All Chapters of The Wife He Wants Back!: Chapter 1 - Chapter 5
5 Chapters
Chapter 1
VALERIE POV“Goodness! I have no idea which rapid dog bit my son that day when he married you.” I clenched my fingers unconsciously around the damn papers while my “dear” mother-in-law rained insults on me.“Not only did you stop him from marrying someone decent like Charlotte, you also went ahead to hurt her and my grandkids!”“I never pushed her! Sh-”“You’re a monster!” she yelled venomously. I took shaky steps backwards in disbelief. Me? A monster!?“Aren’t you going to say anything?!” I spat angrily at Hudson, the very man who was supposed to be my husband.“You mean defend your lies?” He questioned; his expression was cold and mocking.“How about you tell everyone how you secretly stopped donating blood for Charlotte, huh?” I froze at his words. How did he find out? That was just two months ago.I had been feeling weak a lot and missed going one time, and the second time I went for it, I found out I was pregnant. I was finally pregnant after trying so hard for three years.Surel
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VALERIE POV“Ballocks!!” He yelled and smashed his drink in anger. “How dare those imbeciles belittle and downgrade my princess to a slave!”"Grandpa, please, you need to calm down. This isn’t good for your health either,” I begged in desperation.Ever since Liam, my cousin, brought me home, the entire household has been in an uproar. Well, not everyone, but then...“You should have seen how they looked at her when I went to pick her up; only heaven knows what Val endured in that family!” Liam added furiously.“She herself decided to go there, didn't she?" Liam's mom walked in. "I thought you found the love of her life.” She taunted, her voice dripping with scorn.“Youngsters and reckless decisions, where’s the undying love you wouldn’t shut your mouth about now, huh? Her husband added with a chuckle.I hate to admit, but their jabs did hit a spot—a very wounded spot at that. But I can’t continue with that; it was high time I moved on.Three years was more than enough. “Yeah, very fun
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Chapter 3
HUDSON’S POV“Who would have thought that we would be free of that ungrateful brat?” Mom beamed, casting me a meaningful look.“I know, right? Good riddance to bad rubbish." Aunt Claire added with a chuckle. “What’s important now is for Charlotte to nurse her health; my grandson can’t suffer any more stress, okay?”“Yes, aunt, I will be careful now,” Charlotte said with a big smile.“Nonsense, call me mom,” my mom gushed out. And it only made Charlotte smile brighter.It was comforting to see her smiling now, rather than shed those tears that broke my heart.Suddenly, Valerie’s crying face flashed through my mind. Her pouty pink lips, trembling from holding back tears that dripped down those soft cheeks. A strange feeling overtook my body at the memory and left a bitter taste in my mouth, but I immediately pushed it down.She tried to hurt Charlotte and my unborn children as well. That’s unforgiveable!“Baby, baby, are you okay?” Charlotte gently tapped me. I blinked in surprise. “Yea
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Chapter 4
VALERIE’S POV“Ma’am?” Rob, my assistant, called out for the third time since we arrived at the building for the signing. We are currently in the underground parking lot kept specially for VVIPs. It's been almost 30 minutes and I still couldn’t find it in me to get down from the car. Trust me, this was not the first time I had to come for a partnership signing, but this was the first time I would be seeing Hudson after our divorce. If I said I wasn’t tense about it, I would be lying.It’s been 5 years already, but it still seemed like yesterday. The memories of him and his family are still fresh on my mind. And especially today, it felt more like an open wound. Liam had repeatedly offered to come on my behalf, to save me the heartache, but I refused.This was my fight. After my experience with them, I fought constantly to be who I am today, building up my walls and confidence that they had trampled upon so ruthlessly. And I most definitely cannot let one meeting shatter all my eff
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Chapter 5
VALERIE'S POV“Mommy!” “Oh no,” I moaned, paused mid-air, and gritting my teeth at my poor attempt to tiptoe to my room.“I can see you mummy, there’s no need to hide” Mason said in his ‘as a matter of fact’ tone.I sighed ‘Okay Okay, you got me.” I said with a soft smile and raised my hands in defeat. But he didn’t seem phased at all, he just stared at me with a bored expression.I had to change tactics then. “Oh, baby, you shouldn’t be up, look at the time. Gosh!” I exclaimed.“Mommy you deceived us!” Miley voice rang out from the kitchen. “Me?” I replied with fake disbelief.Almost immediately sounds of her little flip flops filled the air as she ran to the living room, with an …ice cream coated hair??“Whoa! What’s with your hair?” I exclaimed and touched her hair; it was indeed ice cream.I looked at her tiny frowning face for explanation, but she just huffed and turned to the side. “Little Miss dramatic huh?” I teased as a slight chuckle left my lips.Just then, I heard tiny fe
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