All Chapters of The CEO Ex-Wife's Revenge: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
81 Chapters
It’s not every day that I see Denise at a loss for words, but today is one of those days, and a feeling of utter satisfaction courses through me as I watch her mouth open and shut several times like a fish out of water.“That’s not possible. You’re joking, right?” She asks me at last.“For your sake, I wish I was, but unfortunately, Ava is indeed the producer of the movie. So technically, she is going to be your boss, provided she does not back out of our agreement the moment she notices that you are the actress I was talking about. I have a feeling that she would back out of it because of the history that you and I have together and because you have a tendency to be annoying as hell.” I tell her.I can't bring myself to sound sorry for her, and I can tell that she notices this in the way her eyes narrows.“I don’t believe you. You’re trying to tell me that your mousy, timid, stay-at-home ex-wife is the popular producer that everyone has been raving about? Oh, please. You must think I
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Kept waiting
DENISE’S POVIt’s been days since Derek told me about his ex-wife’s return and since then, I have been really unsettled. The reason for this is apparent.Derek is still very much in love with his ex … it is clear as day, and that is such a pity. For all his money and charisma, it is pathetic that he is pining after someone whom he hasn’t seen in ages.That is not the only reason for my being unsettled though. There are two other reasons. The first is that I’m still very much in love with Derek and I want to get married to him.Or maybe to tell the whole truth, I'm not really in love with him … at least not in the sense of the word, but still, I want to get married to him.Getting married to someone like Derek would mean that I would not have to work for the rest of my life, and I could live like the queen that I am, with more than enough money to do whatever the hell I like without having to work.The second reason is that I am scared … scratch that, I'm terrified! Yes, I have done th
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Bad news
AVA’S POVMy morning hasn’t been a very great one today. First of all, my daughter decided to throw a huge tantrum today after deciding that she does not want to go to school, something that is out of character for her.Then after I got that settled, I had a flat tire on my way to the office and it cost me more time than I wanted to get that settled.But apparently, that is not the end of the inconveniences that have placed themselves in my way for the day, for no sooner had I entered the reception area where the people who had come for audition were waiting, than someone latched themselves onto my arm.I hear the voice, which I do not recognize before I see the person. Immediately I see her, I recognize her, even after all these years. How can I not recognize the woman who had given me sleepless nights back then?“Hello, dear. I don’t know if you remember me, but it’s been ages. How have you been?” Derek’s ex, or by the looks of it, his girlfriend, asks me, beaming at me as though we
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Bad offer
DENISE’S POVThe further I get away from the office in which the audition had taken place, the angrier I am. Life can be so cruel, and I cannot believe that I have to answer to or be at the mercy of that woman.To worsen matters, Derek left me there at the office and went to heaven knows where, which means that I have to find my way back home by myself, something that pisses me off to no end.I had done perfectly well at the audition … of that, I have no doubt. So all I’m waiting for is to get a call back from them. I just hope that this movie launches me into the spotlight like I deserve.If that happens, and I become super rich, then I won't even need Derek any longer, and I can dump that burdensome child on him and have my fun, the way it was meant to be.If the movie doesn’t take off the way I expect though, I would still need Derek, which is why I'm going to keep on holding on to him by every means possible, and using Barry as a weapon against him.“Mommy!” Barry shouts in joy wh
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DENISE’S POVI begin to panic immediately, and understandably so, because of the scary amount of blood that is pooling up beneath the boy. It was a mistake and I did not mean for this to happen.Barry had pissed me off and that was why I pushed him, but how was I supposed to know that there was something sharp near where he had fallen?“Oh, my God! Jesus! Jesus! Jesus!” The young nanny begins to chant over and over, her eyes going as wide as saucers as she stares at Barry lying there motionless in a pool of his own blood.Great! Derek just had to go and hire a Jesus freak. Luckily enough, her terror and overreaction have made me somewhat calm, and now, I take charge of the situation.“Shut your mouth and make yourself useful by calling 911 and telling them that there is an emergency, okay?” I tell her. She nods, still wide-eyed, but she scurries away, all the while chanting Jesus, and returns some minutes later with her phone.“Should’nt we call Mr. Turner?” She suggests hesitantly.“
