All Chapters of Guarding The CEO’s Heart: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
39 Chapters
chapter 11
Under the shadows (Warning-This chapter has mature content) Alister’s POV I let out the smoke and leaned back on my throne, it has been a while since I killed someone, two days presumably. I sigh and see a man being dragged my way, he fell down right on my shoes and I lifted his face using my shoe. “Pakhan(leader), we have found the man” said a man and I nodded at him slightly. The man lowered his gaze with terror and I gave him a bored expression, “Name?” . No reply. Bang, I shot his right arm and again asked, this time more calmly, “Name?”.He screamed and started making noises. “G-ggio-gio” he stuttered, I am getting really bored now. I kicked his face that was resting on my shoe. “I don't like to repeat myself yet I did that for you, so answer or go to real hell” I said as I got up, he held my leg, begging for mercy while blood oozed out of his wound. “G-giovanni s-sir, please don’t send me there” he pleaded, his face decolourized. “So you were flirting wit
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Chapter- 12
Dance and gunshot(Lily’s POV)I open my eyes, feeling like being battered on the head, my eyes daring to close again as I adjust to the light falling from the small window in front.I lifted my head with difficulty, I was on the floor tied up, my clothes shattered revealing my struggle to avoid the situation I am in right now.Fear.Fear is what I feel when I hear footsteps again, they approach the door and I move my head slowly, as if to make this a dream but I saw him, he appeared in front.The lustful smirk played on his face, terror engulfed me, he inched closer, my heart throbbing with horror. I could die right now but I cannot, I want to die but he won’t kill me.Tears sealed my eyes, I shut them and thought about the life I had till now but I felt a pull, I came out of darkness.I finally opened my eyes, sweating as hell, my mind blank for a whole minute as Xander questioned me. I felt relief seeing him, he held my face and I forgot the sensation I felt before.The choked fee
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Chapter 13
The Stalker? Lily's POV “W-who are you?” I barely managed to utter as the man became visible to me. I saw his tattooed chest, his fuller biceps and the anger on his face. Though his face was not really visible that much I was trying to register his face but the lights of the bar were switched off. Will he kill me? “Alister” He said, his voice was different from others, it held the caliber to make others feel terror. “I-i, please leave me, I don't know you” I said almost crying but i controlled my tears, I cannot be scared here. He laughed like a maniac, “leave you say? I did not even hold you yet so i won't leave you”. He was making fun of me, his gun still pointed at my head, it was not even moving an inch. “The important question here is, how could you let that fucker touch you when you have me?” He said. Huh? I have who? Him? He looks good but I am attracted to more than that, I would never care for someone like him. I smirk at him, I don't know how I
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Chapter 14
The alluring night(Mature content ahead) Lily’s POV“Aahh” I moaned. I felt Xander kissing my neck, so roughly, I could feel his passion.He stopped and looked at me, his olive eyes reflected desire, hunger and yearning for this.He lifted me up and we kissed all the way to the bedroom. I hurriedly opened the doorknob, and we went inside the room.He threw me on the bed and came hovering over me, the kiss depended and I fisted his hair but then he stopped midway.“What?” I asked breathing heavenly, he did not reply instead moved away from me and sat on the couch at the side. I was perplexed by this action, did he not like it?“Xander?” I again asked and this time, he looked at me, in my eyes capturing my soul, my existence.“I hope you know what you did out there?” he questioned while he crossed his hands across his chest.“What did I do? At the bar?” I said and I could see the anger on his face.Oh yeah, that guy I danced with.“That was the plan right?” I asked, very aware of the
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Chapter- 15
The Escaped Man Xander’s POV I opened my eyes to see that Lily was asleep beside me and I held her waist in possession while she cutely snuggled her face in my chest. Have I ever been so delighted to wake up and see a literal goodness hugging me while we had a wonderful night? Well no because I have never been so caring with a woman, I hate them but I never knew I was so attracted to this little one, I released along her as she rode me, claiming me wildly. She passed out last night from all the stuff we did but we just came once, I think she is too weak to pleasure. She needs to change that otherwise, she wouldn't survive even a round with me. I stared at her and thought how she rode me, she was cute last night but I am still angry at her for letting those fuckers touch her. We had planned to lure Alister out but it was nowhere mentioned that she had to dance like that, I was barely controlling myself that time. But when I saw that he put his hands under her skirt, I lost it.
