All Chapters of The CEO Ex-Wife's Revenge: Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
84 Chapters
Sour grapes
"Amanda, dear. That is not the way to greet old friends now, is it? I would have thought that your mother taught you to have better manners than that … oh, wait, my bad! She didn’t teach you anything other than to be a mean little girl who is always jealous of other people and what they have.” I say to her, enjoying the way her expression darkened at my words.“Keep my mother’s name out of your filthy mouth, Miss Goody two shoes. You think you're the shit, don’t you? Coming back into town and prancing about like you own the place, just because you got lucky. Tell me, how did you manage to become so famous? Did you sleep your way to the top?”"Is that sour grapes, I hear? Oh, you poor thing. How have the mighty fallen? If anyone had told me that the day would come when you would be jealous of me, I would have probably laughed out loud in their faces.”“Me? Jealous of you? Oh, please, don’t be delusional. You may be prancing about and feeling like the best thing in town right now, but I
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Another security guard had now come up to the table too because now Amanda was yelling at the top of her voice and being totally unreasonable.“Don’t think I'm going to stand by and watch you choose this ugly bitch over me. I would rather die than allow that. Do you hear me? Do you hear me? You can’t just use me and dump me like that and think you're going to go scot-free. It's not going to happen. Over my dead body. If I can't have you, then no one … least of all her is going to have you either.” Amanda screamed.So great was her rage that she reached for Ava, but before her hands could touch Ava, the two security guards grabbed one of her arms each and began to lead her away from there, trying to be gentle at first, but it seemed like she had lost all sense of reasoning.She fought them like a hellcat, so that she even managed to break free of their hold, but they were quick to capture her and this time around, dragged her out of the restaurant with as much force as was necessary.P
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More vultures
Coming here had been a huge mistake. Denise realized this the moment she stepped foot into Andy's house. But what was she supposed to have done anyway? Refuse to come as his royal highness Andy ordered and have him blaring her secret to everyone who cared to listen? She could not antagonize this asshole who was bent on making her life a living hell if she did not want any more problems on top of the ones that she currently had. “Make yourself at home Denise,” Andy told her, disappearing into another part of the house, while Denise sat gingerly on the closest couch to her and looked around in disgust. “That’s highly unlikely.” She muttered to herself, looking around her in distaste. The house looked as cheap as Andy’s car looked. The man had indeed fallen upon bad times, but she could not bring herself to feel sorry for him. If anything, he deserved everything that he was going through and then some. A few minutes later, Andy returned to the living room with a glass of cold
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"Well, last I heard, but your boyfriend’s ex-wife is back in town and he’s got the hots for her,” Andy replied, smiling at her and showing his crooked teeth.Denise heaved a sigh of relief. She already knew this, so it wasn’t news to her at all.“I already knew that. I worked with her on this last movie, you know. She’s such an insufferable bitch. You act like you know a lot of things when in reality you know nothing. If you were truly as knowledgeable about everything that is going on in my life as you claim, you would know that I worked with her and so I know she is back in town.”“Hmmm. Denise, my dear friend. You’re always quick to talk, but so slow to listen. And yes, I know things … A lot of things that even you don’t know. Things that are right under your nose, but you’re blind to them.”“Can you please go to the point and stop wasting my time?” Denise snapped at him, already at the end of her patience.Suddenly, she was afraid … afraid of what this man was going to say to her.
