All Chapters of The CEO Ex-Wife's Revenge: Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
81 Chapters
Perfecting the plan
“I don't think you were listening to me, Andy. I said the guy doesn't like me anymore but is being polite to me for old time's sake and because he has to work with me. How then am I supposed to trap him with a baby? Club him over the head and make him have sex with me a few times until I get pregnant?” Denise asked him in irritation.“No, of course not. I can get you pregnant, then you will stage a scene that will make him believe that he had sex with you. After that, you can pin the baby on him.” Andy replied as though this was the most natural thing in the world to say.“You’re crazy!”“Well, it’s your call. I was under the impression that you wanted to get him back.” Andy replied, shrugging his shoulders in an I-don't-care gesture.“What’s in it for you?” She asked Andy who shrugged again and assured her that he just wanted to see her happy after all that she had been through and that he felt guilty for being the one to take her away from it all in the first instance. The suggesti
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“That is why I told you that it is best that Derek never resurfaces.” Andy had said only minutes ago.“I don't know what you want me to do. Seek out his abductors and ask them to kill him? Like I told you earlier, I love Derek and this time around, I'm prepared to make our relationship work and give him all the love that he deserves but has never gotten.”“Well, if that is what you want, then I guess I can't stop you. I will still be needing money to keep my mouth shut though.” Andy told her. Denise burst out laughing at this“Unfortunately, it is not going to make a difference whether you close your mouth or not.”“What do you mean by that?”“What I mean by that is that Derek already suspects that Barry isn’t his.”“What makes you say so? You and Derek share the same blood group, which is the same one that Barry has, isn’t it? What on earth will make Derek begin to suspect that Barry isn't his biological son? Did you give him any reason to doubt you and carry out a paternity test?”
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A surprise visitor
For the first time in over three weeks, Derek saw the sun. It was blinding in its intensity and he had to squint his eyes to protect it from its punishing glare, but he was glad to see the sun.When his eyes adjusted to the light, he took a good look at his surroundings. He had been right. He was being held captive out in the woods in the middle of nowhere.Even if he managed to escape, which was unlikely unless he was kept alive until his wounds healed well enough for him to try to escape, he would most likely die of thirst and starvation out here.“There is water in that bucket over there, as well as some soap. Use it to wash yourself very well.” His captor told him, still pointing the gun at him so that he would not make any funny moves, not that Derek was in the condition to do such a thing.There was no question of wrestling the gun out of the man’s hands except he wanted to wind up dead, so Derek approached the bucket gingerly and began to take his bath, wincing when the soap to
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FLOWERSThere was a knock on Ava’s door while she was still sleeping even though it was nearly eleven in the morning It was a Saturday after all and she was sleeping in after the events of the previous evening when Amanda disrupted her dinner with Steve.This was because she had slept late the previous night since sleep eluded her, either because of the altercation with Amanda or for some other reason.Her maid answered the door and came to wake her up with a huge smile on her face and a large bouquet of roses in her hands.“What the hell? Where did you get those from?” Ava asked groggily.“They’re from Mr. Steve. He’s in the living room if you want to see him, otherwise he said it is not a problem if you're not up to having visitors just yet. I informed him that you were sleeping."“No, no. It’s fine. I’ll see him.” Ava replied, blushing like a schoolgirl with a huge crush on the star football player in school.She couldn’t remember when last she got flowers. Actually, she could and
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There was only one way to find out whether what Andy told Denise about Ava having a daughter was true or not and that was that she needed to see for herself.She didn’t know where Ava lived and she had no way of finding out, but she would surely find out. First of all, though, she needed someone to rant to and what person was perfect to rant to other than the one person who hated Ava more than she did?So after dropping in to see Barry for a few minutes, so that it would be on record that she came there, she made her way over to the house that Amanda shared with her mother without informing her that she was coming over."Hello, Amanda," Denise said by way of greeting when the maid ushered her into the living room where Amanda was eating as usual.“What’s up?” Amanda said disinterestedly Denise was surprised at the lackadaisical greeting. It was the first time that Amanda was showing disinterest towards her and this made her a little worried as Denise was the one who usually got tir
