All Chapters of Wickedly Twisted : Chapter 101 - Chapter 110
174 Chapters
AllisonI have no choice but to pound the treadmill for an hour.Escape isn't a real option. I might be able to send Orin out on some wild-goose chase errand to keep him busy, but the moment I step out of the house, I'll be swarmed by one of the dozen men Gregory has guarding the place.I can see his goons lingering on the sidewalk outside.People give our house a wide berth.They're even in the back yard, keeping an eye on the garden.If I slip out a window, or sneak through a door, those goons will drag me back inside before I can get more than a few feet.Although I can make a lot of noise. We're in a popular, crowded city area, which means a screaming girl's going to draw a ton of attention.Gregory definitely doesn't want that.But it's not like I know where Gregory's at. I could call him, but that's not enough. I could ask Orin, but I'm kind of sick of Orin right now, and anyway, I'm not sure he'd tell me. Gregory's mysterious office is somewhere in downtown Portland, but beyond
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GregoryI step out of my empty bedroom wearing my normal business suit. It's barely past five in the morning. Allison tends to sleep past eight. I move downstairs quietly and head toward the kitchen. Orin will have some coffee and toast ready for me, then I'll take my car to the office—"Good morning, husband. What time do you usually head out?"I stop in the kitchen door and stare.Allison's sitting at the island. She's in a black pantsuit and black heels, her legs crossed, coffee and cereal in front of her. A paper's open and halfway folded to the business section.I look over at Orin, who shrugs helplessly."I'm leaving shortly." I walk to the island and accept my breakfast. Usually, I'd eat in the car. Instead, I stare at my wife.She puts down the paper. "Good. I'm ready when you are.""I think you might be confused. Did our conversation last night give you the impression that you'd be joining me today?""No," she says, snapping the paper. "But I decided that you need my help."I
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AllisonGregory makes me do paperwork.We reach his office that morning, and the place is crawling with thugs. Guys in dark suits roam the halls, not even pretending to be anything other than armed guards. They treat me very respectfully as Gregory dumps me in an office next to the conference room where he works, but I can tell they're keeping a close eye on me."Permits," Gregory says about ten minutes after we arrive. "Make sure they're correct.""Permits for what?""New locations. We're expanding." He turns to leave."Hold on." I jump to my feet, gesturing at the pathetic room. "There's barely any furniture in here.""This is the only office with a desk." His jawline twitches. It's obvious he's annoyed."How in the world are you running a business from here?""It isn't difficult."I roll my eyes, making an annoyed gesture around me. "Gregory. This office looks like a freaking hostage situation.""And?" He cocks his head as if he doesn't understand."Businesses are about perception.
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Allison"Are you still happy you came to work for me?"I pant into his mouth as his fingers do their filthy work. "Yes. Totally. Ecstatic.""That's nice to hear." He pulls his hand back and I let out an annoyed groan, but before I can complain, he forces me forward onto my elbows."Gregory—" I start because I know what's coming next, but it's too late.His palm whacks against my ass so hard I suck in a breath."There you are," he murmurs, rubbing my stinging skin. "You know you start moaning the moment I spank you, don't you?""No," I groan, trying to turn around to glare at him, but he's got me by the hair. "I do not—"Another whack on the ass. I grunt, biting my lip to keep from doing exactly what he says I will.The filthy bastard knows I like this. I wiggle my hips, pressing back against his firm grip. He spanks me again, and again, and soon the pain's beginning to overwhelm my brain when he finally cups my pussy with his palm, holding me steady, before sinking his fingers deep in
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AllisonIt takes a few back-and-forth phone calls, but Jonny Jeffers finally agrees to meet in person. We set a date for the following day, and when the time arrives, Gregory's on edge."I don't like this situation," he says, glaring out the car window. We're being driven by his second-in-command, Sean, and another of their trusted enforcers while two more cars, one in front and one behind, are packed to the brim with armed men. I can't imagine how we could get any safer short of hiding away in a nuclear bunker."I told you, Jonny's an old hippie," I say, trying to put him at ease. "It's not really all that surprising.""This should've been straightforward, and we should be meeting at our office. Instead, we're doing... this." He scowls, shaking his head.Jonny had been cagey about where he wanted to meet. Gregory felt he was being suspicious, while I only assumed he was acting like his normal goofy self. Eventually, we landed on an old vegan place that isn't even listed online anymor