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Chapter 16
The blind date (Lily's POV) “But Dad I am not interested in a date at the moment” I argued with Dad. “My child, you know this is the best right now,” Dad said, I sighed heavily. “Go this once” He urged and I had to agree after a while. I can’t Dad about my relationship with Xander, he would not like it and I am yet to discuss it with Xander. I wonder how Xander would react. Should I tell him? I don't want to lie about this or keep him under any cloud. Yeah, I should tell him. I went and saw him, he was sitting on the couch working on something, “You have a moment?” I asked and he looked at me, he was wearing glasses. My goodness, HE is so tempting. Fuck this date, I want to be with Xander instead. “Yes pearl”(Russian), he says and I melted again, it sounds so fine when he says it in Russian. I sat across from him and he took off his glasses. “Dad had set me up on a blind date” I said and he looked at me for a few moments before saying, “So you want me to accompany yo
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Abandoned and findingLily’s POVWhile I was roaming in his mansion, Nikolai came running to me. I picked him up and kissed him, he was so impatient when it came to kisses, he wouldn't leave you unless he had planted at least a dozen of them.The poor boy made a sad face, he was missing his owner.I consoled him and he woofed sadly, I don't know where he is.“You missing him baby?” I questioned in Russian, he only understood that.He shook his head and I smiled at him.I had not seen him since that day we had a fight. He was missing for three days and I hardly cared, I was just worried for Nikolai.I thought about leaving for my old apartment as the root cause of why I had been here has been resolved but I was still asked to stay here, and new people were appointed to me.‘Milyy’ I remembered the sound of his serene voice as he called me, so dearly. It was just for sympathy, he was just showing me some care because I was being harassed by some other man.I exhaled and went to wander a
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Mysterious mansionXander’s POV“And if I don’t, I will ruin you”.She said and I inhaled calmly, I crept closer and bent a little. She stepped back, taking small steps at a moment.“You already ruined me” I whispered, her words were nothing but cute to me.I was losing blood, it was all over her as I hugged her but she pushed me.“I am sorry, I thought it was some intruder”, the man who hurt my baby said and bowed his head towards Lily.I eyed him to leave and lifted up Lily. She struggled and hit me, where I had injuries in the process.I felt nothing, it was no big deal on the contrary I was turned on as she touched me all over.“How do you know that woman?” she asked, “Who are you talking about?” I asked as we reached my room and I kicked open the door.“The lady in the portrait” she clarified, my face turned stiff, her?“I don’t know her” I said, “Then how come you have her portrait, tell me”.I frowned, she was being too much of a detective, “My father had purchased it, I don't
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The Hasty DemandLily’s POVThe lady in the portrait, how does Xander’s father know her?I need to find out. Xander also knows it but he won’t tell me about it.He must have had his reasons but I have many more to reveal the truth.My phone rang, and Dad was calling again. I have avoided him since that date but he is adamant.He wants me to marry already.Marriage at my age? And that too with that guy, I had no fucking interest in?I sometimes couldn't understand him, I hope Mom was here with me.I called Adam, my brother.“Yes, Lily?” he asked, “Why is Dad behaving like this?” I questioned him.“I don't know, I was trying to convince him but he is not listening to me”.“But I am not ready for marriage yet, and the guy he is talking about is just a creep”, I said remembering how he was smiling at me.“I won’t let it happen” he said and I sighed, putting the phone back.“Marriage?” I heard a manly voice, filled with rage. No, now is not the right time.“Whose?” he again asks me as he t
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Ran Away?Xander’s POVThat old motherfucking bastard, I don’t know what that guy said to my baby and she was totally rejecting me now. She was not talking to me, no kisses whatsoever and now she is dating that Marcus guy.I cannot do much, because I don't want to kill Marcus but if this continues, I might have to do the deed.She wants to go back but I somehow held her up here, this is getting difficult. I need to do something real quick.“Pearl baby, listen to me” I said as I knocked on the door but I got no reply.I unlocked my phone and started the clip, Lily stood at the main door, and she went away, one hour ago.I sighed, this woman is getting out of hand, she has a death wish.“Baby, this is the biggest mistake you have made”, I said and took the car keys.I called her, as my hand worked on the steering wheel, it was raining heavily.My view became distorted as it was night, my baby better be safe or I would really kill everyone.I heard the sound of the ringtone, she was not
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