All Chapters of Wickedly Twisted : Chapter 121 - Chapter 130
174 Chapters
Rita"Orin, this is my new wife, Rita Hunters. Rita, darling, say hello."What the hell?Did he just say new wife? As in, I'm his wife, and we're married?Like, husband, wife, loving relationship, sharing a marital bed, all that stuff?My brain's slow to process. I'm still in panic mode because of the fire back at my apartment, but now my fight-or-flight response is also severely triggered by the four massive thugs with the guns they're clearly itching to point at my face.Now I understand why Scar wanted me to stay behind.These guys are monsters.No, it's worse than that. I overheard a little of what they were saying as I came into the room.These guys are drug dealers. They're organized crime. They're probably freaking mafia.I knew Scar had some shady clients. Most lawyers do, especially at a certain level. But I had no clue he was actively courting criminals.Everyone's staring at me. The older man sitting in the center narrows his gaze like he's looking for a weakness. Like he's
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RitaThe apartment building isn't burning anymore when I get back to Texas.Instead, it's a blackened husk.Even from across the street, the coals are still hot. Steam rises into the early morning Texas air. My skin feels like I'm warming myself by a fire. Sunlight slants through drifting, lazy clouds, and it would almost be pretty.If it didn't represent the total destruction of my existence.Everything I owned was in that apartment. Everything except for my car and the few meager belongings I brought with me to Boston. Pictures from my childhood, my high school yearbooks, all my clothes, my expensive make up, my climbing gear, shoes, mugs, plates, paintings, little keepsakes and knickknacks I've collected over the years—all gone now."Horrible, isn't it?"I flinch at the voice and look over. My landlord Eduardo's standing ten feet away. I don't even remember him showing up. He's staring at the wreck with his hands on his hips, looking exhausted. He's older, mid-fifties, balding and
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RitaI take out my phone and try my mom for the fifth time today. It rings, and rings, and rings. I want to scream at her. How can she disappear on me again, now of all times? I need her, need someone, and she's supposed to be my parent. I know I'm a grown woman, I'm a freaking adult, but shit, my life is a mess. All I want someone to listen to me for once.Finally, the line clicks to life. I expect to hear an answering machine robot, but instead, it's actually her. Relief floods me. Finally, I start feeling like something's going right. She sounds a little out of breath, but it's her. Old feelings of comfort and safety try to push their way to the surface."Hi, honey!" she says, chipper as always. "Sorry I keep missing you. We've been so busy this weekend. Your dad and I went to this amazing retreat with a few other couples we've gotten friendly with, and we've just been swapping this whole time, really getting to know—""Mom," I say sharply before she can start to describe what I ca
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ScarI'm going to get myself killed.And I probably deserve it.I don't know what the hell I was thinking, saying Rita is my wife. As soon as I went back into that room, I could tell the vibe had changed. Orin went along with the meeting like nothing had happened, but his sons kept staring at me, especially that creature Gregory.They could tell it was bullshit.But it was such an insane lie, they probably couldn't figure out how to prove that I'm a fraud.I likely could've told them the truth. Admitted she was my legal assistant. Apologized for misleading them. I would've lost the job, but even violent gangsters aren't stupid enough to straight out murder a couple of people in the back of a bar.Probably, at least.But some part of me can't let go. I can't lose, not if there's a way to turn it around.And so I blurted out the first thing that came to mind.Now I'm fucked because Orin wants to have another meeting.And he wants me to bring my new wife.This is bad. Extremely bad. I co
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RitaI lounge back on the bed paid for by Scar, wondering if I just passed up my only chance at salvaging my life.He wants to marry me. For real, an actual marriage.Fake, but also not fake.The idea sends a shiver down my spine.The only thing I know about a marriage is my parents, and from my perspective, that looks awful. I could maybe play pretend—smile, kiss him, hang on his arm at parties—but an actual marriage?I can't do it. Even at my lowest, I can't.I'm miserable. Stupid and miserable. And a little drunk. I probably shouldn't have had three glasses of wine. As I wallow in my misery, my phone rings. Cait's face pops up on the screen, looking radiant and angelic. "Hi, girl!" she says. In the background, trees bend and blow in a slight breeze. I swear I hear mandolin music plucking nearby like a bluegrass band follows her around serenading her beauty. God, I love this girl, but I am in a sour mood."Hey, girl," I say, trying to smile, suddenly mortified of my homeless status