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Ava’s POVThe next few moments after I am told that my daughter has been seriously injured while on the playground are a blur to me. Somehow, I manage to maintain my calm while asking the necessary questions.“She’s been taken to the hospital, Ms. Jones. We’re really sorry about all this. We tried to reach you several times, but you weren't answering your phone.” One of the teachers tells me, wringing her hands worriedly.I take my phone out of my bag and it is then I see that there are several missed calls on it. I had put it on do not disturb mode because I was very busy and did not want anything to interfere with my work.“Alright. I’d like to go see her now, please.” I say in a voice that feels like it does not belong to me.Harper has always been a very healthy child, and she has never had any cause to stay overnight at a hospital since I gave birth to her.The thought of my baby girl being in pain causes my heart to form tight knots of worry and pain.“I don’t think you’re in th
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Tense atmosphere
Ava was clearly the last person that Derek and Denise expected to see at the hospital, just as she had not been expecting to see them there either. “What are you doing here, Ava? Is everything alright?” Derek asked Ava, who was surprised because his voice was so full of concern. She had never heard such concern from him directed at her. “Yes, everything is fine. I’m just visiting a sick friend.” Ava replied, hoping against hope that Steve would get the message and would not say anything that he wasn’t supposed to say. “Oh, that’s nice of you. I didn’t know that you had any friends here. Is it anyone I know?” Derek asked, as though he knew any of her friends when they were married and she used to live here. She didn’t even have any friends back then. “You don’t know a lot of things about me, Derek and there is no reason why you should as far as I'm concerned because nothing connects us to each other apart from the project. To answer your question, no. It isn't anyone you know.” “Oh
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Cursing her rotten luck, Ava made her way slowly towards him. Avoiding him right then would have appeared very rude since he was obviously waiting for her.“What is it now?” She asked him warily after he walked up to meet her halfway.“I had no idea that you knew Steve.”“As I said earlier, you have no idea about many things concerning me, just as I have no idea concerning many things about you. It's not a big deal, and neither is it any of your business, so I don’t get why you’re bent on pointing it out.”“You should stay away from Steve. He's bad news.” Derek told her without mincing words, leaving her to gape at him in surprise at his audacity.“And who the hell do you think you are to tell me what to do and what not to do?”“Ava, I’m serious. You don’t want to mess with that guy. I know he’s good-looking and all, but he is not at all what he seems.”“I can look after myself, thank you very much. I don’t need you to do it for me. We’re practically strangers to each other, so I don’t
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A glimpse at the past
EIGHT YEARS AGO“Come home now, Derek! Your father is dying! Oh, my God! I’m so scared! Please, God!” The hysterical voice of Derek’s mother came from over the phone.Derek felt his heart drop into the pit of his stomach at those words. He loved his father more than life itself. That man had sacrificed a lot for Derek and his sister and hearing that he was dying was something of a rude shock.“Mom? What are you talking about? Dad is dying? He sounded very hale and hearty when he called me earlier today.” Derek asked, thinking to himself that he must have heard wrong. His mother was not listening to him and did not answer his question because she was busy talking in a frenzied tone in the background.“Mom!” He yelled into the phone, but instead of hearing his mother’s reply, the line went dead, throwing him into utter confusion and fear.He tried to call her number as he picked up his keys and rushed out of the office, so he could go to his parent’s house and find out what was really go
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“Don’t worry, Tim. I’m used to driving these roads in all weather conditions. We’ll be just fine. I’m afraid that emergency services may be very busy, as they usually are on days like this, and that was why my mom had to call me. I’ll never forgive myself if I don’t make it there in time to get him help.” Derek replied, but he slowed down a bit to ease Tim’s fear.There was silence between them for some minutes as Derek drove, with each person lost in their own thoughts. Now, they were about to round a bend, and Derek’s other phone began to vibrate in his shirt pocket.He glanced down for a second, intending to take his right hand off the wheel to pick the ringing phone out of his pocket and give it to Tim to answer the call, in case it was his mother or sister who was calling, but he never made it that far. A few seconds were all it took. He heard Tim’s sharp intake of breath, followed by a loud shout.“Watch out, boss!” Tim yelled.At this warning, Derek snatched his head up immedia
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