All Chapters of BOUND BY FATE: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
22 Chapters
Surprise dinner
Tyler's POVI have never been this scared in my life. I know my mom; she will not kill me but she is really pissed right now and only the moon goddess knows what she will do. I am not really afraid of my mom. She is the sweetest person you could ever know but she isn't the Luna of Red Dawn for no reason. She called me back home, probably because of the video. I didn't know what I would say to her when I got home but it happening and I had to think of something and I had to think of it fast. Immediately I got to the Bay mansion, I was taken to my study like some kind of hostage. I guess the Luna is greater than the Alpha now. She was there, seated waiting for me. She asked the servant to leave when she saw me. "Do you have an idea what you just did?" "Mom, I can explain. The thing is…""Explain what?! What the hell do you want to explain?!" she yelled at me cutting me off. "Do you have any idea the consequences of what you have done? This is not only affecting the pack but our damn
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Happy married life.
Third point of view.Emily was confused and angry but she needed to handle other things right now; other things like Leo. During the dinner, he called her and asked them to meet up.Emily was 90% percent sure that it was Leo who tried to abduct that night. After all, he is her only enemy for now. After the stunt she pulled on their wedding, she will obviously be angry but Emily didn't care. She will never let anyone be treated unjustly.Emily drove to the location he chose. She wasn't worried because it was an open restaurant. Besides, she is strong, stronger than him; if he wants, he can try.Emily got to the restaurant. It was one of the most expensive on the street. She wasn't surprised Leo always liked to show off any little money he had. She knew he wasn't rich, at least not as rich as the Watson-King's or the Bay's but he loved to behave that way, like he owns the place. Emily was sure by now it was him who tried to abduct when she saw one of the men as his bodyguard. Emily kne
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The attraction everyone can see-1
Emily's POV.I finished my task- if you know what I mean and came straight home. Now, I can handle this mess. Marriage? Really? Of all the things they could come up with it had to be marriage. First of all, I don't like Tyler. He is snobby, and arrogant and thinks he is always right, secondly, we are both alphas. We don't blend and thirdly, he is not my type. When I got home, I went straight to my father's office and as I thought, he wasn't there. "Where is my father?" I asked one of the maids I saw"Ma'am, I don't know." She answered with her head down.I went to the balcony and there I saw him. he wasn't really trying so hard to avoid me. he was just by the balcony, sipping on a glass of wine and staring at the stars. He looked relieved for some reason. At that moment, I want to yell. I wanted to yell to the whole heard my voice. Why would my dad put me in something like this? Arrange my marriage without even telling me."Are you avoiding me?" I asked as I came closer."How can I?
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The attraction everyone can see-2
Tyler's POVThe car stopped in front of the house and mom came down immediately. I feared she was avoiding me because, throughout the drive home, she didn't answer any of my questions nor did she look at me.I knew what mom was doing but I didn't want it. I can't marry that girl. She is so unlucky for me. She is a spoiled brat who survives on her father's money. She doesn't understand the blood and sweat it takes to build a pack or a company. She will never understand the responsibilities and duties of a Luna to her husband and the pack.I ran after my mom before she could escape. "Mom was this what you meant when you said you would fix things? by ruining my life?"She took a deep breath , turned to me and smiled with so much affection. A smile that is good enough to wipe her sleate clean but i wasnt a fool. i will not fall for this her tricks. "I am not ruining your life, I am making it better. You will have a Luna and I will have a daughter-in-law." She said with a lot of excitement
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Proposal before the wedding.
Third point of view.Emily and Tyler had no way of getting out of this. Their parents knew one thing, they would do everything possible to stop their wedding and they were right! Emily has already started cooking up something to make Tyler and his mother reject her while Tyler is looking for every information possible on Emily. So, because of that, their parents printed the wedding invitations even before they told them. Tyler was still having a shower when Oliver badged into his room with the news. From the look of things, the invitation was well crafted. The colors and designs were well chosen. He knew it was his mom who did this but confronting her would be a waste of time, she would say the same thing; "You are getting married and that is it." This was her sign, letting him know that he couldn't call off this wedding.In no time, everyone got the news and all his friends started calling to congratulate him. if only they knew. However, the good news was the scandal was no more and
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Let their marriage life begin.
