All Chapters of DIRTY AFFAIR WITH HIS IDENTICAL TWIN : Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
56 Chapters
I could not stop smiling. Last night had been the best of my existence. It felt like a giant weight had been lifted from my shoulders, knowing that my body was capable of experiencing so much pleasure. Now I could see what all of the fuss was about. The only mar on our perfect night was seeing Richard and learning that I was the reason he and I had never conceived a child. I had wanted a baby for as long as I could remember, and I would not give up on that dream. Perhaps I would just need to explore other options, like adoption. I decided to put off thinking about it for now. It's not like I had to be in a big hurry. I wanted my life to be more settled before I made a plan for my child. Settled with Devin? The possibility popped into my head. I attempted to nudge it down, realizing that I might be skipping ahead way too quickly. I ran up the stairs two at a time towards my bedroom. As I rounded my doorway, Tobi, Kim's bitchy cat, skittered out of the room as if I had just kicked her.
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We decided on an elegant, black, form-fitting cocktail dress. When paired with the super-high, shiny, black stilettos that Kim had loaned me, the look was classic and stunning. I just hoped I didn't fall down, especially considering what I was wearing underneath my ensemble.The thigh-highs, garter and racy thong were not my traditional type of undergarments. It made me feel sexy, though, to know how scantily I was clad underneath my demure outfit. I shivered in anticipation as I imagined how Devin's eyes would sparkle when he discovered my naughty secret.As I climbed the steps to the museum, I wished again that Devin had picked me up instead of asking me to meet him here. I had waited until fifteen minutes after the event started, hoping that there would be plenty of people here, so I could slip in unnoticed. I despised walking into parties by myself. The great room of the museum had been transformed into a sparkling fairy forest and the effect was magical. Six-foot tall mushrooms p
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"Identical twin"? My mind reeled. How could Devin have failed to mention that? And what have I just done? Thank goodness it hadn't gone any farther, but I would never be able to face Devon again.And what about him? I wondered disdainfully. Was he just going to screw a stranger in the bathroom? Well, he is a guy, my mind retorted. And I was totally coming on to him out there. It's not like a man to turn down easy sex.I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror. My boobs were hanging out and my dress was askew. I quickly went over and snapped the lock into place before someone walked in on me in this state of complete disarray.I splashed cool water on my face and patted my chest with a damp paper towel in an attempt to calm down. Never in my whole life had I been that excited, or this humiliated. What a difference a few seconds can make.As I attempted to fix my appearance, I thought about Devon. He really was identical to Devin physically, but he was darker, more dangerous. The bath
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He had the audacity to grin. Then he continued. "I don't generally share my brother's taste in women, but with you he did okay." "Okay?!?" I spluttered. Then I lifted my chin, deciding not to let him push my buttons. "You know, instead of rating me, you might think about how hurt Devin would be if he knew about us." "Us?" he asked. "So, now we're an 'us'? I didn't know you cared so much." "You know what I meant." I glared at him. This man was exasperating. He leaned forward to whisper in my ear. "When I'm fondling my date's fake tits tonight, I'm going to be thinking about your real ones." That did it. My mouth fell open, appalled. My eyes felt like they might pop out of my head. I whirled away from him and headed for the bar. I needed a glass of wine. Pronto. "Your brother is a pig!" I said loudly when Hailey hopped up on the bar stool next to me. "I'll take it you've met Devon," Hailey chuckled. "Yes, he can be a bit of a pig. But he can also be generous, and kind, and hilario
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I looked in my rear view mirror to make sure Devin's Jeep pulled out of the museum lot behind me. We had decided to go to my house, and I was suddenly nervous about having him in my space.Kim had worked the dinner shift tonight, so she wouldn't be there when we arrived, but she would be coming in later. I wasn't sure how to let her know not to disturb us. I wondered if I should tie a 'we are screwing our brains out' scarf to the doorknob, but decided that was a little crass. She would just have to draw her own conclusions when she saw Devin's vehicle parked in our driveway.I was hornier than I ever remember being. In fact, I briefly considered pulling over and having my way with Devin in his Jeep on the side of the road. I pictured myself climbing through the door-less driver's side and mounting him in one smooth move. I could have him inside me, easing this aching desire within seconds. I tapped the brakes, but at the last minute decided that we would have more room to fool around
