All Chapters of The CEO Ex-Wife's Revenge: Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
81 Chapters
Derek soon found out that reuniting with Denise was not as bad as he had thought it was going to be. They had been friends since college, after all, and he had actually missed her.She also knew a lot of things about him and his companies, so having her around was good. His mother and sister were thrilled at this reunion, but Derek wasted no time in telling them that it wasn’t what they were thinking at all.She had to work with his company, and that was the only reason he was hanging out with her so much. Soon, he realized that he was simply deceiving himself. Despite everything, he still had feelings for Denise, which had to make him the dumbest man on God’s green planet.He kept these feelings firmly under check, however, and immediately tried to distance himself from her, but since they had to work together, it was difficult to stay away from her entirely.Denise for her part, seemed to regard him as just a friend and did not seem to have any romantic feelings whatsoever towards
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The order
PRESENT DAYThe phone rang shrilly in the almost empty room, and Rooney, a one-time criminal who was very notorious for having committed several crimes in the past years, but somehow, always managed to get out of prison in record time, answered it on the third ring.“Yes?” He said into the phone in that gruff and gravelly tone that never ceased to make people afraid to cross him.“Rooney?” A female voice came from over the phone.“This is him. What ya want?”“Do you know who is speaking?”“I do. What ya want?” Rooney asked again. He had never been known for his warm or patient nature.“Okay. I just wanted to make sure. Listen, it’s time.”“Time for what?”“Time for what we discussed some months ago.” The female voice said.“Sure thing. I need my money before anything else, though.”“And you’ll get it in full and then some if you execute what I want perfectly.”“That’s good news to me ears. So it’s time for me to do it then? Do you want it to be done today, tomorrow, or sometime next w
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Late night drink
"Great work today,” Steve said to Ava, slipping into the empty stool beside her and signaling for the waiter to come over.She was sitting in a bar close to her hotel and slowly sipping a drink while thinking about the events of that day.“Oh, hey! What are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be resting after today’s hectic activities?” Ava asked him, noting how strong and handsome he looked and how good he smelled.A couple of women who were sitting close to where Ava was seated muttered excitedly to themselves, covering their mouths and giggling as they cast not-so-covert glances at Steve. He nodded and smiled politely at them before sitting beside Ava.“I was indeed about to go rest, but then I realized that I needed a drink, so I came down here, and lo behold, who should I run into but the very woman whom I haven't been able to get off my mind these past few days? God indeed works in mysterious ways.” Steve replied to her question, smiling mischievously at her, his pearly white
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Cut off
To Derek’s relief, Barry was admitted and stabilized within minutes of his arrival at the hospital. They were regular visitors at the hospital after all, so it was not always a hassle to get Barry admitted anytime he had a crisis.It was only after Barry was settled that Derek looked down at himself and realized that he was dressed in his pajamas. In his haste, he had neglected to change into more presentable clothes.Luckily enough, it was night, or rather early morning, depending on how one looked at it, which meant that he could quickly rush home and change into more presentable clothing before day.“I’m so sorry about what happened, boss. I came as soon as I could.” Jerome his bodyguard told him, coming up to meet him in the corridor of the hospital.Jerome was a huge and beefy man with a very stern expression, but he had a soft spot for Barry and always found time to play with him whenever he was less busy.“Ah, Jerome. You’re here. Thank goodness. How did you know I was gone?”“
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The first thing he noticed was the small but scary-looking gun the other guy brought out seemingly from nowhere and casually pointed at him.The second thing he noticed was that this was no ordinary robber but a hardened criminal. The look in the man’s eyeswas cold and mean enough to freeze even the hottest parts of hell.“Get in.” The man told Derek, angling his head to indicate that Derek was to get into the open passenger side of the car.“What do you want from me?” Derek asked, stalling and trying to see if he could find a way to wrestle the gun out of the man’s hand.He wasn’t by any means a trained fighter or anything, and this man who was waiting impatiently for him to get into the car looked like one who fought and shot people for a living.However, Derek wasn’t about to just hand himself over on a platter of gold, so he tried again.“Is it money you want? I have tons of it and would be more than glad to part with some of it if we both just agreed to forget this unfortunate l