Third point of view.Today was the big day; Emil and Tyler's wedding day.The funny thing about today was, Emily and Tyler had no idea what was going on. All the arrangements were made by Henry and Selene. They were just told the date and asked to be there on time. Emily and Tyler had no idea about the dress, venue, or even the theme. They were just told the date and were threatened to be there. But Tyler and Emily couldn't get out of this. The wedding was so big that the whole of Australia was invited. A lot of influential business people and ambassadors were at the wedding. Backing out now will ruin their reputation and business and they couldn't afford that. Emily looked like the most stunning bride ever seen. Her wedding dress was the best designer in Italy. It was a sleeveless ball-grown dress with a brown aesthetic. Around 5,000 gold beads and 2,000 crystals were sewn on the dress and had a 5-foot-long train. The veil was filled with hand embroidery. The dress was every young g
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I called dibs on the bed.
Tyler's POV.Honestly, I am getting so many feelings right now.Firstly, I feel my life is doomed. I am finally married to this girl. The wedding happened without a fuss- thank God! I was expecting her to do something stupid with that childish brain of hers but thank God she stayed put even though I wondered why.We sat opposite each other in the limo. She didn't say anything throughout the ride and I didn't want to start a conversation either. Looking at her, she wasn't bad looking. She had black shiny hair plus the fact that the moon shuns on it making it shine even more and she had a very nice posture.But wait, why am I admiring her?"Ugh," I groaned inside me. please this shouldn't get any worse.The ride was quite silent. You can literally hear a pin drop. She didn't even look at me. I think she was as pissed as I was.After what seemed like forever, we got to my house. Thankfully, Mom wasn't there yet. She wants to give us some time to privately explore each other – her words,
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Why Mrs. Bay loves Emily.
The third point of view.Selene wanted to give the children some time to breathe. She forced them into marriage but she will not also force them to talk to each other talk more of consummating their marriage. "How did it go yesterday?""Tyler locked her out of the room, Luna." her assistant informed her."Good, that is progress. I thought they would kill each other or something." Selene chuckledPeople might ask, what is her thing with Emily?Selene has always liked Emily from the day she saw her when both of them were in high school. She couldn't explain it but she really liked her. She loved the way Emily looked, her smile, and her attitude. It was like love at first sight but in a mother-daughter way.But the problem was Tyler did like her. he always talked about how he thought she was a spoiled brat that lived on her father's money and how she ways behaved like a bitch. But deep down, Selene knew that there was more to Emily than meets the eye. She had that mystery that every Lun
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Payback time.
Emily's POV.Now here is the drill.After what Tyler did to me, I couldn't let it slide. How could he throw my out. if not for the angel that came as a maid and showed me one of the guest rooms, I would have slept in the hallway. I wanted to teach him a lesson. He should learn how to treat a lady.I thought all night but I couldn't come up with something. Maybe it is because I was tried and stress. So, I slept. I knew if I wake in the morning, I would come up with something nice.I was still asleep when I heard someone knocking on my door. Told all the servants not to disturb me. I just wanted to sleep. Besides I am not a morning person. I thought I would just ignore the person and sooner or later he or she would stop but the person is so persistent."Go away!" I yelled and threw the thing closet to the door. It was like the person didn't hear me. Is it Tyler? I swear if it is him, I will crack his skull open. I stormed to the door, ready to unleash my anger on anyone that was present
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Karma is real.
Tyler's POVThanks to me throwing Emily out, I had I good night's sleep. My mom came the next day and wanted to yell my head off. I just stayed quiet. I didn't really want to argue. I just wanted to go back to sleep and thankfully she left and I did. I didn't come out the whole of the day. I just wanted to rest but also, I didn't want to see Emily. She always stresses me out.I thought about our wedding and honestly, I couldn't believe it. I am married. I know I assured Emily that we would get a divorce but right now, I don't know. It is so clear that my mom likes Emily and I mean like -like. She treats her like her own daughter. Why else would she scold me like that? But there was still hope. I know Emily will do something stupid. She always does. So, in a way, I am counting on her stupidity. The next day, I woke up early. I had a meeting with the elders and I had to be there. My mom canceled all my meetings for two weeks. She said it is my honeymoon and I am meant to be with my wif
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