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Dead of the night
Jerome ruffled Barry's hair lovingly, kissed his forehead, and told him that he was going to be back to see him really soon.The boy was still alive, but only barely and the only person with him was his nanny since Denise could not be bothered to stay in the hospital for anything more than an hour or two and apparently, neither could Amanda or her mother.Over the years, Jerome had become more than just a bodyguard to Derek's family. He was now as close as family and he loved Barry as dearly as though he were his own son.He felt really sorry for the child who never ceased to stop asking for his father ... His father who could even then be dead.Jerome cut off this train of thought immediately. Derek couldn't be dead. He refused to accept this. Derek would be found alive and never would Jerome make the mistake of letting him go anywhere without adequate protection again.Already, the police had found Derek's car abandoned somewhere in town, and now were giving their all to finding him
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It took some work and stealth, butDenise managed to get Ava's home address from one of the people with whom they worked on set. It took a while for her to get it, but she did manage to get it in the end. Since she was the mother of Derek’s son, the woman she asked for the address gave it to her without being suspicious, no doubt thinking that it had to do with work, but of course, that couldn't be farther from the truth.Denise just had to know whether what Andy told her was true or not. She would not be able to rest until she confirmed it.The next day after she got the address, she and Amanda decided to go there and check out the place where their rival lived for themselves.It turned out to be a modest house with beautiful lawns that was nowhere near as big as Derek's house or even the house in which Amanda and her mother lived."All that is going to change when she tells Derek about his daughter." Amanda thought to herself in anger.The thought of Derek spending money on this w
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“I'm all ears,” Derek said. As difficult as it was under the circumstances, he had finally become calm and was waiting for his mother to explain herself and what all of this was about. “So here’s the thing. I’m seriously pissed at you.” She began. “I figured as much. Why are you pissed at me though? That is my question. Is it because I have refused to have anything to do with Denise? I'm a grown man though, so I am able to make my own decisions, including who I want to spend the rest of my life with."It actually has nothing to do with Denise.""She's in with you on this, isn't she?" "No, as a matter of fact, she knows nothing about any of this. So anyway, it all started from way back… way before you were born.” “Alright. That's a start. I'm listening.” “Yeah, but before then, I would like to inform you that the major reason you are here today is because of what you've done to my daughter and me. We do not deserve any of that at all." “Ah! So money is the reason why I'm here
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Lost in thought
Something was up with her husband. Blair Turner knew this as surely as she knew her own name. It was obvious in the way he had changed entirely towards her. Gone was the loving man who hung on her every word and couldn’t wait to get home every day just so he could be with her. Now, he stayed out late, always claiming that he was working late, but somehow, Blair knew this was not true. There was another woman. Her instinct told her this. The signs were always there. It hurt her so much because she believed that it was because her husband didn’t find her attractive any longer that he found himself a mistress. She had given birth to their daughter, Amanda less than a year ago and her body hadn’t bounced back to normal yet, which was probably why he was panting after another woman. Despite how many times she asked him if something was wrong or if he was seeing someone else, he always denied it, so Blair decided to take matters into her own hands. One day, when it was almost ti
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The woman looked Blair up and down inquiringly, no doubt wondering who she was and what she wanted. Up close, Blair realized that she was even more beautiful than she looked from afar and was very good-looking for someone who only recently gave birth. Jealousy, strong in its intensity, gripped Blair and she knew that there was no way that she was going to win this woman. If she didn’t act fast, then her husband was going to be gone for good. “Um, may I help you?” the young lady asked Blair. “Oh, hi. Sorry to disturb you, but Mr. Turner asked me to deliver these to you.” Blair said, flashing the woman a bright smile and wondering if the smile looked as painful to the woman as it felt to Blair. Blair watched as the woman’s face melted in happiness and a sappy look entered her eyes. It was the look that many women who were hopelessly in love wore when they thought of their partner and it made Blair sick to her stomach. “Oh, that’s so thoughtful of him. Do come in and pl
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