All Chapters of Forbidden Love: Chapter 31 - Chapter 39
39 Chapters
31. Together?
Emily’s POVIt's been a month since that scary day of my life. Everything was so good until those unexpected things happened.After that night we both ignored each other. Nor did he try to talk to me. My friends are back on track with me but it's still difficult for them to digest the fact that I'm in love with my brother, well who cares that love is gone. It was forbidden already so I guess whatever happened, happened for good. He still thinks it was my fault and I am letting him. I'm waiting for the moment when Ruth’s truth will be out and he will be left with only regret. I came out of my room to collide with him. I roll my eyes and so does he. It's not new to collide with him, it must have happened 20+ times in a month. He walked away and I followed him because we both were going down. I left outside for some swimming as The weather was quite good today while he sat there with dad. I took Off my T-shirt I was wearing as I already have a swimsuit under the T-shirt. I jumped in the
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32. The Diary.
Emily's POVI came out of the restaurant to see him sitting in the car waiting for me. I should call an uber. I am not in a mood to see him. I started looking for a ride on an uber but my phone was snatched. "What the fuck?" I yelled."You think I'm your driver to wait for you?" He asked, totally pissed off."Who asked you to wait, Rigel Martin?" I asked. "So you are planning to stay here all night?" he asked."Well maybe why is it bothering you?" I snatched the phone back and booked a ride. "Fine" he said and sat back in the car. He started the engine but didn't move. Soon the uber arrived and I sat. He was still there when the car started and he too moved behind me. Why is this guy so weird? On one hand he hurt me with every move and on one hand he shows care, what is he? WHATEVER!We arrived home and I went to my room to sleep. I am not in the mood to see him until tomorrow maybe. **********The next morning was the same, going to a meeting and getting bored there. I asked Ri
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33. He Cares.
Emily’s POVI came out with the diary, hiding it behind me. I sat on the couch. He is watching an action movie. "I'm hungry," I said. "I have ordered food, it must be on the way" he said and I nodded. He looked at me then back to TV."You know you shouldn't wear these clothes in front of me." he said and I looked at myself. I was wearing a T-shirt till my mid thighs with just a panty under."Why can't you control yourself?" I asked. "Yeah you can say that." he winked at me and I rolled my eyes."Rigel, is there something you have hidden from me?" I asked and now his gaze shifted towards me. "Like what?" He asked, raising his brow."Anything I mean related to us?" On us my voice came out like a husk. "There is no us Emily, you remember?" He said. "I'm talking about Rigel, something you hid from me in the past?" "No there isn't but why are you asking all of a sudden?" He asked. I took out a dairy from my back showing him. His expressions changed and he snatched it from me. "You
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34. Dare Game.
Emily’s POVToday we came back home, everything is Done in England. I know dad sent us away on purpose. He might have something to do with Ruth’s case. I haven't asked him because he will tell me sooner or later.I am wearing a hoodie with short Jeans, with a messy bun as all our friends gather to have some fun. I know it's our daily routine, doing parties and all but I love it. I came down going towards them, Rigel was already there playing guitar lost in deep thoughts. "Bro, sing something. We are getting bored." Leo said, munching the chips."Well, I guess you guys should perform, you know I love your band." This time it was Ava to speak. I sat beside Carl while he hugged me tightly, giving a smile. "But we don't have our instruments here," Helen said."But you can at least sing? And By the way Rigel has a guitar." Leo snapped."Guys I'm not in a mood, maybe some other day." Rigel said. "What happened Rigel, you were looking pale in the evening as well, is everything alright?" L
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35. Apologizing.
Emily’s POVHe held me through my waist coming close. His hand went down touching my thighs."It's not good to masturbate yourself my little." he said. Oh god My little again! His hand moved in between my thighs touching the most sensitive part. "Wet?" He said huskily, driving me crazy.I kept my head on his shoulder feeling his touch. He started rubbing my clit at a slow pace. "Tell me you want more Emily," he demanded. "Say you want me to fuck you hard until you lose your breaths." Oh Jesus, his dirty talks are driving me crazy "Rigel""What do you want?" his hand was now moving faster."I want you." That was it.He turned me around, taking my lips in his mouth and kissing me hard. I grabbed my legs around his waist and we moved towards the bed. He lay me down taking off his shirt and he hovered over me. He took off my hoodie along with bra and his pants. He was just in his boxers. He kissed me again this time more wildly. He moved down to my neck giving open mouth kisses all o
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36. Rigel's Truth.
