He turned to Mr. Turner, his voice clipped."Get a doctor. Now." Mr. Turner scurried off, dialing on his phone.Unable to stay still, Adrian paced the hallway, his eyes flitting nervously between the stairs leading to Ashleigh's room and Mr. Atkinson."How long has this been going on?" he finally managed, his voice strained.Mr. Atkinson cleared his throat. "To my knowledge, since the beginning of the week. Mrs. Cagliari's been stu
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Chapter 29
Tension crackled in the air, thick with unspoken words. Ashleigh, stung by Adrian's pronouncement, glared at him. The water glass trembled in her hand, mirroring the turmoil within her."Indefinitely?" she rasped, her voice barely a whisper but laced with anger."Who gets to decide that?" "Your husband," Adrian countered, his tone clipped."Convenient, isn't it?" Ashleigh shot back, her voice dripping with sarcasm. "When it suits you to control or belittle my dreams, you're suddenly my husband.""Look who's talking," he retorted. "The woman who nearly threw her health away for a dream that surely could have waited.""Not 'a' dream, Adrian," Ashleigh pressed, her voice gaining strength. "My dream. You say it could have waited? How long exactly? Since I was a teenager, Robin College has been my aspiration. I've waited and yearned for this chance. This is my life, Adrian, not some trophy you can hand out or take away on a whim."He
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Chapter 30
Frustration simmered beneath the surface as Adrian tackled his work. He made calls, barked orders, and even slammed his laptop shut in irritation. Mr. Turner, ever cautious, kept his distance. Anything he did seemed to further irritate his already volatile boss.Despite the laser focus on his tasks, Adrian couldn't shake Ashleigh's words. Her accusations about his contribution to her workload echoed in his mind, successfully evoking a pang of guilt. The shrill ring of the phone shattered his concentration. He glared at Mr. Turner, who held the phone out with a questioning look."Sir, it's Dr. Brooke, Ashleigh's tutor," Turner announced."Answer it and hand it over," Adrian instructed, snatching the phone from Turner's grasp."Mr. Cagliari, good afternoon. I've been trying to reach you for weeks," Dr. Brooke's voice came through the line. "Your secretary mentioned you were unavailable.""Yes, Dr. Brooke, business has been demanding lately," Adrian explained, omitting his earlier instru
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