All Chapters of BOUND BY FATE: Chapter 21 - Chapter 22
22 Chapters
Dungeon house.
Emily's POV"Girl, I can't believe you did that to him." Amelia couldn't just hold her laughter.After the prank I played on Tyler, Amelia called and she offered to take me out. I wasn't busy thanks to the honeymoon so I gladly agreed."But isn't it kind of irony? You are meant to be on your honeymoon and here you are chilling with me." there was a hit of sarcasm in her voice."Well, it is better than staying in that stuffy house with Tyler.""I thought you said you guys would divorce after a while," Amelia asked."Well, I don't think that is happening soon. His mom loves me to bits." I was so frustrated."Well, it is better than marrying Leo," Amelia said.Well, that's true. Marrying Leo would be the biggest nightmare of my life. "Well, let's forget about all that. Tonight, we are going to have fun." Amelia said and goggled down a shot of tequila. Amelia has always been the life of the party. Sometimes I even wonder how the both of us are friends. most of the time I am the one who
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Give me thirty minutes.
Emily's POVI can't believe how things went so badly in under an hour. Amelia and I were stuck in some jail cell with like 30 other people. Apparently, we can't get out unless we call someone if not, we will root in jail and I mean real jail time.I kept on trying to get the policeman to get me out but he didn't pay attention to me. the rest of the people were unbelievably calm including Amelia. Well, I don't really blame her. Amelia has served more jail time than I remember. She is always at the wrong place at the wrong time. "Emily, can you stop? They wouldn't let you out." Amelia said to me."Well, what else am I supposed to do? I yelled at her. She was the one that got me into this mess in the first place."Listen, Amelia, you better get up your ass and do something," I yelled at her. I have never been in a police station before not to talk of being in jail. I can't serve jail time. My skin is too fragile for jail time. The worst part of this is I can't hurt the police because th
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