All Chapters of Guarding The CEO’s Heart: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
39 Chapters
The Demanded MomentLily’s POV “I will fuck you tonight” he said and I looked at him, astonished.Why is he acting strangely? “You can’t force me” I yelled and covered myself again.“I have seen everything already, no need to cover” he declared and gave me a narrowed look, my eyes shot up with anger.“Xander, don’t fucking test my patience” I yelled at him, but he only smiled at me, his dimple showed up. “Get up and wear a dress, we are going on a date” he declared and my mouth opened slightly, is he for real?He wants to go on a date?“I won’t get up and I won’t go anywhere with you, a date is an alien fantasy you have” I said, my eyes looked at his and for once I tried not to get weak.“Are you inviting me to fuck you right now?” how can anyone get to this conclusion after I denied the idea of going on a date with him.“I am NOT” I sternly say, but he stays calm. He took long strides and in two seconds he stood hovering over my figure.“What?” I said and gulped, his eyes scanned
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Chapter 22
She fell apart? Lily's POV I don’t want you to. Don't love me. This was what I wanted to say but the way he smiled at me made me speechless. The prospect of him being my lover was beyond wonderful but only if he was not involved in the mafia. He was in the fucking mafia and all my attempts to think it was just untrue, his actions made it worse. “We should go in” I said and he sighed before we moved towards the hotel. As we went in, I noticed no one was there, the whole thing was empty. “Hey pretty, I hope you were the one with Xander that day” I heard a tall man say, he was exceptionally handsome and was leaner than Xander. “Which day?” I asked politely, “The day you two were fucking” I heard him say and went open mouth, so he was the one who heard my moans. I turned my face away, embarrassed because of my asshole man. “Mind your own fucking business or I might tell Lidiya about your intensions for good this time”, Xander said as he stood in front of me. Lidiy
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Chapter 23
Already weddedLily's POVThe gun. Who shot it? I only realized that when I felt blood on my shoulder. It wasn't mine. It can't be, no. I frighteningly look up, so slowly that the world may perish but when I looked at the man, I wholeheartedly embraced in pain, my whole world collapsed. X-xander, he was shot. His blood was over my body, his face paled and before I knew it, I held him as he was losing balance. My state was worse, my mind could not register the sudden events. His face was calm, even though he was in pain, looking at me all the time. “X-xander, y-you are?” I could not understand what I wanted to say at that moment. I hardly cared if I was shot next, I did not look at the man, who shot him. “L-lily, I am fine, you get away”, My eyes squeezed out more tears at his words and my chest started to hurt now. “I won't go”, I said while crying, my hands were bloodied, and the dress he so lovingly gifted me was also bloodied. The irony being that the blood belonged to h
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The scandalous contract Lily’s POV “So we are married?” I ask as I drive our way back to the hospital from where apparently Xander ran off. In his language, he was desperate to meet me, so he came here just after five minutes of waking up. “Did you not say so from your own pretty mouth?” He said as he gave me a teasing look. “That was just to escape the situation” I said as I took a turn, my mind remembering what happened thirty minutes ago. Apparently, I agreed that we were married but I did not expect Dad to not believe us. He totally refused it. “I thought you liked it, when I saw you blushing like a lady in love” He teased me more. I smile internally, “I wasn't blushing and I am not in any trap called love” I clarified while clearing my throat. “Fine baby pearl if you say so” He said and I peeked to see his smirk intensifying. Maybe I am but he does not need to know. “When we reach back, I have an offer for you”, he said. I took it in a light way b
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Husband and WifeXander's POVThe woman in front of me leans over my body. I could see the lust in her eyes, she licked her lower lip as if inviting me to eat her.My hand went over her waist, guiding her over me. She smirked and brought her lips near my ear, to whisper seductively.“Please hold me”, it sounded sensual and any man would die for this. I inhaled sharply and opened the knot of her halter-neck dress.“Aahnn” comes out her voice at the action I did next.…I attended the call while on my way to the airport.“Yes, Pearl?” I asked her and she yelled at me as soon as she heard my voice.“Where are you? You did not pick them up?” I sighed at her screaming right inside my ear.“I will, don’t worry”, I told her, " It's been an hour since you left from here and should have reached on time but you are just somewhere else, aren’t you?”.“I had been in the traffic” I clarified and hung up. She is behaving just like a wife should and I love it. I would have loved to listen to her ram
