All Chapters of Forbidden Love: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
39 Chapters
21. Attraction
Emily’s POVI am sitting near the pool with my legs inside the water. I am not angry, I am just hurt. Why did he hide from us? From me? I was the closest to him then why?"Why are you sitting here alone?" I turned around listening to Rigel's voice. He sat beside me. "What happened?" He asked. "Nothing much." "Are you angry with Leo?""I am not angry, I am just... Hurt." "Why?" "Because he hid the biggest truth about him from us." "Maybe he was scared.""From us?""No from being judged.""We would never judge him.""But he didn't think this. Tell me one thing Emily""What" "Whatever we have between us, can you share this with your friends?" He asked. I didn't reply of course I can't!"You can't, right? Why?""Because I know they won't ever understand me." "But Leo is closest to you, no?""He is but still I am scared I-""Then why do you expect him to not be?" I was quiet again. He is telling the facts."Look Emily we all are childhood friends, Andy, Helen, Linda, we all know e
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22. The Files.
Emily’s POV"Rigel, what are you doing here?" I asked slowly. "I told you to not test me but I guess you love to irritate me." "Rigel, AVa is sleeping outside. She will catch us. What are you trying to do?" "I don't fucking care.""You should care then, get out." I said pushing him back. He held my arms, putting them on my back."Don't lose your energy. It is very precious" he said in a dirty tone."Shut up." "Shut me then." he said with a smirk.I want to punch him. I know he isn't going to leave until he gets what he wants."Okay but no sound." I said, he chuckled."I don't need to make sounds, you have to control your moans," he said.“Whatever!” He made me sit on the basin slab as always coming in between my legs kissing me hard. He pulled down my pyjama opening his pent's button. He attacked on my neck playing with my clit through his fingers. "Stop teasing me.""But I love to tease you baby." he entered his finger inside my hole all of a sudden."Fuck" "Shh remember no vo
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23. Mission Ruth.
Emily’s POVIt's been 3 days but I still didn't get the information about Dad. I mean I know it will take time to analyse the reports but still I can't wait. "Emily," I turned around. I am standing on the balcony in Leo’s apartment as he wants us to meet his boyfriend so we all are waiting for him."Yeah?" "What happened, why are you looking so tense?" Carl asked. "Nothing serious it's about Dad" "Oh, did something happen?" "No but I was wondering when he will be normal." "Hmm, he will be fine soon, don't lose hope ok." I nodded."Guys? Why are you standing there alone? Come on" "Yeah coming."Later on we met his boyfriend and I found out how perfect they are for each other. We were all talking to each other. No doubt we became good friends. My phone rang showing the caller id."Excuse me," Saying so I left for another room."Yes?""You were right Emily... He is being given harmful medicines." "What?" "Yeah and the worst part is that from the last few months the doze has dou
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24. Last Time
Emily’s POVEverything is set! We have to leave after 2 hours. I have kept mine and dad's luggage at Leo’s place so that no one could see us leaving. The wheel chair is already here in my room but right now Everyone is awake so I can't leave. I am using my phone trying to spend the time it was when Nancy entered the room."Emily" I looked at her."Yeah?" "What is going on?" "What?" "Why did you pack your dad's stuff?" Fuck! "Who said that?" "Seriously? I saw you doing all this. Tell me what you are up to. I didn't say anything because Ruth was near but now you have to explain." she said. I know I can trust her but... Anyways."Come here, sit." She sat down and I explained everything to her. She was beyond shocked. "How can she be so cruel?" "She is.""So you're leaving again." "I have to but I promise I will come back soon." She held my hands in hers."Emily, do let me know if you need any help." she said and I smiled."I will for sure." She left and I took a deep breath. I
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25. Back!
Emily’s POV"Come on, How long will it take? We are getting late." I smiled hearing the voice."Coming." "You ladies are unbelievable I'm telling you." He complained and I chuckled."Don't forget I'm your lady." I said coming down."Look at you" "What? What happened?" "Seriously? You took 1 hour to get ready and there are no cosmetics on your face." I laughed."You know I hate Makeup.""That is the question, What took you so long to get ready then?" "Oh Dad come on, I'm a girl it is obvious to take time, stop complaining.""Whatever let's go now we are getting late and you know I don't want to be late.""Yes yes I know, come let's go." I held his arm and we walked out of the house. Yes My dad! He is finally back, Back to me. It's been 8 months since I left America and came here. 8 months and so many things have changed.Dad was recovered in 4 months only, Yeah can you imagine? The man who lay lifeless for years was recovered in 4 months. All thanks to Alex who helped me through t
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26. Jealous? No, I'm Not.