Emily’s POV"Emily I want-" We both sat up shocked. Fuck! I covered myself properly."Dad! I... We... It's not what you're th-" Rigel was trying to defend but dad interrupted. "Emily, I'm waiting for you downstairs. I need to talk to you." he said and left. "Shit!" He cursed. "What will happen now?" I asked."I don't know but you go down and listen to him." he said and I nodded. Wearing my clothes I went down to see him sitting on the couch. Shit how am I supposed to face him? "Dad!" I called. "Sit" he wasn't looking at me. I sat down looking down playing with my fingers. "I have talked to a lawyer for the divorce." I looked at him."So soon?" "Yes Tomorrow I will ask Ruth about the truth. If she tells herself then it's good if not then I have no option left rather than sending her to jail." he said."What about... Ri... Rigel?" I said."Obviously he will get hurt but we have no other option." he said and I nodded. "You can leave now." I got up and was leaving but stopped as he
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37. Leaving Again?
Emily’s POVLater that night I packed my stuff and sat on bed looking at the ticket. In the morning I have to leave but I want to talk to Rigel before leaving. I don't want to repeat the things again! But he isn't responding to any of my messages or calls. What should I do? I kept the ticket in a bag and put it beside the cupboard. Coming to my bed I sat up checking my phone if there was any update. The door opened and it was him. He locked the door and came towards me. "Rigel, where were you?" I asked. He pulled my legs a little down and lay his head on my stomach hugging me tightly. "Rigel, are you fine?" I asked. "I'm not, Emily." he said and I caressed his hair. "I'm hurt, I'm tired, I'm lost." "Rigel, I know it was unexpected-""You knew from the start, No?" "I knew but I couldn't tell you without any proof." he faked a smile. "How can she be so cruel? Is she really my mom?" I don't know what to say."Rig-""Emily, I need you." he said all of a sudden. "I'm here Rigel wit
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38. Forbidden Is Actually Not Forbidden {Last}
Emily’s POVIt's 9pm And I'm still trying to figure out the problems. I don't know what is going to happen now but No way I'm going to leave Rigel, Never. If dad wants he can throw me out of his life. I knocked on the door of his room and entered inside. He was watching Tv. "Emily?" "Dad, I want to talk to you." "If it's about Rigel then don't" "It's about me" He muted the Tv and asked me to sit. "What is it?" I took a deep breath because I have to control my emotions. I am going to blackmail him emotionally but those emotions are true. I will tell him whatever I have felt. "How much do you love me?" "What type of question is this?""I want to know dad how much do you love me?" "I have no limit to tell you my girl you're my daughter and of course I love you so very much." "Then why do you always hurt me dad?" "When did I hurt you?" I chuckled."You never?" I asked but he was quiet. "Tell me you never?" "Emily It was never intentionally." "Okay It was never intentional but
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Emily's POV"Oh for fuck's sake shut up!" I shouted. "How mean Emily, how can you use foul language with me? I am your husband." Rigel shouted."Correction please, I'm still unmarried.""Yeah yeah but we are getting married so technically I'm your husband, right?""You know what, I have changed my Mind I'm not marrying you." "What?" He almost shouted in my ear.We have been fighting for the last 15 minutes and this is our 5th fight in 3 months. He is a jerk. I asked him to buy me a chocolate when he'll be back from his performance but he said he forgot like seriously how can he forget? After marriage he will forget he has a wife? "Yes," I said."Like seriously just because I forgot a chocolate you are cancelling the wedding like seriously?" He asked. "Yes, because I won't tolerate this behaviour. How can you forget a chocolate Rigel?" I got emotional."Emily for god sake girl control yourself! You're not pregnant so stop acting like one." I rolled my eyes. "You know you mean Rigel
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