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No More Tease (MATURE CONTENT)Lily’s POV“Ahhn” I moaned in between our kiss when he smacked my butt. His hand was tracing all over my back while the other tucked the hem of my shorts.I fisted his hair as he squeezed my waist. His touch was ecstatic. “Pearl, you smell divine", he said and as he attacked my neck with his sharp fangs, biting me there. “What are you, a bloodthirsty monster?" I said in between my heavy breathing. “I am, I am thristy for you, your soul" he said as he sucked the bitten area, it pained but the pain was making me wet. He tucked his finger in my bra from the side and I could feel his finger touch the lower outline of my breast. He continued his kisses or should I say biting, all over my neck reaching towards my collarbone. “My soul?" I asked and he looked at my eyes again, his eyes were capturing me in his cage. “Yeah baby, your soul. I want it" he looks straight in my eyes and I kissed him. I bit his lower lip and could feel the metallic taste in my
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Who was the girl? Lily's POV" So you are upset with William uncle? " I nodded at Beatsie's words." It sounds like a villian Dad against two lovers" Beatsie said dramatically and I rolled my eyes. Now she is gonna go on and on about it. "But Uncle should have agreed, does he not like Xander? ", " I don't think so", Alessia said. "He wants me to marry his so loved business partner" I said and sipped my coffee. "Then I can have him, problem solved" Beatsie stood up and looked at me with shinning eyes. "Then you can go to the hospital", " Huh? "." Yeah, Xander beat the shit out of him because he tried to touch me" I added. "The fucckk, he did whattt? ", I sighed and nodded. She stood up and went staright to Xander's chair. " Can I borrow your gun?", Xander looked like he wanted to leave. He just looked at her dumbfounded. "I want to commit a murder", she said with a stoic face and Xander looked at her like some old man who was fed up with his life and had to deal with her ove
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Accusations and AnswersLily’s POVI can’t believe it, he was with another girl.I thought he went to visit his father at that time but I heard everything from the staff of Caliora, Ziven’s hotel.Flashback“I can’t reach him”, I said and Ziven frowned, “ I was sure Xander told me, he would make it till evening. He is at his father’s”.“Don’t worry, I will see to it. You should rest for now”, he said and handed me a key to one of the rooms while the staff guided me.I went up and laid down, it was relaxing after so much work.Fuck, it got so hectic and I am sure it will be like that for a whole week.I need to get my shit up.Thrash, I heard a voice from outside the room.“You know, Mr Mrorozov is her husband” I heard hushed whispers as I positioned my ear on the door.Yep, he is my husband but why are they so surprised?“I am so sorry for the poor soul”, an old lady said, huh? Sorry for me? “Yeah, she seems like a reputable girl. I wonder why this came about”, another continued.“Bu
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Getting over it Lily's POV“Yes, I will meet you tomorrow at the meeting”, I said and sighed as I leaned on my chair. The work is just piling up and I need to attend at least five more meetings in the next two days.“We still have to plan the design for next month’s feast”, I nodded at my secretary and stood up. I had sketched some designs while I was bored this whole month.The planning went well and after some alterations, they were finalized by our team.“Lily, enough. Let’s go now”, I heard my husband but chose to ignore him, just nodding a little for the answer.I had been avoiding my husband for as long as I could. It is difficult but I am managing somehow.I stood up after tidying up my desk a bit and he followed me, “ Anything about him?” I asked as I looked straight and walked towards the exit.“Not yet. He is underground”, I nodded at him and we sat in the car. We had not talked about it since that day, nor has he tried to make anything clear. No words are exchanged betwee
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The truth? Lily's POVKilled her? I don't believe this Fucker. As I looked at him with an astonishing look, he laughed seeing me, laughed? Asshole. I rolled my eyes at him, he is such a fucker. Joking about murders and killings. "Don't fuck with me, let go", I said as I whispered it in his ear and nudged his shoulder to remove his hand. " You don't believe me Pearl?, " he asked as his hold tightened over my shoulder. "Leave me, I don't care if you killed her, fucked her or had a child with her" I whisper yelled. Caesar and Niko were there playing. "I can't have a child with anyone other than you now", he said and pecked my ear. " I want you to come back to our house", "That is yours, not mine" I said. "My wife is quite stubborn", he said and I immediately countered, "I am not your wi-". I stopped in between, " Yes, you aren't what Mrs Morozov" he said as he whispers it lowly in my ear. "I won't go with you", I yell at him. But his hold tightened on my shoul
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