All Chapters of Wickedly Twisted : Chapter 131 - Chapter 140
174 Chapters
ScarI try to do some work. I force myself to concentrate for an hour, but every time I find myself getting into a groove, she pops back into my head.Rita. My assistant.I didn't think much of her when the recruiter, a woman named Janine I met in college, brought her to me. "She's smart and really needs a gig, but she's young. Will that be an issue?"I didn't think so at the time. The interviews went well, Rita was poised and intelligent, and I really needed a new assistant. I couldn't keep scaring them away by being too demanding.So, I hired her. I took it easy in those first few weeks. I didn't push too hard, just to make sure she didn't panic.Look where that got me.Fucked, no two ways about it.I knew she was trouble the second she waltzed into my office looking like heaven in heels. I can't deny I find the girl attractive—she has the kind of body she clearly works on—but I try to make it a point not to get entangled at work. My job is my life, and I prefer to keep everything n
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Rita"Welcome home," he says as he ushers me into his apartment.It's at the top of an expensive, fancy building in downtown Dallas. I didn't think people actually lived in places like this, but apparently, I was wrong.Scar's space is obscenely nice. Grays, whites, blacks, muted colors. Leather couch, enormous windows, modern kitchen with gleaming appliances and one of those obscene hidden refrigerators that cost like fifty grand. "Not very..." I trail off, tapping my lower lip. "Not very personal.""Personal?" He cocks his head. "You're right. I travel half the year.""I know, but still." I poke my head into the enormous master bedroom. "No pictures. Barely anything on the walls. It looks like you hired someone to make it look good and just—stopped there.""Because that's exactly what I did." He steers me toward the home gym. It's suitably decked out with weight machines and a couple treadmills. Plus a little steam room toward the back."Okay, I'll admit it, I like this," I say, run
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ScarIt's been a long time since I shared my space with another person.Since college, over ten years ago now.Even back then, I got my own apartment as soon as it was feasible. I loved my Atlas brothers, but they were messy as hell, and I couldn't handle it.Now, I wake up to find half-finished glasses of water left around the apartment. Mugs of coffee with two sips perched on end tables. Dishes lying on the counter, not rinsed, not put in the dishwasher. Drawers hanging open. Cabinets with fingerprints. Keys tossed on the entry table with no attempt at organizing the chaos.She's Hurricane Rita.Throw pillows appear. Colorful blankets. Some attractive art prints on the walls. Coffee table books tastefully spread out. None of it is my style, but I told her to make the place her own.There are perks. Like Rita in a pair of tight yoga pants and a sports bra lounging on the couch, reading a novel. Or Rita working out, sweat dripping down her stupidly gorgeous body. Or Rita in an old, ra
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RitaI do my best to keep pace with him, but Scar pushes all my buttons.We jog through downtown, heading toward the river. "All right, questions time," he says as the sun rises over the skyline.He woke me up early. Three sharp knocks on my door. It scared the crap out of me—yanked me right from sleep—and I nearly rolled out of the unfamiliar bed.Still getting used to my new situation.When I finally crawled into the hallway, heart racing, in nothing but a pair of shorts and a practically see-through tank top, I stared at Scar, pretty sure the place was on fire.No reasonable, rational human being would pound on someone's door that early otherwise.But he only stared at me with that intense glare of his. Like I was the one that woke him up or something. Eyes roaming down to my chest.Only to find out that he woke me for a predawn jog. "I expect you dressed and ready in ten," he said before storming off again.The fucking prick.Yet here I am, jogging away."Go ahead," I say, so clea
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RitaWe run close to each other, shoulders touching for a few paces before we're forced apart by an old lady walking her little fluffy white dog.When we come back together, he tells me about his friends. Carmine and Ford, both in the area with their wives; Eros, out in Chicago; and Lanzo, somewhere overseas. "They have unconventional jobs," he says, frowning straight ahead.I decide not to follow up on that, though I file it away for future questioning later. "My best friend lives out in Kentucky, and most of the people I knew in high school either moved out of state or are out in the suburbs still. It's been hard the last year.""I can see why you're such a wreck."I glare at him. "I'm a wreck because my apartment burned down, you asshole.""Right, of course, I shouldn't have suggested otherwise.""You got into a lot of fights as a kid, didn't you? I can imagine people are constantly trying to beat you up.""Not since I hit six foot," he says with a smirk. "All right, wife, come on.