Emily’s PovI turned around to see him."Why did she pranked you too?" Andy asked."Yeah" I raised my brow. Don't Rigel! "What?" He looked at me again while I nodded my head in No! Don't do any stupidity Rigel."She... She Pranked the same thing about the accident." I released the Breathe I was holding. "Emily You're too much... By the way Congratulations to both of you. I'm so happy uncle is finally back." Linda said hugging Rigel then me.We sat on the couch with everyone, he sat with Andy and I sat besides Leo. I was again and again looking at him but he chose to ignore talking to Andy and drinking. After a while a girl came near us looking at Rigel with a smile. "Rigel!" He turned towards her and they hugged each other. What is going on? "Katherine, what are you doing here?" Andy asked."I was here with my friends as It's Erica’s birthday today.""Oh I didn't know why don't you guys sit with us?" Rigel asked. Why the Fuck will she sit with us? "Actually they're gone, I was al
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27. Back To Normal.
Emily's POVHe didn't respond back. I broke the kiss looking towards him. "Done?" He asked."Not yet." "Emily, I'm not in a mood." The knock on the door brought me back to reality. "Hide in the washroom." he said slowly while I ran inside, closing the door. "Uhm... Katherine?" He asked. What this bitch is doing here? "Uhm... Hi, I'm sorry to disturb you at this hour actually... My brother and I argued and I left the house in anger." she explained.Fucking liar. I opened the door a bit to see her sitting on the bed. "Oh Why?" He sat beside her. "Because I was partying and he doesn't like me staying out so... I mean I am an adult now but he still treats me like a small baby girl. Sometimes it's cute but sometimes it sucks me." "I can understand." "Uhm... I am sorry for bothering you Rigel, actually I-""No babes, what bother? You can come whenever you want." "You can come whenever you want" I mimicked him. "What is that sound?" she asked."Wha...what sound, It’s nothing."
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28. Missing?
Emily’s POVI came down after freshening up to see Everyone present there doing their breakfast. "Good morning." "Good morning Emily, where were you?" Dad asked."Last night I was walking on terris and... I don't know when sleep took over me." I said. "She is careless." Rigel said and I glared at him. Dad laughed and HE Smirked. I sat besides dad facing Rigel."I know she is." I looked towards Ruth who was busy in her lunch ignoring all of us."Rigel, don't you have any work?" She asked."No mom nowadays We're free as We worked a lot the last 2 months" he said. "You did a great job. I am proud of you, my son." dad said. "Me too" I said huskily but I guess he heard it."By The way Emily, what is the date tomorrow?" Dad asked."Uhm... 9 March why?" "You don't remember?" I reminded myself and A smile appeared on my face. "You remember?" I asked."Of course my dear, how can I forget?" he said and I hugged him."What's going on?" Rigel asked."Tomorrow is Emily’s Birthday, She is go
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29. Caught!
Emily’s POV"What made you think I won't come here after getting the gift?" I asked, beating his chest."What are you doing?" He asked, holding my hands."I hate you," I said. "Oh really? Do you?" He asked with a smirk."Where the fuck you were Rigel?" "Uhm... Actually I was looking for a gift for you and I didn't want you to know so..." "Seriously? You could at least tell me that I'm fine but no you chose to turn off your phone." "Well... I didn't think that." "I didn't want a gift from you Rigel, I wanted you to be here with me. I missed you at the party, I wanted to dance with you. I wanted you to be there with me." I said."I saw everything Emily, Your dance with dad, your boring faces, your cake cutting and your present as well... I never knew you're interested in sports cars." he said."Yeah, It was one of my wishes which my dad fulfilled." He pulled me up, pecking my lips."What are your other wishes?" He asked."Why should I tell you?" "Whom will you tell then?" "Uhm...
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30. The Night.
Emily’s POV"Well, you can't go alone," Leo said."But I want to be alone for sometime." "But right now you're going to race?" He asked, looking at my back. I forgot about that maniac. "No I am not.""Thank God I thought you were." I looked towards him and he blinked his eyes adding fuel to my boil temper. "What are you waiting for girl?" He asked."Not today dude, maybe some other day because I'm in a hurry." I said."Well as you say." saying so he left. I looked back towards Leo."Why are you here?" I asked."You know I am always there for you and... I am trying to understand you I mean yes its not easy because he is your fucking brother so what if you're step siblings but the fact is you're siblings and its not easy to gulp." "I know but I love him and I really don't care about what others think." I started the engine."I know you don't care and I also don't care but... Your Father? Ruth? She will never let her son be with you. She hates Emily, you remember?" "I do but she is
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