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Rita"I know it's been tough lately," Cait says softly, her face filling the frame. "Why don't you come out here? Use some vacation time. Or maybe just visit for a weekend? I can fly you out—""Please don't offer to pay for things," I say, squeezing my eyes shut. "I love you to pieces, I just can't.""Okay, that's okay, I totally understand." She hesitates a second. "Why don't I come out there?""You're pregnant. You have a kid. There are a million reasons why not."Cait lets out a long sigh. "I miss you," she says, whispering now. "I miss the way things used to be. I know I seem like things are great, but seriously, Rita, sometimes I want to rip my own fucking hair out. Do you know where the closest mall is?"I shake my head. "No clue.""Three hours away. Our closest neighbor is fifteen minutes. There's a town, but god, it's like literally three buildings and maybe ten horses. I love this place. It's absolutely beautiful. But I'm so fucking bored."I shouldn't smile, but I can't help
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RitaGregory Callahan.The one that pulled the gun on me for the crime of interrupting a meeting.I'll never forget that cold, dead stare. He brushes past me before I can say yes or no. I stand there in shock, not sure what to do, fear ringing down my spine. My mother's forgotten, Cait's forgotten. All I can think of is the offer Scar made me, and suddenly I wish I had accepted."What can I do for you, uh, Mr. Callahan?" I squeak, feeling very small."Gregory," he says, pausing in the little sitting room attached to the bedroom. "I had such a nice meeting with your husband that I thought I'd fly down here and give him the good news myself. We're thinking about hiring him on as our full-time attorney.""That's... fantastic." I let the door shut. Although I want to keep it open. That way, someone might hear me scream while Gregory murders me. I plaster a smile on my face and clasp my hands in front of my lap. "He's very good at his job, isn't he?""So they say." Gregory tilts his head,
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ScarRita shows up at my office bright and early wearing the same pantsuit she had on in Boston, looking like she hasn't showered in over a day, her eyes red and bleary, her hair up in a messy bun.She stares at me, standing there in the doorway like she wants to walk over and strangle me.All I can think about is that kiss.That one, stupid kiss. I did it for a reason: to sell the story. That's what I'm always doing, selling the story. To a jury, to a client, to friends and family. Always selling the story.But that kiss was obscene. It was lurid, lovely. Her mouth was a feast. Soft, plump lips. Tongue like heaven, silky and smooth. Even her taste was unreal, spicy and delightful. I held that kiss for way too long because I didn't want to let it go, not after feeling something so good for the first time in a long time."I didn't expect you to show up," I say.She shrugs. "I didn't expect to show up either, but I had a visitor last night."My eyes narrow. "Visitor? Who?""Gregory Call
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Scar"I already took the first steps the second I left the meeting with the Callahans. If Gregory decides to dig, he'll find the proper documentation."Her jaw drops. "Wait. Hold on. Back up. The proper what now?""Documentation." I stare at her straight-faced. I had hoped I wouldn't need to tell her this part. I'd quietly dissolve the whole thing before she ever noticed. Just a blip in the system. "I know a judge in Las Vegas, a friend of mine, and he was willing to file the marriage certificate plus backdate it to a couple months ago. He forged both our signatures. Good guy."She jumps to her feet. "You did fucking what? Scar!""What did you expect? You don't have to play along, but we need proof that we're married. Do you have any idea what the Callahan family is?""You can't just—you can't just—force me into marriage. This is, like, beyond insane."I come around the desk, staring at her. "Listen to me, Rita. The Callahan family is powerful. They bribe politicians. They buy local e
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RitaThe motel complex where the fire victims are staying isn't far from the burned husk of the apartment building. I can still smell charred wood and melted plastic in the air as I stroll toward the courtyard.I called Eduardo an hour ago. He said he'd meet me here—he had business with some of his former tenants already. I wanted to get it over with right away, but I figured this was something better done in person, so I agreed. But now that I'm here, I wish I hadn't come at all.It reminds me too much of what I lost. And what all these people lost too.Kids run around on a pathetically small grassy patch. A few adults watch them. Dejected and tired-looking people. My kind of folks. I smile and wave to an older woman I recognize from the building. She waves back. Her kids fall to the ground, a girl and a boy, wrestling in the dirt. She doesn't bother telling them to stop. The slump of her shoulders, the faraway stare, these people are in shock, still mourning the loss of all their be
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