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EIGHT-PLUS YEARS AGOThe minute Denise stepped foot in the airport on her way to meet Andrew Tanner, and subsequently to pursue her dreams, she felt happy, fulfilled, and free!No longer would she have to listen to Derek tell her all about his oh-so-boring plans about how he was going to run his company and all the money that he was going to make from the company.She could go out into the real world, meet famous stars, become a star herself, and travel to wherever the hell she wanted. It was a dream come true and she couldn’t wait.The first sign she got that it wasn't going to be as Andy had promised her was when she and Andrew arrived, tired as hell at a run-down and shady-looking motel which did not befit someone of his status after they landed.“Um, is this where we’re going to stay?” She asked him tentatively, not wanting to offend him, but unable to believe her eyes all the same.“Yes. Why’d you ask?”“Oh, um, nothing. It doesn’t look quite safe is all.”“Don't worry, it is qui
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Wonders of all wonders
"Are you insane? Are you bloody insane? You’re crazy and you must be joking. You want me to act porn?” Denise shrieked at Andy in righteous indignation, unable to believe her ears. How had her life come to this for chrissakes?How could she have let the expensive wristwatch and expensive shoes and clothes that Andy had obviously borrowed on that fateful day that she met him deceive her into thinking that he had any connections?She was also to be blamed because had it been she did her research well before jumping at his offer, then she would have realized that there was not a single recent news about him and this was a red flag.Enraged, she flew at him in anger, kicking and punching him and he tried to hold her back, but her anger was so great and he was drunk, so he had a difficult time doing it. Infuriated as well, Andy gave her a resounding slap across her cheek that sent her reeling back from the force of it and somewhat calmed her down.“It’s not a big deal. Many people do it.”
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Paving a way
It had been ages since Denise heard anything about him, because first of all she was in another country, and his family clearly wanted privacy and kept their affairs out of the eye of the media.This was to be expected since they were mourning the loss of Derek's father, as well as Derek’s unfortunate accident.On TV, Derek looked … different. She did not know how to describe it, but there was something about him that she could not put her finger on.The news was talking about how his company’s values and profits had skyrocketed more than anyone could have imagined would be possible in such a short time … especially since he spent some time recovering from his accident.Denise stared at the TV screen, unable to believe her ears. It had been almost a year and a half since she left and in that time, Derek had morphed from an ambitious twenty-six-year-old who staked his entire trust fund, on his dream company, as well as took huge loans from his father to well being on his way to becomin
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That was how Denise became a sex slave for the next several months. She was kept in a house and never allowed to leave that house and was plied with drugs to keep her pliant.It was unbelievable to think that this was happening to her of all people and in the modern world too. Soon, all Denise could think about was when she would get her next fix of drugs. Nothing else mattered.She remained there for months, totally at the mercy of her captors, because they were the ones who supplied her with the drugs that kept her sane.There were other girls in the same plight as her in that house as well. Several men came to the house each day to have sex with them against their will, and in time, they just learned to lay back and accept their fate so as to avoid the punishment that would surely follow if they tried to resist or cause problems.And then one day, after that had gone on for a few months, the place was raided by the police, and all the people there were rescued, including Denise. I
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Derek’s mother wiped at her tears as she sat in front of the police officer at the police station, but the tears immediately began to flow again.She could not understand how a grown man could disappear just like that from the surface of the earth and not be found, despite all the resources that were available.“Madam, we’re trying our best. We hope to be able to give you some solid information … either good or bad soon enough.” The officer told her helplessly. He was at his wit’s end here and everyone was blaming him for not taking Derek’s bodyguard seriously when he first came to make a report."No, please, I beg of you. Don’t say that. His son, my grandson, is dying in the hospital as we speak. I can't lose both of them.” Mrs. Turner cried.This incident had aged her. She usually looked young for her age, but now, her hair was unkempt and her face and whole self looked haggard and tired.“Mom, come on. Let’s go. We’ll leave the police to do their job.” Amanda urged her mother, feel
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The plan
It wasn't in the least bit difficult for Denise to fall into the role of a classy lady, even though the events of the past few months made her anything but that.Along with getting her the role that would bring her into contact with Derek's company, Tom had given her a good sum of money to buy her silence, so she used this money to purchase beautiful and classy clothes that brought back her confidence.Andy followed her back to the country, saying that he had some business to attend to there, not that Denise cared what he did or what he didn’t do.She was just glad that she could stay with him in his apartment without having to worry about spending her money on rent while she perfected her plans to get back into Derek’s life.Now that she was back in the country, she realized that getting back the kind of closeness she used to have with Derek was easier said than done.For one thing, now that he was a very rich man, it was going to be very difficult to get access to him.Even when she
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