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"Well, I'm glad he was there to save you, or I wouldn't be able to do this." I leaned over to give Devin a sweet, slow kiss. I was trying to think of a way to say that I had almost fucked Devon in a public bathroom, but my mind couldn't focus on anything but Devin when his tongue began swirling around mine.Devin pulled back and asked, "Do I get to see your bedroom?" I ran for the stairs and giggled as he playfully grabbed my rear end, following close behind me.We slammed my bedroom door shut and grabbed each other, groping to remove clothes as we fell into my bed. I didn't give Devon another thought. I spent the entire night rolling around naked with Devin's glorious body in a tangled mess of sheets.I awoke alone and immediately missed the feeling of Devin's warm, bare skin against me. I turned to find a lavender Post-It note on the pillow beside me. It had a giant heart drawn on it and was signed simply, "D,"He had obviously been in my bathroom and seen my circle of encouraging r
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I had just delivered Kim's coffee and returned to the kitchen to scrounge up some breakfast when Devin called. "I know it's short notice," he started, seeming almost nervous, "but would you have any interest in joining me at my family's weekly brunch?" He paused a second then added, "You really don't have to if you don't want to. I wouldn't go if my presence wasn't required.""I'd love to," I responded. "When?""Pick you up in an hour?""Sure." I tried not to let the panic ring through in my voice as we said our goodbyes. As soon as I touched the End Call button, I screeched up the stairs, "Kim! What does one wear to a fancy Sunday brunch?""Hell if I know," she grouched. Clearly her caffeine hadn't kicked in yet. I took the stairs two at a time, so we could have this discussion in person.I peeked around the corner of her doorway. "Help. His whole family will be there, and I have no idea what to wear.""He must have the serious hots for you, calling for another date half an hour afte
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Even though I had figured out that Devin's family was wealthy, I was not prepared for the estate that we pulled into. The stone mansion was massive and gorgeous, with clean lines and a classic look. The house paled in comparison to the grounds, though.The perfectly manicured yard had the feel of an English garden with an abundance of comfortable sitting areas, bright flowers, and quirky fountains. I laughed in surprise as we walked down the brick path to the backyard and a charming, winking baby elephant statue sprayed a mist of water on us.Devin shook his head, "My mother enjoys searching for the most whimsical oddities.""We should introduce her to my grandma, Kris" I answered. "She's the most whimsical person I've ever met. They would probably get along famously."It seemed like Devin was about to disagree with that when he opened the gate to the backyard, which caused me to completely forget about our conversation. It was the most breathtaking setup I had ever seen. From the ama
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The brunch was going well after our hysterics calmed down from Lisa's scandalous and outlandish comment. She and Devon were seated at the far end of the table from Devin and I, so I pointedly ignored them. I am a girls' girl, but this chick had seriously crossed the line.The conversation became boisterous as the twins got into a competition of one-upmanship. For each story that Devin told, Devon told one that was a little bigger and better. They both looked so handsome as they tried to top each other with their tall tales. We all laughed as the tone of the game switched and they started telling stories on each other.We heard about the time in high school when Devon yanked down Devin’s shorts and shoved him in the girls’ locker room.“yeah jokes on you,” Devin taunted him, “because seeing me naked is just like seeing you naked.” I shifted in my chair, trying not to think about that.“It must not be exactly the same, or I wouldn’t bag all of the hottest babes,” Devon quipped, making L
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It was still early afternoon when we left the party. I had a few hours before girls’ night with Kim, so I wanted to spend that time with Devin. I’d been dying to see the pole barn where he builds his boats, so I asked him to take me there.He seemed surprised, but delighted by the request. We drove there in silence, holding hands. Devin would occasionally look over and smile at me, and I would grin back at him, perfectly content.The building was even bigger than it had looked from Devin’s camper. I don’t know what I had been expecting to see, but it wasn’t what I found when we entered the huge structure.The enormous wooden boat in the center of the room was breathtaking. I stared at it in awe that Devin was able to build something so impressive. I had imagined that he made canoe-like boats, not anything as grand as this behemoth.The building was pristine, with a freshly swept floor and each tool in its spot. It was clear from looking around that Devin took great care and pride in h
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