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AllisonI slam down against the window. My shoulder's pinned, painfully digging into broken glass. My face is pressed against something cold and hard—the door, concrete, I can't really tell—and Gregory's still on top of me, still covering my body with his own. He weighs a thousand pounds. I'm dizzy and can't tell which way is up.I hear my name. "Allison. Hey, Allison, look at me." Gregory's dragging me up, shaking me slightly. Everything's ringing and whining, and the light's far too bright."Gregory," I mumble. "I'm okay. I'm okay." But am I okay? I don't know what happened, why the whole car seems like it exploded, or why Gregory sounds angry."Hold on." His arms wrap around me and he's lifting me up, up, across the car—how are we moving up through the car?—until Sean's pulling me from the opposite window.Loud explosions break out all around us. Sean curses, and he drags me over the side of the car, landing in a heap on the parking lot.It takes a beat to understand that the SUV i
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GregoryThe pungent scent of burning marijuana fills the air.It's nearly choking. Thick plumes gust into the sky with each breeze. I can barely see the stars, and the full moon's a black circle. I stand well back from the flames with Sean at my elbow. Orange and red flames lick along perfect rows of plants, catching and spreading in the direction of the wind. Nearby, my men run around, throwing more Molotov cocktails into the field, starting more blazes.Soon, the entire farm will burn to ashes.And ten others just like it in northern Oregon will burn as well. Multiple farms hit, all in one coordinated attack on Paul's suppliers. These are Paul's closest business associates, and nobody will be confused about why they were attacked.I tried to avoid this, but it's time."What are you thinking?" Sean asks as I walk away from the scene back to where we parked the cars a mile off the main road."Nobody's going to mistake this little revenge," I say, putting the stench of burning weed beh
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AllisonI wake to find Gregory in bed with me. I blink against the bright morning sunlight, trying to decide if my husband is a mirage or not. I shift closer and touch his chest, making his eyelids flutter open. The man's cut from marble, and the still-sleeping look in his eyes only makes him that much more beautiful. I'm struck by this man, by how handsome he is, by how effortlessly he navigates the world. It's like I'm seeing him for the first time."Good morning," I say softly. "You smell like smoke.""Good morning." He rolls onto his back and sighs. "I showered. Twice.""What did you do last night?""Started my revenge." He shifts back to face me. "How are you feeling?""Tired," I say, yawning."The baby? Any symptoms? The doctor said—""I'm fine." I touch his chest again, not thinking about how intimate the gesture is. I can't seem to keep my hands away from him. "Seriously. I feel totally fine. A little bit sore, but better than yesterday."He looks visibly relieved. "I had trou
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AllisonAfterward, we shower together. He soaps me up, quietly cleaning every inch of my body. He even gently cleans my wounds, and when we're done, he replaces the bandages."Breakfast," he says, taking me downstairs."I was thinking a light workout first," I complain, but he's not having any of it."You got your workout," he says, the lewd bastard.Orin's already cooking, whistling away, and gives me a wave as Gregory sits me down at the kitchen table, pours me some coffee, gives me the paper, and starts to rub my shoulders."Relax," he says, kneading away the knots.Where the hell did this man come from, and why does he have fingers like a professional musician?"I'm working hard to understand why you're suddenly acting like you want to spoil me," I say, trying to swat his hands away halfheartedly."My pregnant wife was put in danger yesterday.""Are you feeling guilty? I didn't realize you were capable.""I didn't either," he mutters."You shouldn't let it worry you. I made that d
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AllisonFor one blissful afternoon, I wasn't thinking about escape.Now I can't get it out of my head.There are a thousand ways out of this house, but none of them would work, and I'm pretty sure Gregory would chain me up in a bedroom if I made more noise.But more than that, I keep thinking about the truck running into our SUV, about the gunshots, the bodies, the blood. I keep seeing the death all around me, and I'm terrified of what will happen if I let Paul get anywhere near me.Gregory throws himself back into work the next day.I mope around the house, feeling sorry for myself. Even Orin gives me space.At least until Keely arrives.She breezes into the house, looking glorious, dirty-blonde hair in thick ringlets, wearing designer everything from ears to toes. "Hello, hello," she says, kissing my cheek. "How are you, new sister?""Fine," I say, trying to be polite, but I can't let myself forget why she's here. "Gregory sent you, huh?""Gregory requested my help," she says, sound
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