All Chapters of DIRTY AFFAIR WITH HIS IDENTICAL TWIN : Chapter 51 - Chapter 56
56 Chapters
Kim stood up, her expression resolute. "I'll keep an eye on Devon. Make sure he's okay. He needs time, but he'll come around.""Thank you," I said again, my voice thick with gratitude.After Kim left, Devin and I sat in silence for a while, the weight of the day's events pressing down on us. I leaned my head on his shoulder, finding comfort in his steady presence."I'm scared, Devin," I admitted, my voice barely a whisper. "I'm scared of what this means for all of us."He wrapped his arm around me, holding me close. "I know. But we'll get through this. One step at a time."As the evening wore on, I found myself thinking about everything that had led to this moment. The whirlwind romance with Devin, the unexpected and complicated affair with Devon, and the heart-wrenching decision I had to make. It wasn't supposed to be like this. Love wasn't supposed to hurt this much.The next day, I decided to check on Devon myself. I needed to make sure he was truly okay, to face the pain I had cau
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Taking the responsibility of running "Daze Glam Beauty and Cosmetics" was a dream I had cherished for years, a way to pay tribute to my parents' enduring legacy and ensure their memory lived on. But as I stood in my office, staring out at the cityscape, I couldn't help but feel the weight of the world on my shoulders. Between my complicated personal life and the mounting scandals threatening to destroy everything my parents had built, I was stretched to my breaking point.Just then, the soft sound of my office door opening broke through my reverie. I turned to find Stacy, my trusted personal assistant and confidante, entering with a determined air about her."Kylie, we need to have a discussion,"she stated, her voice laced with gravity.I nodded in agreement, motioning for her to take a seat. "I am aware. "I know. Things are getting out of control."Stacy sat down across from me, her expression one of concern. "I've been hearing rumors, and it's not good. There are people in the company
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The special guest room buzzed with anticipation, the air thick with the kind of excitement that only comes before a major launch. I glanced at my watch, my heart racing with a mix of nerves and excitement. Today was the day Kora Bradson, the breathtakingly beautiful and wildly popular celebrity model, would be walking through the doors of Daze Glam Beauty and Cosmetics. She was set to model our latest product, the Daze Beauty Super Easy Makeup Remover.As the founder and CEO of Daze Glam, I’ve had my fair share of high-stakes meetings, but there was something uniquely electrifying about today. Kora Bradson wasn’t just any model. She was an icon, a vision of beauty that captivated millions. Her endorsement could take our product from a promising innovation to an overnight sensation.I took a deep breath and adjusted my blazer, smoothing down a few stray hairs. Presentation was everything, especially in this business. My assistant, Stacy, popped her head in, a look of barely contained e
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A knock on the door interrupted us, and my grandmother Kris walked in, her presence commanding and reassuring. "I heard all that has being going on and it's very clever of you have Kora over, that's a huge step, keep it up" she said, closing the door behind her. "And I think I might have a few ideas that might help in the company issues."I smiled, feeling a flicker of hope. "Grandma, I could use all the help I can get."She sat down beside Stacy, her eyes sharp and focused. "Your parents built this company from the ground up, and we're not going to let a bunch of opportunists tear it down. We need to gather evidence, expose the people behind these scandals, and launch a campaign to restore Daze Glam Beauty and Cosmetics's image."Stacy nodded, her eyes gleaming with determination. "I can start digging around, see what I can find. We need to know who we're dealing with.""And I'll work on a PR strategy," Kris added. "We'll need to be transparent with the public, show them that we're t
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As Stacy continued to gather evidence, Kris and I worked on crafting a comprehensive PR plan. We knew we had to be strategic, to anticipate the moves of those trying to undermine us."We'll need a strong statement," Kris said one afternoon as we sat in the conference room, drafting our plan. "Something that addresses the issues head-on but also reassures our clients and partners that we're taking decisive action."I nodded, jotting down notes. "We should also highlight the steps we're taking to ensure this doesn't happen again. Show that we're committed to transparency and integrity."Kris smiled, her eyes twinkling with pride. "That's the spirit. We'll turn this around, Kylie. I have no doubt."As we worked late into the night, I felt a sense of purpose and drive that I hadn't felt in a long time. This company was more than just a business to me; it was a part of my family's legacy, and I was determined to protect it.The day of the press conference arrived, and I stood in front of t
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It was a gloomy afternoon as I drove to the cemetery to visit my parents' graves. The sky was overcast, matching the heaviness in my heart. Running Daze Glam Beauty & Cosmetics, a multi-million dollar company, was a dream come true, but today, I felt a profound loneliness. As the CEO, my life was always busy, filled with meetings, travel, and constant decision-making, but visiting my parents’ resting place grounded me, reminding me of where I came from and what I had lost.I got out of my car and walked slowly to their graves, the crunch of the gravel under my feet the only sound in the silence. I stood there for a long time, talking to them in my mind, updating them on my life and telling them about their future grandchild. I was four months pregnant, and though I was excited, I was also terrified. My boyfriend, Devin, was thrilled about the baby. He was supportive, loving, and everything I could ask for. But there was always a shadow looming over us – his identical twin brother, De
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