All Chapters of My Contract Love Story : Chapter 31 - Chapter 36
36 Chapters
Chapter 31
Ashleigh recoiled from Adrian's touch, her gaze darting nervously away. Her heart pounded a frantic rhythm, threatening to escalate her fever."You're just trying to distract me from my frustration," she accused, her voice tight with suspicion. Adrian continued to smile, unfazed by her accusation."Actually," he countered nonchalantly, settling into the plush pink chair, "I simply wanted to get a closer look at you, like I did this morning. You seem to be the one reading ulterior motives into my actions."However, a hint of mischief danced in his eyes as he met her gaze. She couldn't ignore the playful spark that contradicted his seemingly earnest words."Regardless," Ashleigh said, her tone softening slightly, "I trust you'll keep your promise this time, Mr. Cagliari. But will it be possible to schedule the examination sometime after this week? Robin College is notoriously selective with their admissions.""Why waste your energy worrying about that right now?" Adrian replied, his voi
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chapter 32
For the next two days, Ashleigh remained confined to her room, recovering. Mr. Atkinson or Susan delivered all her meals, medications, and necessities. Though Adrian didn't stay constantly, he made a point to visit every evening for at least an hour after returning from work. During these visits, Ashleigh persistently questioned him about Robin College, but his answers remained frustratingly vague.By the weekend, Ashleigh felt strong enough to move around freely. Her eagerness to escape confinement meant breakfast would be her first outing. News of her recovery brought relief and joy to the staff. They eagerly awaited their Madame's return, and Chef Larry prepared a magnificent feast in her honor.Ashleigh woke up in a chirpy mood, bustling about the room with Susan. She wanted a complete transformation: fresh sheets and pillows, a lighter scent in the air, new curtains in a brighter color scheme, even a change in toiletries. Everything that reminded her of her gloomy week of illness
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chapter 33
Ashleigh, determined to clear the air with Adrian about his strange behavior towards Chef Larry, hurried up the stairs. Spotting him engrossed in a call as he neared his study, she sprinted down the hall to intercept him. Adrian, deeply involved in his conversation, didn't register Ashleigh's approach until she practically dashed in front of him, halting his progress towards the study door."Wait! I need to talk to you," she blurted, catching her breath as she leaned against the doorframe. He gave her a surprised look before finishing his call."That will be all for now," he said, pocketing his phone."What's wrong?" he inquired, concern replacing his initial surprise."We need to talk about Chef Larry," she started, noticing his brow furrow at the mention of the name."Is that so?" he replied, his tone guarded."Yes," she pressed, "your mood seemed off ever since I joined you at breakfast. And then you mentioned something about him being… intriguing?"Adrian studied her for a moment,
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chapter 34
"Are you sure we won't get in trouble at work, Ashleigh?" James, the ever-present voice of doubt, asked again, hoisting himself upright in his hammock. "You should have worried about that three days ago, James," Fiona countered, rolling her eyes beneath the cucumber slices adorning her face. "We're halfway through the week; why not enjoy it?" Ashleigh, nestled in the furthest hammock, hummed along to music filtering through her earbuds, blissfully unconcerned. James had initially balked at the idea of escaping to this secluded resort, but Ashleigh's fervent desire for a break from the city had swayed them. Nestled two towns away amidst a lush forest, the resort catered to luxury camping enthusiasts. Fiona, with a well-placed "favor" owed by the owner, secured them a discounted rate, while Ashleigh discreetly transferred a substantial sum into Fiona's account on the eve of their departure. Work and, more importantly, the mansion, were far from Ashleigh's mind. She'd informed he
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Chapter 35
Three days agoAdrian returned Monday night to the mansion with plans to see Ashleigh concerning her admission. After their last conversation on Saturday, he'd instructed Mr. Turner to contact Robin College's administration to discuss her admission. The news wasn't bad - the college was holding a stakeholder meeting the next morning, perfect for potential investors like Adrian. He'd arranged a trip immediately, leaving in the dead of night to secure Ashleigh's place.As expected, the school administration welcomed him with open arms. He laid out his plans for investment, with one crucial condition: Ashleigh's admission. The deal was finalized with eager acceptance. Eager to share his success and pick a suitable exam date with Ashleigh, Adrian rushed back home. But upon arrival, he was met with an empty house and the unsettling news that Ashleigh had gone to work and hadn't returned.He wasted no time calling Mrs. Smith, who informed him that Ashleigh was staying with her. While disple
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Chapter 36
The journey to Town Q had been uneventful, the real challenge lay in finding Ashleigh's exact location within its vast expanse. For hours, Mr. Turner and his team had tirelessly scoured the town, their efforts hampered by the knowledge that Ashleigh was likely hidden somewhere within the surrounding forest. The prospect of them aimlessly searching the entire town gnawed at Adrian.He reached the outskirts of Town Q and pulled over, dialling Mr. Turner's number in the car behind him. "Any progress?" he demanded, frustration lacing his voice. Mr. Turner's report mirrored the lack of progress that had plagued them for hours.Just as despair threatened to consume Adrian, his phone rang. His eyes narrowed as he saw Ashleigh's name flash on the screen. "Work fast," he barked to Mr. Turner, instructing him to trace the call, before answering."Hello," he said, his voice cool and controlled. Yet, his carefully constructed facade crumbled upon hearing Ashleigh's voice. It was a drunken giggle,
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