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The film crew was having a quick break when Ava noticed that Denise was having what appeared to be a heated conversation with Derek’s bodyguard. Ava remembered the man from when she was married to Derek, and they had even been friends back then.Derek was nowhere in sight, which was just as well, because she wasn’t interested in seeing him, especially since for the past few days, she had been having conflicted feelings about her decision to continue to keep him out of her child’s life.“You have no fucking right to talk to me in that tone. It is not my fault that your boss is a deadbeat father who would leave his son bedridden in a hospital, knowing fully well that I’m working. Anyway, the boy has a nanny, not so? Well, get the nanny to stay with him. You don’t very well expect me to leave the set in the middle of filming.” Denise yelled at the man, whose expression remained impassive.“There always has to be some drama where this lady is concerned.” Steve, who was seated close to Ava
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Derek had never felt so awful in his entire life. It felt as though his entire head was made of lead and that his mouth was filled with ashes. His head throbbed so bad that for several minutes after he came to, he simply remained in the same position in which he woke up, waiting for the pounding ache in his head to die down. It didn’t die down by any means, but he got used to it enough to crack open one eye and try to get bearing of his surroundings. He did not for the life of him, recognize where he was, why he was there, or who had brought him there. After what felt like an eternity, he was able to struggle into a sitting position, even though his head and body protested the movement every inch of the way. He soon realized why. There was a dirty makeshift bandage and sling covering the upper part of his chest and his right arm. No wonder moving into a sitting position had hurt so bad. He looked around him again, trying to get his bearing, but there was nothing to see. He was in
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Callous and impersonal
It took several days... Much longer than it was supposed to take, for people to realize that Derek had most likely been kidnapped.In the message that his bodyguard got that same morning of his disappearance, it had been stated that Derek was going to be unreachable for several days because he did not want to be disturbed.However, everyone who knew him also knew that there was no way he would leave his son so abruptly without giving instructions on what was to be done for the boy, or at least sorting his medical bills.“I can't believe this! How irresponsible can the man be? Who the fuck leaves a sick child in the hospital and disappears in the middle of the night when he knows that the boy’s mother is working and would not be able to come to be with him?” Denise fumed.She was pacing the entire length and breadth of the hospital room in which Barry was admitted and was constituting such a huge nuisance that Barry’s nurse had to ask her to step outside. The child looked very relieved
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Fake detective
Denise stared at Amanda, mouth agape, unable to believe the words that the latter had just uttered.Granted, she had always been aware of some sibling rivalry between Derek and his sister, but that sibling rivalry was all Amanda’s fault.She had always seemed to low-key resent Derek and believed that she was the one who was supposed to have everything that Derek had, but Denise didn’t know that her feelings of resentment ran this deep.“You’re joking, right? You can't be serious about what you just said. He is your brother for crying out loud.” Denise said.“What kind of brother cuts off his own sister and makes her work menial jobs when he has the means to get her settled forever? My father would roll in his grave if he saw all the things that Derek is doing to me.” Amanda replied in indignation, her double chin quivering in anger.With each day that passed, Amanda seemed to be putting on a lot of weight, and very rapidly too. In fact, Denise was beginning to be embarrassed to be see
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"I can't believe that this is happening. I swear, I don’t know what you're talking about. Perhaps someone is trying to frame me or something. I had nothing to do with Derek’s disappearance. I swear it. Derek and I didn’t always see eye to eye, but I’ll never hurt him. Amanda, you have to believe me!” Denise said, her voice sounding frantic as tears gathered in her eyes.“Unfortunately, I can't, Denise. All fingers point to you. It's only a matter of time before everyone realizes it and they will the minute the news of your child's true paternity breaks out."“Oh, my God! I can't believe this is happening to me. Are you going to tell people about Barry?"“Calm down. I'm not a gossip. You told me about him because you trusted me, so I'm not going to expose you. Barry's real father might not have any such reservations though, but that's beside the point. I have a solution to the issue on ground. Wanna hear it?” Amanda asked, her eyes glinting mischievously.“Okay.”“As you well know, Der
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