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RitaI clap my hands together. Chalk bursts into the air, a dusty white cloud. I stand at the base of the bouldering wall, the myriad of different size and color hand- and foot-holds skittering up toward the top like a broken-apart puzzle. I bounce on a protective floor mat, thick and soft enough to brace a fall from the top. Bouldering walls don't use harnesses, but they also don't go as high.I have new climbing gear, new shoes, new clothes, even a new headband.But the gym is home. The gym is my life. I take a deep breath, smelling sweat, wood, plastic, chalk. And I smile.God, it feels so good to be back."Hell fucking no," Scar says from the strip of flat ground at the edge of the mat. "Nope. Absolutely not."I look back at him, hands on my hips. "You woke my ass up at the crack of dawn for a run. You're climbing the damn wall.""I've never done this before," he says, eyeing the top. "Where's the safety equipment? Aren't there ropes?""We're at the beginner bouldering course. If
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Rita"Did you think I fantasized in soft core?" he asks with a sigh. "Help me up."I give him a hand. We stand side by side in front of the wall again, looking upward. I'm trying not to think about him touching himself, touching his pierced cock, and thinking about me.But a strange thrill of pride runs down my spine.This man, this handsome, closed-off man, finds me so attractive that he touches himself to daydreams of me."How come you haven't had a serious girlfriend in a while?" I ask suddenly as I walk forward and start to make another climb."You know that's a borderline insulting question, right?""Come on, seriously. Do you work too much?""Yes," he says. "But that's not it.""Why not then? Just haven't found the right girl?" I glance down and he nods slightly, but he's looking off in the distance, at the far end of the gym."I had a bad experience. Let's say she broke my heart, like I told you before, and leave it at that. Now, I want to try again. Double or nothing?""You ha
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ScarRita's pissed and she doesn't try to hide it.I wasn't trying to get all controlling asshole on her. I was only trying to tease a little bit, draw attention to the fact that I notice what she wears, and I fucking like it.Instead, she took it like I was being a dick.But it's fine. She's right. We don't need to get close, we only need to get through this.Friday comes around. I've been skipping out on work to cram in Operation Know Rita, and now it's time for one final test. "We're going to dinner tonight with my friends," I tell her in the morning. I make her coffee, though she barely glances at me. "You need to meet them before we leave for Gloucester.""Fine," she says, banging around the kitchen, getting herself some cereal. "Anything else?""It's an upscale place. Extremely upscale. Wear something nice."She turns to me. "Oh, good, so you're going to start talking about my clothes again?" She gestures at her sweats and sweatshirt. "You think this is too sexy?"I stare at her
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ScarThe Oak Club is the most exclusive invitation-only club on the planet. More exclusive than Bohemian Grove. More exclusive than the nuclear bunkers under the White House. It sits at the end of a long, private driveway, hidden behind high concrete walls lined with crushed glass and dotted by security cameras. Men in dark suits wander the scrubby grounds between the public world and the private oasis beyond. The scrubland gives way to a gorgeous ocean of green grass, shrubs, flowers, and trees, with the club itself in the center of all that gorgeously manicured plant life.The building is a massive marble beauty, like a temple to an ancient god. Huge ornate doors sit at the front surrounded by columns at least a story tall. Luxury vehicles are parked in a small lot off to the side, and a valet meets us as soon as I pull around front."I haven't been here in a while," I murmur to Rita as she takes my arm. We head up the steps and in through the main front door. Security knows me alre
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ScarI watch him go, not sure what to make of that. Carmine's softened over the years, especially since he met Brice. He's been trying to take his family legit, but it's difficult to give up generations of criminal enterprises, especially when they make a ton of money.Still, he's angrier than I would've guessed. Might be that he's worried I'll get him embroiled with the Callahans, but he has to know I'd never do that to him.Maybe it's as simple as he's worried about me. Maybe even worried about Rita.But regardless of how he feels, I know Carmine would never do something that would get me killed, like tell anyone about my situation."He'll get over it," Ford says then grins at me. "Wife, huh? She's hot. Good for you.""Thanks." I squeeze his shoulder, a cold doubt creeping into my guts.Carmine thinks I'm going to get myself killed, and what if he's right? What if I dragged Rita into something I can't handle?But no, we can do this. That's why I told Ford about my spark with Rita—th
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